Chapter 21

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  Isabelle POV  

“Oh my gosh that is so cut I wish James would do something like that for me” Julie squealed like an excited teenager. But then again she technically is still a teenager. Somehow while she was still gushing and squealing about my date with Hunter her hands slipped off the car wheel.   

“Julie THE WHEEL” I shouted above her before the car had lost control and we would have crashed. 

Note to self-keep all things squeal worthy at home.

“Sorry, I got a little excited” Julie said with a sheepish grin, my eyebrows shot up at her words.

“A little excited?” I asked with a smirk and Julie shot me a look.

“Fine okay maybe a lot, but you need to understand” Julie said as she pulled up to the traffic light and turned to me with a serious look on her face.

“Enlighten me on what I need to understand then” I said half amused half serious.

 “You’re changing Hunter” Julie said like it was the answer to all the worlds unsolved problems.

Okay now I was completely amused.

“I’m changing Hunter” 




“That is the dumbest thing I heard that’s saying a lot seeing as I spent a whole day with the twins” I said just as the light turn green. 

“Hey! What was that for?” I asked as I rubbed the spot Julie hit on the back of my head.

“You’re not taking me seriously” Julie huffed and I kind of felt bad.

“Alright I’m sorry now tell me how he has so called “changed”?” I asked Julie rolling my eyes mentally at the last part. What I said I felt bad not that what she said wasn’t dumb.

Julie shot me a look before she continued.

“You may not see it because you only know the Hunter he is now but he was a lot different before you came” That was the last thing Julie Said with absolute seriousness before we pulled into the modeling studio where she worked. 


We had just stepped in the elevator when I turned to Julie and asked.

“So are you going to tell how Hunter was before me” I asked, Julie speared me a glance before hitting the button for us to go to the eight floor also known as the top floor.

“I think if Hunter wanted you to know about his past he would have told you” Julie answered in a soft voice.

“But Ju-“I didn’t even get to finish my sentence as Julie interrupted me.

“No buts Isabelle if you want to know so bad you can ask him yourself” Julie said and smiled at me before we stepped out of the elevator. 

All thoughts about the topic flew out of my head as I stared in aw what stood before me. Lights and cameras were going off, people were rushing around yelling stuff. There a group of people doing make-up and stuff on some models, a food table was set up in the back with little snacks and the actual area where everything would go down.

“Wow” I said.

“Yeah you get used to it after a while” My head snapped to a grinning Julie.

“I don’t think I could ever get used to something like this” I grumble under my breath but Julie heard me and look like she wanted to reply but was interrupted.

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