Chapter 3

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I was standing in a field like place. You couldn’t see anything for miles except for a lady she had long black hair and electric blue eyes and was by far taller than me and was wearing a white satin gown.

“Isabelle my watch have you grown into a beautiful woman” The lady said coming up to me.

“I’m sorry, you are” I asked shyly which caused her to chuckle.

“You don’t remember me do you?” But it was then I recognised.

“You’re the voice, well person that was inside my head” I said

“You are correct, and I have come because I have something important to tell you” she said in a serious voice.

“My name is Violet, I am your protector and guardian” She said

“ You have a very important journey ahead of you, you will be thrown a world you have never experience before” She said looking to see what my reaction was but I said nothing I was trying to process what was happening.

“You will trust your mate and does close to him, there are people looking for you for your powers that you have not even seen yet but all that will be revealed in time” Violet said calmly.

“Who are you, where are you is looking for me and who is my mate and what power?” I asked all at the same time. Which caused her to chuckle, what is with her and laughing at me.

“What’s so funny?”  I asked with my eyebrow raised.

“You were always one to ramble, but honey there that is as much I can tell you” She replied

‘But you are in the spirit world, your mate we both know who that is and you powers will be revealed when you are ready” She said

“Wait will I ever see you again?” I asked but to be honest I had no idea why I wanted to see her I just had a connection with her.

“Isabelle I will always be with you, but for now I have revealed to much but remember my words trust de who is your mate for he will protect and love you with all his heart” She said as she started to disappear.

“How will I know who he is” I asked 

“Because you will just know” Was all Violet said before disappearing and that’s when I was consumed into the darkness again.   


There was a conversation going on right about now and what was able to make out was they were talking about me. I had no idea where I was because my eyes refuse to open. But all I can tell is that I was lying on something that was very comfy, smell amazing and warm. So as you can see my body was also protesting to get up from this wonderful sleep if you can even call it sleep. I just want to cuddle into the warmth. But that’s weird because the last thing I remember was going to get groceries. It was then all the events that had happen to me came flooding back into my system. I was kidnapped, and then next thing I know I was talking to what was her name again…. Violet that’s her name. Oh that was a very weird talk I had with her but I can’t shake the feeling that all she said is true. Even after I had more feel of my identity I even knew what a mate was but not where it came from and whom it applied to but I guess one of does people were me. It was then I tried to listen in on their conversation to see what going on.

“So you mean to tell me you kidnapped the girl?” A female voice asked, Hm I wonder who they were talking about. Oh wait………. It’s me their talking about aren’t they.  

“Mom I had to she’s my mate and you know I can’t live without her” A male voice not any male voice but the same one who-.Hold up they know about mates and wait did he say he has one. Well ladies and gentlemen looks like I can get some info from these people.

“Hunter what’s that in your hand?” A different female voice asked. I guess I kinda got lost in my own thoughts I have no idea what’s going on.

“Beat’s me I found it in her bag?” He replied

“It looks like a journal, please tell me that’s not the girls journal” The girls voice from before asked. 


“Shut the fuck up your gonna wake her up and it’s not like I was actually reading it all I got from it was her name was Isabelle and she writes poetry” The boy who name I am guessing is Hunter said. It was only then I started to comprehend what they were saying. That was my journal they were talking about, he read my journal that had my deepest thoughts and feelings. No one and I repeat NO ONE reads my journal.   

It was then my eyes snapped open for the first time.

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