Chapter 2

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Hunter POV

It had been a week since I last saw her. I didn’t even know her name but yet she hunted my dreams. Her beauty was breath taking like God himself took his time making her. She had brown hair that went to her waist line, sliver eyes with a hint of blue and had curves all in the right places. The only thing wrong with my mate was that she was human; she would be too weak to protect herself if she ever had to. She would not be able to survive in my world and I don’t want her to go through that.

But God she was so tempting and my wolf was not making it easy on me he kept sending me mental pictures of her. He was completely pissed at me and refuses to talk to me until he had his mate. Also because of that any girl who I look at our touch just disgusted me. Especially Melissa she was the pack slut in other words and she thinks she is my girlfriend and future Luna. Like I would but her as our Luna. I just haven’t said anything about it, but I hear what the pack members say about her and they fear if she was our future Luna.

James my beta, Logan my third in command and I have kept an eye out for my little mate who is apparently good at hiding herself it seems. We have started to look for her and man it is hard. They and James is sister Cassidy who is one of my best friends are the only people who know about my mate. She has also been helping in the search for my mate, I know it seems like I am stalking her which would make me a really bad stalker.

But I don’t care I want her and I shall have her because she is mine and only MINE. 

Isabelle POV

It’s been a week since I have been in the woods. I had been recently staying in a hotel room which I had to admit was pretty nice and it’s got a hot tub in my bathroom. But I would not pay for the food here it is way too expensive, so I was now on my to a grocery get some food. I swear I am being stalked at this very moment, this black SUV has been following me since I left the hotel. It’s like one in does moment where the from the movie where the van follows you everywhere and when you least except it the open the doors and kidnaps you and take you to the torture thingy or whatever you call it.

Yep that’s the moment that is happening to me right now but of course being me I just speed walk trying not to gain too much attention. But you know what know I am completely sure that stupid van is following me because it began to speed up and was heading in the same direction I was. But the only question on my mine was what did they want me for?  

I have no idea how long I was thinking for because the next thing I knew I was pulled into the same SUV. Three guys, all of the from the woods earlier this week were looking at me with smiles plastered on their faces and the only thing I am thinking is 

I am being kidnapped by sexy guy, but that still does not change the fact that they are fricking kidnapping me. The one who sat next to me cleared his throat drawing my attention.

“Hi my names James sorry we had to meet like this again” James said with a sheepish smile.

  “Why the mothers of all things sweet are you fudge nutting kidnapping me” I shouted outrage and rubbing my templates. James looked at me amused, the one sitting in the passenger driver seat looked at me like I was a nut job and the driver who eyes I could get lost in looked at me with lustful eyes. Is it me or are these people crazy as a five year old who just got candy, no just me all right.

“Are you going to answer me or just stare?” I asked glaring at them all that seem to snap them back to reality.

“Oh…. Yeah one we're not kidnapping you and two you have a pretty weird language and third we are taking you to your new home” The dude who was in the passenger seat said as if it was big deal.

“O God tell me I am on one of those prank shows right now” I said in a whisper with my eyes close.

“Babe this is not a prank show” The one who I am guessing is the driver said, and when I open my eyes he was not lying Ashton Kutcher did not jump out dame. So I did the only logical thing and seeing as the door was unlock bear in mind the car was still moving, I jumped out and began to roll a little but was able to get up and run for my life.   


Well this is interesting little predicament I am in if I do say so myself and I am glad that I choose my black three quarter pants and a white tank with my converse. At least I would be able to run without falling I hope.  

“Bloody, hell, Rape!” I screamed when I notice they were running after me. Like seriously there must be a good be like fifty people on this street and yet some ignore my screams for help while others look at me with an amuse expression. Am I missing something here because last time I checked when you see some being chase down the street you try to bloody hell help there arse.

‘Stop running, there not going to hurt you’ A small voice inside my head said. Okay I am officially freaked. Now there is a voice speaking to me in my head. I think that’s enough to get me into the loony hospital. Maybe that better that being chased by three hot guys. Wait did I just say hot I mean chased by three dumb guys. Eh that would have to do for now.

I guess I was in my own world because I hadn’t even realize they caught up to me and one of them snaked their arms around my waist causing sparks to shot through my body and me to yelp.

“Babe I don’t like you running from me but I also like a good chase” He said in a low husky voice that sent shivers of delight down my spine. It made my body aches to be closer to him and have him hold me. Okay where did that come from I am starting to think something is wrong with me and was worst is my body is chooses to betray me at this point in time. Oh great bless my luck, note sarcasm.

“What the hell do you want with me” I sneered, I was not afraid of them and to tell you the honest truth I felt safe around him but I still would not trust him. That is a fool’s game and he was the fool who wanted to mess with someone who he had no idea about all I can say is bring it on.

“I want you, my little mate” he replied in a seductive voice while carrying me back to the van. Okay did anyone else hear him say mate as the English world which meant friends. But he didn’t sound English and I was definitely not his friend if that what he was thinking. Like seriously who becomes friends with their kidnapper you have to be as cray-cray as them to do that.

‘You’re gonna eat does words one day and it will be sooner than you think’ the little voice in my head said. Oh great look whose back and what does she mean?

‘When time comes everything shall be revealed’ that was the last thing the voice said before disappearing and the dude locking me in the van in between the other to dudes from earlier.

I could not really pay any attention to them my mind just kept wondering back to that voice. Where it came from and what was it talking about.

By body was tried and I could barely keep my eyes open and that when the thought hit me maybe this was all a messed up dream that I would wake up from. But before I could confirm my thought darkness consumed me.

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