Chapter 13 part 1

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Isabelle POV  

I woke up to the sound of something crashing downstairs. I crawled out of bed sleepily when really I just wanted to sleep for the whole day. Yeah that sounds like a good idea, maybe I could do that without anyone interrupting me at all. With that thought I changed my mind and headed back into bed where my eyes closed even before my head hit the pillow. Ah that’s more like it I thought to myself. 

Why haven’t I done this before? I don’t know but I should do it more often and I swear I would be too relaxed even to get angry. This is how everyone should be then we would have no more wars.

 (4 hours later)





 I honestly tried to ignore it but I couldn’t anymore, can’t a girl get some sleep, who gets up at this hour anyway. I swear these people have nothing. I stayed in bed just staring up at the ceiling. Deciding if I heard that sound one more time I would get out of bed.

Everything was silent for five minutes, that’s when I thought it was over but boy was I wrong. As my eyes closed once more that’s when I heard it again.





I sighed in frustration as I climbed out of bed, it felt like I had been to sleep for ten minutes but my brain was energized while my limbs were still partly asleep. I dragged my body around the room and found myself a white tank top and black shorts. I put them on lazily, brushed my teeth and threw my hair into a messy bun. Feeling satisfied with myself I exit my room only to hear the noise from before even louder.

What the hell is going on? I thought to myself. I followed the sounds which lead me to the kitchen. But I don’t think I was prepared for what I was about to see, wishing I had just plugged in my headphones instead of being curious. God why didn’t I think of that before.

The kitchen was in a mess, it was completely covered in food. Everyone but Hunter was in there, pulse some other girls who I don’t know and they were covered in food. A girl was on top of Shain’s back holding a pan in one hand while the next one held on to his neck so she would not fall. The Liam and Kyle were both on the floor trying to fend off two girls who were on top of them. Alex was covered in food yelling at everyone, James and Julie were also covered in food but were making out in the corner, okay didn’t need to see that. Logan was eating food from a pot on the stove while Peter (if you don’t remember that was Hunter’s little brother) and a little girl were sitting on the floor just watching everything happen. I was probably frozen in my spot for a little while before I snapped back into my senses.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!” I cried out, loud enough for everyone to stop what they were doing and to freeze in there spot as they stared at me wide eye. I was careful with my steps not wanting to slip on any of the food as I enter the kitchen further.

“Did I not ask a question?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, everyone looked guilty and scared. I would be too if I was caught in a situation like this one, I was more surprise with the whole knew side of me. Never had I been brave enough to do something like this and it didn’t end there.

“Alex why is there food everywhere?” I asked, knowing he was the best person to ask.

“The guys wanted to cook something to eat but didn’t know how and that’s when the girls came over they didn’t know how to cook so we will they I wasn’t a part of this decided to have a competition which lead into a food fight” Alex explained to me.

“Urge who started it” I asked no one in general, everyone pointed their fingers at each other. I turned to the younger ones who were silently watching what was going on the whole time.

“Do you guys know who started the food fight” I asked as I knelt on the part of the floor by them which didn’t have food, the little girl stayed silent. She looked like the shy type, so I turned to Peter for answers.

“Kat and Kyle” He said as he pointed to Kyle and the girl on top of him. I nod my head as a thank you to him as I turned to the guilty party. The both looked at me sheepishly; I shook my head at the two of them as I got to my feet. 

“Honestly I’m not even surprise Kyle was the one” I said out loud and everyone snickered, the girl on top of him giggle and he just playful glared at me. 

“Oh don’t think I have forgotten about the rest of you” I said and they all shut up, that’s what I thought.

“Alright everyone get up and go get cleaning supplies you’re gonna clean this inter kitchen spotless if you want dinner tonight” This seem to get everyone up, because the next thing I know everyone was rushing out of the kitchen looking for cleaning supplies. I signed and shook my head, when did I become a mom. Peter and the girl had left as well but Peter said they were going to play in his room.

I went in the fridge looking to see what it had to eat, I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I notice there was no food left. Of course they used all in this stupid food fight, now I shall I die a slow painful death. I looked over at the time and saw that it was five o’clock. My eyes went wide, had I really slept that long. 

I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight seeing as I slept for practically the whole day. 

(1hr later)

By the time the kitchen was clean, I had learn the names of the girls who had come over with Julie this morning. Kat was the girl who was on top of Kyle, she had black curly hair with blue eyes totally reminded me of snow white with her pale skin as well. Sarah was the girl on top of Liam; she had blond hair and green eyes with a petit figure. Casey was the one who had a pan in her hand on top of Shain; she had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes with a model’s body.  

We had been lunging around in the living room watching TV as we waited for the pizzas we had order to come. I still couldn’t help but shake the fact that I was forgetting something and with that still in my head I asked a question that had been in my head for a while now. I didn’t ask earlier because I didn’t want to be one of those girls who need to know where the guy is all the time but right now I don’t care anymore. The question has been eating me alive for the last thirty minutes.

“Hey guys, where’s Hunter?” I asked out loud drawing everyone’s attention from the TV onto me.

“Something about getting ready for the date he had planned with you” Liam said as he turned his attention back to the TV.  My eyes went wide at the information, the date, oh how could I forget that’s what had been itching at my mind for the day. I can’t believe I forgot that.

 “YOUR GOING ON A DATE!” the girls screeched at the same time causing the boys and me to cover our ears at the sound. How did they even say that in timing, it’s like they were rehearsing it beforehand.  

“Holy shit” I gasped as I felt my self being pulled of the couched and dragged out of the room by the girls.

“What the hell are you doing?” I said as I struggle against their, whole. It’s not fair they are a lot stronger than me.

“To get you ready for your date” Kate chirped all so happily as they dragged me to my room.

You know how in the movie, you would see all the girls having fun getting ready for a date. Total and utter bull. It’s like shopping All over again, God help me would I even get a break.

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