Chapter 16

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Hunter POV 

“Can you remove your hands now?” Isabelle questions me as I continued to lead her. After walking for ten minutes I had put my hands over her eyes to her dismay.

“No love, we are almost there” I said as I made her take a left turn. Just a few steps away from me stood a familiar building that held so many good memories.

“Fine” she huffed and I chuckled.

“How much longer?”she asked that question  as I removed my hands from over her eyes.  I heard her gasp and I couldn’t help the smile that came onto my face. I could only hope she would love this place as much as I did and we could create memories here.

“This is the cutest little dinner I have ever seen, but what are we doing here?” She asked as she turned to me her eyes full of curiosity, she look completely adorable right then.

“This my love is a place that will always hold a place in my heart now would you like to go in, there is someone dying to meet you?” I said as I held the door open allowing that sweet aroma from the dinner out.

She smiled at me and took my hand.  As we enter the dinner I immediately saw a familiar face that hasn’t seem to notice me as yet.

“I see your age hasn’t caught up with you yet” I teased loud enough for her head to snap up and the brightest smile came upon her lips.

“Oh Hunter” she squealed like a teenager as she walked out from behind the counter to give me a hug. 

“Oh look of how you grown, just the other day you were running up and down here with your underwear on head” She said as she pinched my cheek, which became reddish from embarrassment. I could hear my mate soft laughter from besides me and I sent a playful glare her way.

“Granma must we always go through this when I visit” I whined and she sent me a stern look. Yes you heard right this lady here is my grandmother and has own this diner for twenty years now. Even after her mate died she still carries own and refuses to let herself fall back into her state of depression when he had died. I admire that about her she was always a fighter, normally when a wolf mate dies they fall into deep depression and ends up killing themselves just to me with their soul mate.

“Oh hush, now why did it take you so long to come and visit me?” and as she asked that question her gaze fell on Isabelle who suddenly looked shy. Granma turned back to me with a suggestive grin.

“Is this the little mates of yours, and here I thought it was rumors” Granma said as she shook her head.

“Granma this is Isabelle my mate” I introduce them. Isabelle stuck out her hand but Granma pulled her into a bone crushing hug that caught her off guard. Yeah my Granma has no boundaries.

“Oh darling it so great to meet, you have no idea how long I had been waiting for this day” Isabelle sent me a helpless look as my Granma hugged her tighter.

“Okay Gran don’t want to kill her now do we” I said in a joking way. Gran released Isabelle from her death grip and turned back to me.

That’s when I received a slap in the back of my head which made my jaw drop.

 “What was that for?”I asked in total shock.

“That was for not bringing her here sooner, now go grab a seat we have much to talk about” Granma disappeared and I grumble as I lead Isabelle to the nearest booth.

“Why are you so smiley?” I asked finally noticing it.  

“Oh nothing I just like your Grandmother a lot” She said, her face full of delight and she looked like she wanted to laugh but held it in.

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