First Day (Part 2)

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Phil's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I got out of bed and made my way to the door. It was Chris of course. "Hey sleepy head." He said. "Hey" I yawned. "Come in, make breakfast, whatever. I'm gonna have a shower and get change." He nodded and made his way to the kitchen. I went to my room, grabbed my clothes and towels and made my way to the bathroom.

~Time Skip as I'm just lazy~

I grabbed my checker blue shirt, black skinny jeans and some old converse. I grabbed my phone, earphones and school bag down to the kitchen. There was already a bowl of cereal on the counter, assuming that Chris made it. I ate my breakfast and made my way to the living room to see Chris watching something random. I checked the time, we still had enough time before school.

"Hey Chris?" I said. He looked at me, "Yes..." He said moving his gaze from the TV to me. "Do you wanna go and grab a Starbuck before school?" He smiled. "You didn't have to ask Phil, if its something to do with Starbucks, I'm there." I laughed. I got up and ran up stairs to grab my wallet and went back down. "Let's go Chris!" I shouted. I heard the TV switch off and footsteps. I put my backpack on and left the house with Chris behind me.

We walked into Starbucks and ordered our drinks. We gave the man at the counter my name and Chris with his, I think Chris had a liking to the bar tender (I couldn't think if the name okay!) as he was flirting with him or what Chris would say 'his charm'. Yeah, Chris and I are gay, not with each other thought, just to let you know. (Breaking the fourth wall ). I pulled Chris to the side as he was holding the queue up. "Hey" he said to me, "I was busy doing something!" I laughed. "Busy holding up the queue." He pouted. "Whatever!" I laughed again.

Then our names got called out. I grabbed both of our drinks as Chris was to busy daydreaming. I saw something on Chris cup, it looked like a phone number. I snapped Chris out of his daydream by whispering in his ear, 'Channing Tatum shirtless', and he was back to normal. That always worked. "Where?" He shouted. I laughed. "Let's go outside." I said making my way to the door. When we got outside I gave Chris his drink. "Before you drink your drink Chris, look what's on it." He gave me a confused look, but looked on the cup. His eyes widen. He took his phone out and type the number up.

When he finished that he took a sip of his drink as well did I, and we made our way to school. "This drink is so good!" I exclaimed. Chris nodded in agreement. "Chris..." I said quietly but audible. "Yeah?" He said after take a sip. "Aren't you nervous of going to this school? I mean, we kind of know some of these people from YouTube, but not in real life." He let out a sigh.

"Phil, I am nervous of meeting new people. But the thing is, we have seen some of there videos, just by watching those videos, you feel like you've already known them for a long time. Like they are your old friend from school. Everyone's nervous because they want to make a good impression. As you know I'm good at acting, I try and calm my emotions, by focusing on something first, which may boost my confidence a bit. But, I don't know how that's going to affect you. That probably didn't help you... Anyway all I'm going to say is to you is just be yourself. And remember, I'm your best friend, I'll be beside you all the way."

I smiled. "Thanks Chris. I kinda needed that!" He smiled. "Well its no problem, Phil." I dumped my Starbuck cup in the bin and checked the time. We still had 20 minutes to get to school and it was just around the corner. "Just out curiosity, who are you dying to meet?" I asked Chris. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket, unlocked and shoved it in my face. It was a picture of PJ Liguori aka KickThePJ. "KickThePJ. He's very creative and I only know that be cause you forced me to watch it when I was extremely busy." Chris laughed. "So do you just randomly have a picture of him saved to your phone then?" Chris turned red. He was about to say something but I butted in, "I know you like like him Chris, I've known you for so long. Every time your round my house, you're always watching his videos. Because every time I go upstairs to get something, I can hear his voice." Chris blushed.

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