Chapter 29 : Needing You

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Grayson's POV : I wondered what April dreamed about with Daniel ? She was crying the whole night . The dream must've meant something to her . Or maybe the fact that she really misses Daniel .

"It's going to be okay babe " I said while kissing April's forehead

She calmed down and went back to sleep .

•Next Morning•

I got up from sleeping next to April and went downstairs . Cameron and Ethan were passed out on the floor. I then went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast. I made pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and tater tots :) !!! After I finished making breakfast, I went back upstairs and went to wake up April.

"Babe its time to wake up"

"W-what" she said half asleep
"I made breakfast"
"carry me" she whined as she threw out her arms

I picked her up into my arms and carried her bridal style. April was so adorable when it comes to things like this. When I carried her into the kitchen, Cameron and Ethan were all ready sitting at the table eating food.

"Morning Gray" smiled Ethan as he stuffed his mouth with food
"Good food man!" said Cameron
"Gee thanks guys " I said rolling my eyes

April sat next to Cameron and yawned . I then served her food and gave her apple juice.

"thanks Gray"
"no problem April, you deserve it"

She started to eat her food. Cameron and Ethan had finished their food.

"Yo bro me and Cameron are gonna go to the mall wanna come ?" asked Ethan
"nah im okay, ill just stay here with April."
"are you sure Gray? you should go with them," said April
"no I rather stay with you" I said
"DUDE SHUT UP" I yelled back

April turned bright red and stormed to her room. Ethan looked confused.

"See what you did Ethan" I yelled
"W-what did I do ?" he said
"Don't worry about it man, April will get over it " said Cameron
"im gonna go talk to her, ill be right back.

April's POV : I wasn't really in a good mood this morning. I didn't want that dream to end . I miss Daniel , but maybe he's right , I do have to let him go . I can't be miserable for the rest of my life ! I'm also not sure if I could get back together with Gray again . What pissed me of was what Ethan said . Like who gives a crap if we're trying to "Reconnect" like worry about your relationship with Kylie , not mine !

I didn't want to go off on Ethan , so I just went to my room . I cried on my pillow . All of a sudden , Grayson came into my room .

"April , I'm so sorry ."
"Why do you care so much ?"
"Huh what do u mean ?"
"Why do you care on how I feel ."
"Because I care about you April . "
"Why did you make me breakfast?"
"Because ."
"Why ? Did you think I would be all over you , Telling you that I want to be your girlfriend . Oh hell no !"

Grayson got very offended. He turned around and began to walk to the door .

"So your just gonna leave ." I said rudely

He looked at me with tears coming down his eyes .

"Why are you crying." I asked
"Oh I don't know ? Maybe because the girl that I'm in love with , doesn't appreciate on any of the shit that I do for her ! Maybe because when I try to be nice to her she pushes me away . And sometimes I ask myself . Why do I have feelings for this girl when she doesn't give a damn about me !"

Those words went straight to my head . I didn't appreciate anything that he did for me . I was selfish and only thought of myself. Grayson's eyes were bloodshot red by the end . I realized what I did was wrong .

"Gray..." I said standing up
"What April ." He whispered
"I'm sorry , okay please don't hate me . I'm sorry for the way I treated you , and for what I said ."
"You just by saying sorry , isn't going to fix anything April ."
"Gray please ! I'm sorry ."

I didn't want to be in a argument with Grayson . I don't want our relationship to fail once more . We've hurt each other way too much already .

"Please Grayson."

Grayson glared at me and left . That instantly broke my heart . Grayson left me . 💔

Grayson's POV: What April said really hurt my feelings . How on earth could she say that to me ? I would never leave her , But I don't know if I can forgive her that easily .

•Later that Day @ 7:00

April's POV : Cameron and Ethan haven't came home yet , surprisingly. It gave me a little extra time to apologize to Grayson. I am such a dumbass for acting that way towards Grayson. I mean it's not his fault that Daniel passed away. I just wanted to make things right on apologizing properly. I went downstairs
And saw him watching tv on the couch .

"Grayson can we talk ?"
"We have nothing to talk about about "
"Yes we do Grayson! And you know it "
"April what did i just say."
"I'm sorry Grayson! I'm sorry for acting like a bitch to you . Wanna know why I was acting like that ?"
"Why" he said upset
"Because that dream that I had last night wasn't just about Daniel , It was about you . "
"What do u mean it was About me ?"
"I didn't know I was in love with you , until Daniel told me I was ."

Grayson's Jawline clenched up . He then looked at me .

"So your point is ?"
"My point is , is that I have let go of Daniel . I really want you back in my life Gray ."

Grayson ignored me so I started to walk away . Right when I was an inch away from him , Grayson grabbed me and kissed me passionately.

"I want you in my life also April. 💛"

A/N : Hmmm #Aayson 😱💛?!? Is April and Grayson's relationship about to begin again ? Who knows ?!? STAY TUNED BABES 💗 It's Crazy how I got noticed by Nick Medina like 6 times 👑💗. Anyways Vote and Comment :)))) Ily so much!

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