Chapter 12

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Isabelle POV

“Oh my gosh, never again” I said as my body collapse on next two Hunters body, he just kissed my cheek and chuckle at my misery.

“Oh come on you know you loved it” Julie said grinning from ear to ear as she gave James a peck on the cheek. 

“Are you kidding me, not even Barbie would enjoy that” I said as I sent a glare towards Julie.

“You exaggerating it wasn’t even that bad, I know I had fun” Julie replied back. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep now.

“Of course you had fun you weren’t the one be thrown into dressing room trying on a million different things, I hate shopping” I huffed as I folded my arms and yes you heard me right they sent me with Julie to go shopping. 


“I have the best idea ever” Julie said as her whole face lit up like a child’s on Christmas day.

“What is it babe” James asked looking a little sceptical; huh wonder what’s that all about. 

“You remember when you said that Isabelle didn’t have that much clothes” I raised an eyebrow at James wondering how that even popped up in their conversation; James catches my look and has a sheepish one of his own.

“What about it Julie?” I asked wondering where this is going.

“Let’s take you shopping, so we can get to know each other better without these boys” She all but squeal.

“Hey what’s wrong with us?” Hunter said from the door way, when did he get here? He looks in my direction and immediately comes and sits next to me.

“You guys complain too much, it can be very annoying and pulse you guys got her for a whole week it’s my turn” Julie said with a sigh at the end.

“I don’t know about this Julie” I said, I really didn’t like be in crowed places, that’s what I try to avoid most of my life I like open spaces better where I can move around.

“Oh come on pretty please with cherries on top” Julie said with a pout, trying to get me to give in.

“But-“I try to reason with them but got caught off by Julie herself.

“No buts, you need clothes and this is the perfect time to get to know each other” Julie voice left no room for an argument.

“Oh come on angel it will be fun, and you need to get out a little” Hunter said from behind me with a grin.

“Did you just call me angel?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, my question seem to make Hunter grin even wider.

“Yes, yes I did now go have fun” He said with a little push after he peck my cheek.

“Fine” I huffed out the same time Julie screamed “Yes”

Flashback over.

I would have to say that was one of those rare things in life that I regret doing. Julie had energy to go on forever and would just ignore my complaining and just drag me to a completely different store. By the time she was finished we had hit every store in the mall and had at least two bags from each store. My closet is completely filled with these clothes and my draws as well. Okay that was a lie I was feeling too tired to do that so I just dumped all my bags in the closet to pack later.

“What did you guys do today?” Julie asked completely changing the subject that we were on.

“Nothing much just hang, watch a movie and play some video games” James said and my jaw dropped.

“Are you kidding me, you sent me off shopping which you guys said would be fun and then go and do that which I would have preferred any day” I turned to glare at hunter who just sent me an innocent smile, yeah innocent my foot.

“Oh Isabelle this is only just the beginning wait till I introduce you to the girls” Julie said with a evil grin, my eyes went wide. I knew she was evil from the time we set foot into the mall and this just proves my fact and frankly I am scared.

“Remind me that day I am to meet the rest of them to hide” I whispered into Hunter ears lowly, I saw him shivered, wonder what that is about.

“Oh come on they aren’t that bad” I gave him a blank look. He sighed for a minute but his face broke out into an incredible sexy smile.

“Do you want me to make it up to you?” He whispered back into my ear as his finger ran alone my thigh leaving sparks everywhere he touch, my eyes narrowed at his. He knows how he affects me and takes advantage of it.

“What do you have in mind” I said biting my lip knowing that affects him as well; two can play at that game.

“Let me take you on a date tomorrow night” He said as he ran kisses alone my neck, I had to bite my tongue from moaning out loud. I had never once done this with a guy before, is it like this for every guy or is it just the effect this guy is having on me.

“Mhm” I said as my hands formed into fist, I felt him smirk against my skin happy with the reaction he got from me.

 “Well what do you say will you go” His voice was really husky right now as he continues to run his hand up and down my legs.

“O-okay” I cursed myself for stuttering, Hunter abruptly pulls back and jumps to his feet with that evil glint in his eyes that I notice had started to form earlier.

“Great, Julie help Isabelle get ready for tomorrow, we have a date” And before I could even object Hunter walks out of the room but not before throwing a wink my direction. Julie started to squeal and happy dance while James just shook his head silently laughing to himself.

That’s when I realize that I was just played, that little sneak he has no idea what he gotten himself into. A plan started forming in my head, maybe Julie helping won’t be that bad after all. I smirked at my idea; Hunter won’t even know what hit him.

Author notes

Yay they finally going on a date *happy dance*

What do you think Isabelle got planned for him?




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