Chapter 18

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Isabelle POV 


Blood was everywhere, wolves laid lifeless on the ground. Some blown up, some with limbs cut of the easiest for them who laid here were the ones who got shot. I couldn’t help but be horrified.  

What had happen? 

Who did this? 

Did anyone survive? 

Where w- 

My thoughts were cut off by a next thought that invaded my mind. 


I began running around looking for him, he had to be here. He had to be alive. I only just got him in my life. He made me happy. He was the one who started showing me how to live. He was-                 


“HUNTER WHERE ARE YOU”               




“I need you” I whispered the last part as I fell to my knees; it was no use I didn’t even know what he looked like in wolf form. The field was so blown up that it was hard to look and my vision blurred from un-ushered tears. My body shook violently as I crawled into a fetus position.  

What was I suppose to do? 

I was confused as hell, scared for my life and completely frustrated. How did this happen? 

That’s when I heard it a deep chuckle that sounded sinister followed by a voice that sounded familiar but I couldn’t put the pieces together on where I knew it from. 

“Oh Isabelle are you looking for your big strong Alpha to protect you” A sickly sweet voiced cooed at me. I wiped my eyes on the back of my hands as I looked up at a pair of pitch black eyes. 

Pitch black eyes that I only knew from one place.  

The man who killed my parents mercilessly. My whole body went ridged right then. 

“YOU” I growled out, but he simply raised an eyebrow. 

“Ah I see you know of me, good guess I don’t have to go through any introductions” The man in front of me said with a small smile and a wicked glint in his eyes.            

“Where is he?” I said as I picked myself up off the ground. 

“Who, oh you mean that little mate of yours oh he right here, bring him out boys” As the mystery said that four guys came out holding a bloody body in the middle of them. 

No, no NO NO NO! 

And if like the world was being any wicked to me the person in the middle lifted his head and I gasped in horror. 

I wanted to scream, run to it, and kill all of them who made him like this. But I couldn’t I was simply rooted to my spot. 

 “Is this who you were looking for little Isabelle” The man had a wicked grin on his face as he said that. 

“What did you do to him?” My question came out in a whispered, I meant for it to be strong but I couldn’t. Unfamiliar emotions swelled up in me.          

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