Chapter 9

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Isabelle POV

“Sooo, what are you guys up to?” I asked as I made myself comfy on the couch, between Hunter and Shain. Hunter had pulled me closer to him and had his arm around me. I sent him a questioning look at him but he just smiles and shrugged, okay then.

“Just playing some COD, it been a boring day” One of the twins answer, I believe this one was Liam. 

“But seeing as you’re here, let’s get to know each other” The next twin Kyle said with a smirk plastered on his face. The rest of guys nod their heads in agreement, it won’t be that to get to know them.

“Um, okay so what do you guys wanna know?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, they seem to think for a moment and Logan was the first to think of a question.

“How did you get on our land the day we first saw you by the lake?” Now all the attention was back on me, they looked at me with curiosity.

“What do you mean?” 

“Well, we have the whole place guarded so it would be pretty hard for you to get in here, without us knowing one-time” I thought about it for a second, well about that day. I had just gotten to California a two days before I had entered the woods and that was only because I was stocking up on food. After that I had begun my journey into the woods. If they had the place guarded that well then I wouldn’t be able to have gotten in.

“Well then you guys need to work on your guarding system” I said with a shrug, they looked like they were going to ask more about the subject, so I just cut them off by continuing the story. “I was challenging myself at one point in time while in the forest and wanted to see how well I could walk from tree to tree without falling.” I didn’t tell them the other part because even if they were good friends of Hunter I was only now meeting them and I learn, it best to keep quiet about my gift. That day I had used something that I didn’t know I could do but found out a little over a month back. I could hide myself among nature without being caught. I don’t know how exactly it works as yet, so it has only been three times I had used that trick.

“Well that’s believable, but if she can come through like that, it means unwelcome visitors can to, we would have to fix that” Hunter said, and everyone in the room nods their head in agreement.

“So Isabelle, where were you before you came to Cali?” James asked.

“England” I said with a smile, it was really nice there I should go back again if I ever get a chance.

“How do get from England to California?” Shain asked looking at me weirdly.

“Well to tell you the truth I wasn’t really planning on coming her it just that I was talking with this girl back there, god knows how we got on that topic but she told me how she was coming here for the summer and that I should check it out because it is really nice and warm here, so I was like why not” I said thinking about that day, we had actually become good friends after that whole one direction thing.

“So if she didn’t tell you about here where do you think you would be right now?” Alex asked, I blinked I totally forgot he was here he was so quite.

“Oh I would probably be in the Amazon right now, I really wanted to go there still do that is one of my must go to places” I said as my eyes wonder over to Hunter to see if he had gotten my message behind it, I think he did because he smiled and his eye held understanding.

“So how old are you?” Liam asked.

“At the moment I am 16 but turning 17 next month” Oh wow time flies fast I hadn’t even realize it, my birthday was sneaking up on me, I think if Liam didn’t ask that, I would have only realize on my birthday and I would have felt like a fool.

“When exactly is your birthday?” Hunter question with a raised eyebrow looking genuinely interested in this little fact about me. It made my heart flutter a little to think that he actually cared when it was, oh dame I am turning into one of those love sick puppies and it needs to stop.

 “August the twenty- fourth” He looked like he was thinking of something and a small smiled crept up onto his face, I wonder what he was thinking of.

“Oh I have a question?” Shain said, making everyone turn their attention on him waiting for him to ask what he had to ask.

“Where do you get the money from to travel so much?” 

“Wouldn’t you like to know” I winked and turn my attention off of him. I wasn’t going to tell them, that was my business and was kinda complicated in that department so explaining it would have been hard and meant I would have to relieve my past to them, right now I am only okay with Hunter knowing.

“So enough about me, do you guys have any girlfriends?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, if I was going to live in a house filled of boys I would at least need some girl company to keep my sane.

“Darling are you tired of Hunter already, well that was fast and I thought you could keep your women Hunter” James said and the rest of the guys snickered while Hunter glared at them, I just rolled my eyes boys will be boys.

“Oh hush, I was just wondering because you know, house filled of guys, who don’t have any girlfriends I would think you guys were gay” I said simply the guys turned and glared at me while Hunter chuckled.

“I can a sure you that I am 100% straight, I don’t know about these knuckle heads, and yeah I have a girlfriend well she is actually my mate” James said with a dreamy expression that I couldn’t help but ‘aw’ at, he must really love her.

“The rest of the guys are single and players” Hunter said with a smirk on his face.

“Why don’t you guys have girlfriends, are you really gay, not that I am against it or anything” I said, the rest of the guys look completely offended and shocked.

“For your information we are also straight, the only reason why we don’t have girlfriend because it makes no sense when you’re gonna find your mate” Kyle said, and you could see the hint of loneliness in his eyes, it made me feel bad for him he really wanted his mate and was trying to play it off cool.

“So when do you guys find your mates?” I asked no one in general.

“When we turn sixteen our wolves start to develop so by the age 17 we would be ready to find our mates, and only Hunter and James are 17 hence why they have mates and we don’t as yet” Alex said.

 “Wait when did you turn 17?” I asked Hunter, he looked down at me smiling.

 “January the 5th” I nod my head in response. 

“So what you guys want to do now?” Liam asked.

“Why don’t we put on a movie” Shain suggested, everyone agreed with his idea.

“What movie?” Liam asked going through a stack of movies.

“What movie do you want to see?” Hunter whisper, it made my body shiver in delight at how husky is voice sounded and how close he was.

“I don’t really watch movies so it doesn’t matter to me” I said in the same whisper tone.

“How about Hang Over 2?” Kyle asked, everyone seem to agree with the movie choice. 

Half way through the movie I notice that outside had was now dark, had time really gone by that fast. But I guess it had because when I asked Hunter what time it was he said it was a little after eight. It was then the sleepiness had started to overtake me. I tried to stay awake for the movie, but this was a battle I was losing. Hunter seem to notice that as well, he fixed me so my head was lying on his chest and his arms where securely wrapped around me. This made me feel safe and happy, I couldn’t take it anymore I decided to let the sleep over take me because it wasn’t worth fighting anymore. 

“Good night angel” Was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep slumber but not before feeling lips press against my head. That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face.  

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