Chapter 30 : She Loves You

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Cameron's POV :
"Dude we should head home ." I said while trying on a red vans shoe
"Chill dude, the mall closes at 10" said Ethan
"But what about April and Grayson "?
"They're fine dude ! They are probably having sex right now 😂" Laughed Ethan

I then thought for a moment.

"April is still a virgin right ?"
"Well yeah , I think ." said Ethan
"What do you mean you think ?"
"Come on Cameron , you really think that April is a virgin.. Come on dude she's even slept with Gray in the same bed !"
"What when ?" I yelled
"When we were in Chicago. It's not like it matters now ." Said Ethan
"Uh yes it does ! Has Grayson had a girlfriend before he started talking to April?"
"That leads us to the final answer.."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Ethan
"Grayson and April must've had sex when we were in Chicago..." We said at the same time .

Grayson's POV : April and I sat in the living room and watched Netflix . (Netflix & Chill 😉) We were watching Fifty Shades Of Grey . I could tell April was getting a little uncomfortable. So was I .

"This movie is ... Uh very sexual" She said
"Yeah it is" I said
"Don't get any ideas Grayson Dolan!"
"Trust me I won't !" I said laughing

We still continued watching the movie . April then laid her head on my chest .

"April " I asked
"Yea Gray?"
"Would you like to go on a date with me ?"
"A date ?"
"Yea like me and you " I smiled
"Your serious "?
"Okay then yes , I will go on a date with you Grayson Dolan " smiled April


"So what'd you buy ?" I asked Ethan
"Bought myself a muscle tee . "
"What'd you buy Cam ?" Asked April
"Bought myself some white vans , couple of shirts . Calvin Klein underwear." He smirked
"Oh god Cameron ." Laughed April

Ethan and Cameron put there shopping bags aside from us and set them by the couch .

"So what'd you guys do when we were gone ?" Asked Cameron
"Oh you know , we watched movies , and we talked " said Grayson
"That's it ?"
"Yep pretty much ." I said
"You didn't do anything else ?"
"No ... Why is there a problem ? I said while I put my arm around April's shoulder .
"No I'm just asking ."

Ethan's POV: I thought it was pretty odd the fact that Gray and April didn't do "anything" . Like they were alone ! Who knows what they've could've done !
Cameron grabbed me and took to the kitchen .

"Dude this doesn't add up!"
"I know man !" I said
"How could they possibly not do anything! Besides watch a movie ?"
"I don't know man , but they are acting a bit weird ."
"Right ! Did you see how Grayson put his arm around April ?"
"Yea did you see how April didn't say a word !!!" I said
"Are they back together???"
"I doubt it ."

Me and Cameron came out of the kitchen and saw that Grayson and April weren't in the living room .

"Cam where'd they go ?"

Cameron then looked outside in the backyard .

"They're outside ."

What are they doing ?"
"They're just sitting on the grass , talking , looking at the stars ."
"Dude that's pretty nice . Gosh I miss my girlfriend ."
"Me too Ethan . By the way , when does Kylie and all them come back from Shawn's tour ?"
"I think this week !"
"Ok good ! Because I'm missing Haylie like crazy !"

April's POV : Grayson and I thought that it would be nice if we were to go outside and look at the stars . We sat on a blanket and talked .

"Don't you think Ethan and my brother were acting quite a bit weird .?"
"Omg yes ! They were all asking a lot of questions . They Made it seem like we murdered someone . "

We both laid down on the blanket . I laid on Grayson's chest . He then put his arm around my waist .

"What happened to us April ?" He whispered

It took me awhile to answer .

"Everything Grayson . We rushed through things ... We Didn't even have time for ourselves . It just wasn't the right time ..."
"I think that too . I'm sorry for messing up . "
"It's not your fault . I mean I made mistakes too ..."
"Well yeah , but I was the one who treated you badly ."
"Grayson you need to stop blaming your self for everything that happened between me and you ok . "

I cut him off .

"Grayson ... "
"Okay fine ."
"Do you think we could try it again ." He added
"Try what again ?"
"Like our relationship . Start all over ."
"I think we can make that work , but not now . I need time ."
"Okay April . "

Things got pretty awkward after that .

"Uh Gray?"
"Yea April "
"I'm going to bed ."
"O-ok ."

Grayson helped me get up from sitting on the grass and hugged me . He looked at me , held my hand and kissed me on the lips .

"Sweet Dreams Beautiful ." He whispered
"Good night Gray." I smiled

I let go of his hand and walked back inside . I then ran upstairs into my room . I changed into pajamas and laid in bed. All I could think about was Grayson . He really did care and love me but all I ever do is push him away . I just don't want to get hurt by him again . As a matter of fact never .

Grayson's POV : As April walked inside the house . All I could think of was her . I really enjoyed her being next to me . I missed her so much . It's like We never separated . I just don't know if she still has feelings for me . She's so confusing . Like there's days where she acts like she's in love with me , but there's days where she shows no emotion . It's so hard to tell !

I walked inside the house and saw Cameron and Ethan smiling .

"What ?" I said
"What happened ?" Grinned Cameron
"N-Nothing "
"Did she cut you off bro ?" Said Ethan
"No ! Nothing like that ! She just... I don't know man . She so confusing !"
"What do you mean by confusing ?" Asked Cameron
"Well there some days when she acts like she still has feelings for me , but there days when she doesn't want anything to do with me ."

Cameron laughed

"Why are you laughing ?" I asked
"You don't get it .. do you ?"
"What ?!"
"That's how April is . She doesn't like showing people that she loves them . There's days where she acts like she loves you, but there's times that she doesn't . That's her way of saying that she still has feelings for you , she's just scared of getting hurt again ."
"How do you know that ?"
"She did the exact same thing with Daniel before they even started dating or even started talking ."
"Really ?"
"Yeah , so you have your chance ."
"Wait why are you being so nice about it ."
"Come on dude . You really love my sister . My sister clearly loves you . "
"But what about the things that I did to her?"

A/N : hey 💗 it's April again :) so I'm actually starting a new book :) but I won't say what it's about :) just to let you know ... It's going to be a Sammy Wilkinson Fanfic 😈❤️!!! So expect a lot of things .... << and by that I mean .... Yanno Rated-R :) lol bye !!!

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