Chapter 10 : Its Official

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Daniel's POV : Today was the day of my tour . Cameron and April were running late as usual . I guess they had to pick up Haylie . Once we all met up , we went to to the airport . I can't wait to sing the song that i dedicated to April 💜.

"Oh my gosh ! Cameron where did you leave Cashew ?" Asked April
"April calm down , Cashew is with Haylie's sister , Kiana "
"Is cashew going to be okay ?"
"April , Remember Kiana loves dogs 🐾. Said Haylie
"Oh right I forgot ."

Obviously , Cameron and Haylie sat next to each other . Leaving me and April to sit next to each other . It was pretty nice actually .

"April I-im so nervous " I said
"Awh don't be , I'm here with you . Besides the fans will love you !"
"Well yeah I know , but I-i kinda wrote a song for you ."
"You wrote a song for me Daniel 💜. "
"Yeah I did ,"
"Awh Daniel , that's means a lot to me . I can't wait to here it ."

She smiled .

"April you should get some sleep . We're gonna arrive in Sacramento pretty late . "
"Okay , Goodnight Daniel"
"Goodnight April."

April yawned and rested her head on my shoulder . I smiled . I then held her hand . Could this night get any better 💜.

Isabella's POV : Today was the Dolan Twin tour . It sucked because April left to go on tour with Daniel Skye . I wonder if April and Gray still talk to each other . Me and Ethan were getting ready to go to Oakland , since that was where the tour was going to be . Ethan was getting frustrated because Grayson wasn't answering his phone calls .

"Where is Grayson ? He hasn't answered any of my calls , He never even came home last night ! "
"Ethan , calm down , I'm pretty sure he's sleeping in , he's probably stressing out about April ."
"But that's not like him . He's always on time , especially when it comes to going on tours . "
"I'm sure he's barley waking up . Don't worry he'll show up ."

Grayson's POV : I was so tired from last night . I awoke to Chloe laying on my chest . Obviously we were both naked . For some reason , I felt like I was forgetting to do something .

"Good morning Baby" said Chloe
"Good morning "

She then leaned in and kissed me . Damn she used a lot of tongue . Kinda freaky . I then stopped kissing her because my phone started ringing from text messages . It was Ethan . Oh shit .

//From Ethan \\
Gray where the fuck are you ?

Answer me !

Grayson ! Wake up !

Gray were gonna be late !

Get up now ! Or else your not going on tour !

Grayson please get up !

Chloe then grabbed my phone and read the messages .

"Baby who is this ?"
"It's my brother "
"Oh yeah right , Ethan ."

She then put my phone down .

"Your not going Gray "
"Chloe I have to go , I'm going on tour ! I have to see my fans "
"Well I'm your girlfriend ! And I say you're not going !" She yelled
"Chloe ."
"Gray who cares about the tour and I don't give two shits about your fans . You're here with me , and that's all that matters ."

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