Chapter 5

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 Isabelle POV

Dear Diary,

Is it even possible to feel so empty that it hurts to live? I was able to get over these feelings a long time ago. The feeling of being empty and alone in the world. But then he came alone and brought it all back up. He’s the reason these feelings have awaken. The way he just walked into my world my life with no care in the world and turned it upside down.


Is it even possible to forget about him? His eyes hunt me in my dreams and his face in my awake. His name taunts’ my mind to no end .To tell you the truth I miss him, my whole body aches for him. Is it crazy to have these feelings for someone you just met, let alone kidnapped you?

But everything happens for a reason…….. Right?

Isabelle .C.

(Real Life)

If you wondering where my location is, I am at the clearing that I was when I first Hunter. It may be stupid coming here but it is the only place I feel at peace and home. Besides I was able to enclose myself in the trees so I would not be seen or heard it like how it is supposed to be but when you enter the clearing it takes to the different side of it. Right now I am laying on my side by the river playing with a Lily flower. They have been my favourite since my dad got them for me on my fifth birthday. My mom said that dad had given her does flowers on their first date because it her favourite. 

It’s been about three days since I ran out of Hunter’s house. Violet has been nagging me about going back to him and that he is a good guy. Good guy my arse was he not the one who kidnapped me, is he not the same one who had a girl who had on too much make up cough*slut*cough wrapped around and sure if he wanted me don’t you think he would be looking for me. He probably thinks I am some mental chick who he kidnapped and had a meltdown in front of his family. Okay I must admit it hurt to think he would not chase after me and that he would think such things of me well screw him.

Even though deep inside even without Violet constant nagging I would be still thinking of him. I just wanna got to him and apologize for overreacting and tell him I wanna be with him. As you can see I am at cross roads where my brain says get the next flight out of here away from this crazy place and then my heart wants to go to him and have him fix all my worries while he plays with my hair.

Sigh Hunter what you do to me…………………………

I decided that I needed to stop thinking about him because he is in the past, so I take out my iPod and listen to some music and to my luck one of my favourite songs come on I’m yours by Jason Mraz. I began to relax while singing along to the song in a whisper.  


I had taken off my music a few minutes ago and was on the verge of falling into a peaceful sleep. I tried to keep myself awake so he would leave me alone because it is worse in dreams than reality.

“You know no matter how much you run I will always chase after to right” when he said those words I froze on spot I didn’t even have to turn around to know it was him, it was Hunter and he finally found me. Did I let down my guard down at some point in time?

“Why?” I whispered knowing very well he can still hear me.

“Because you’re the girl who taunts’ my dreams at night, you’re the one who is always on my mind, you’re the one who stole my heart the minute I saw you, you’re the one who was made for me, my other half and guess what you’re the one that I want to be with.” He replied why taking a step to me every time.

“You don’t even know me” I said as a tear ran down my cheek falling onto the flower. No one has ever said that to me before and I can’t believe that’s how he feels.

“Your right I don’t so why don’t you give me a chance to?” Hunter said in a pleading tone which caused me to turn and look at him. He had taken a seat crossed legged behind me and was staring at the scenery. He looked like hell; did I really do this to him? My heart clenched at the thought of putting him through that, he didn’t deserve it at all. Before I could say something he continued.

“Why did you run?” He questioned in a whispered.

“I put you through hell didn’t I, you don’t even deserve this but yet here you are and for what a broken girl who has nobody in the world” I started and looked up to him to see he was staring at me with mixed emotions “Hunter look I am truly sorry I didn’t mean to do that to you it’s just that it brought up some bad memories that I couldn’t deal with” I finished and let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding in.

“Isabelle I don’t care if your broken, you may have put me through hell but do you really think I would give up on having my mate I just want it to be you and me” He said looking me dead in the eye, I stayed silent for a minute processing all of this and when I looked at him all I could see was love in his eyes. I didn’t even know what I was saying till it came out.

I was telling him about the death of my parents the one thing I have never told anybody, only I knew the truth. 

Hunter POV

I sat there on the floor as she stayed quiet, what I would do to hold her in my arms right now. So I did the next best thing I lifted her head and was about to put it on my.

“Please just let me hold you for once” I said in a pleading tone as she was about to protest to my actions. She allowed resting her head on me which I was grateful for as my wolf and I have been longing to have her in our arms. Before I knew it she began to speak again but this time she had her eyes close as if she was trying to remember something.

“When I was younger my parents decided to sit me down and have a talk with me, while we started my parents began to tell me some things that got me confused and scared, it was like they were saying good bye but I didn’t realize it was that they were saying at the time” She started as a tear rolled down her cheek, my heart broke a little at the sight of it I wanted to make her feel better but on the other hand I knew she had to get this out so I just played with her slick like hair.

“The next thing I knew there was banging on the door and my dad was gone, my mom continued to speak and then she began to hand me a bag with my belongings and told me to run, but what my mom didn’t know is that I was still able to see what was happening while I was outside” She said and released a breath before she continued.  

“There was a man and a wolf but one too big to be a regular wolf, he was requesting off my whereabouts which my mom had not given out because she wanted to protect me, the man then told the wolf to finish her which he did, he tore her to pieces and as was about to run off cause I could not take being there any longer I swear I saw the wolf give me a smirk if wolves could do that” As she finished her story she was crying in my chest as I try to comfort her. I swear if I ever meet does people who did that to her family I will tear them to pieces with no regret. I drew circles on her back in a soothing manner and said comforting words in her ear until she was able to cool herself down.

  “That’s why you freaked out because you thought all wolves were bad” I said in a whisper that only Isabelle would be only to hear.

“Yeah, well what would you have done if you found out you were mated to a werewolf the same kind that killed your parents looking for you, huh?” I asked as she wiped away her last tear drop from her face of an angle. I was speechless I would not know what to do at all but I guess I could understand why she did what she did I just hope one day she will be able to trust our kind again.

“Not all wolves are bad there are good ones out there as well, just like not all humans are bad” I said in a soft voice. She finally turned and looked at me for the first time since she told her story with a sad smile plastered on her lips.

“I know”

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