Chapter 6

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Isabelle POV

I woke up in the most comfy bed I have ever slept in. It was a total upgrade from sleeping in the forest, not saying I don’t like sleeping there, I just liked the softness of this bed. The room I am in light blue has a flat screen TV on the wall, a walk in closet, baloney and a queen size bed. I wondered where I was because I can’t remember how I got here. As I tried to rack my brain for information to my where bouts I got out of bed. I was in a white tank top and some black comfy shorts; my hair was all over the place.

 I crossed the room to the bathroom; I fixed my hair, washed my face and brushed my teeth. After I went across to the baloney which had two glass doors. When I opened the doors I realized two things one being that it was really cold this time and two it was still dark out. I got my IPod out to see the time was 3am.

‘Wow I woke up early’ I thought to myself as I went on to the baloney, it had two chairs and a table between them. I took a seat in one of the chairs and rest my IPod on the table. The view out here was really beautiful; it was out looking the forest. At this time all the stars were shinning bright in the dark blue sky, you could see the shimmer of the dew drops on the plants and trees, the smell of pine and cinnamon hit my nose and most of all it was just a time of peace and quiet. I sighed out loud and leaned back in my chair taking in everything around me.

It was then I remember I still have no idea where I am or how I got here and it was then everything came flooding back to me. Me in the forest with Hunter, after I told him about my parents we kinda just sat there in silence that was not awkward but comfortable. He then started to tell me about werewolves after I asked him to. It was then we realized how late it was and somehow had convinced her to stay at his place which had extra rooms. I gave in after a while and because I kinda wanted to sleep in a real bed for once.

It was actually then I decided that I would give him a chance but of course moving slowly. But yet I can’t deny that I am starting to fall for him. I just hope I don’t regret this and get my heart broken in the process.

‘He won’t hurt you he loves you too much, you may not see it but I do’ Violet said, sometimes I really do forget that she’s there.

‘I hope your right’ I said to her. Wow, I never expected all of this to happen, I was just expecting to enjoy life travelling until I found the meaning of my life. Never did I think I would one person could change my life for better and worse.

‘Ah honey this is just the beginning’ Violet said with a chuckle, which only made me wonder what she meant by that.

‘What do you mean’ I asked with my eyebrows furrowed.

‘You find out soon enough’ was the last thing she said before she left me and my thoughts alone. I sighed out loud wishing she would just tell me, I really hate surprises. After my mind decided to kinda shut down on me I pop in my head phones and turned up my IPod.


I have never been so bored at 5am, I could not go back to sleep in other words I was restless. So for the past hour I began to wonder the walks of the house and was singing the softest I could go. My belly started to growl and I was now in search of the kitchen. I am starting to think this is a mansion and not a house, the wall ways go on forever and there are so many twist and turns.

But finally my search came to an end as I turned on the lights of a room that I guess is the kitchen since there is a huge fridge, a double sink, an island with stools, cupboards everywhere and etc. A grin spread over me as I finally found something to do.

Hunter POV

“HUNTY WWAKE UP I’M HUNGRY!” My little brother voice rang throughout my room bouncing up and down on my bed. I opened my eyes and began to sit up slowly as I saw Peter stop jumping and was now sitting on my bed.

“Ah, and why can’t you get Shain to make you breakfast?” I asked my little brother with a raised eyebrow.

“Because remember the last time I cooked, we almost lost a house” I looked up to see my brother Shain leaning on the door frame with a smirk plastered on his face. I sighed getting out of bed, mom normally makes breakfast but all the adults in the household wanted a kid’s free vacation so they went on the cruise. The only people who live in this house are the alpha’s family; beta’s family and third in command’s family. So at the moment they only people in the house are the teens of the high rank families.

“Fine lets go get something to eat” I said as I put on some pants seeing as I was only in my boxers and a vest.  We began walking out of the room in comfortable silence but Shain has to be the one to break it.

“So what’s going on with you and your mate?” He asked I glanced at him from the coroner of my eyes; he’s looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I had mange to bring Isabelle here after I finally found her, it took a lot of pleading but I got her to and right now she is probably in bed sleeping like a baby. Even though my wolf wishes she was in bed with us and not some other room, this will have to do for now.

“Well it seems like she is finally warming up to me because yesterday I was with her and I convinced her to stay here” I said with the biggest grin plastered on my face. Yesterday had been the most progress we made and I was ecstatic because of it.

“So is she still sleeping our what?” Shain asked as we were now about to enter the kitchen.

“Yeah I –“I didn’t get to finish what I had to say because I was in complete shock as I entered the kitchen. There was my little mate, with her headphones in her ears and she was baking. But not just anything she had cupcakes, bread, scones, cinnamon rolls and something else that I didn’t know because she was still mixing the batter all over the kitchen counter. All those delicious smells hit my nose and had me sigh in content. I looked across to see both my brothers with the same reaction. Shain was the first one to snap out of it and cleared his throat loud enough for his mate to hear because she had finally looked up from what she was doing. She was caught off guard and it looked as if she was about to slip and fall. I of course would not let that happen, I was already in front of her with my hands wrapped around her waist before she could even hit the floor. 

She looked right in too my eyes, it’s liked the whole word stop in that time frame. I smiled at her; she looked so adorable right now.

“Erm….. You can let me go now” She said as she blushed red seeing how close we are.  I smirk at her she is as cute as a kitten; I leaned down so close that I nibble on her earlobe which sent shivers down her back. I was satisfied with how I make her feel; I brought her back up grinning like a mania at how flustered she was.  

“Not to interrupt, but please tell me this is for us because kinda already started” I looked across to see Shain looking at us with a sheepish grin and a cupcake in his hand while Peter is practically stuffing his face. 

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