Hunger + Cuteness

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~Dan's POV~

My hunger was taking over me. I felt my fangs coming out. I needed to eat and fast, but I need an excuse to leave Phil's house. I remember that human for is disgusting, but it does fill you up a little. But I wasn't that keen on eating human food right now. I grabbed my phone out of my phone and texted PJ, I need help to think on a excuse.

"PJ, I need help badly. I'm Phil's and I'm getting extremely hungry. He offered me to stay for lunch, which I accepted, but my hunger levels are extremely high, my fangs are coming through and I have no clue about my eyes. I just need an excuse. Help"

I got a response straight away.

"Right, say that I texted you saying that I need your help desperately."

"Okay thanks"

Whay didn't I think of that? I thought. I put my phone back in my pocket and went to Phil. "Phil, uhm, you know PJ, the one who shouted at you a couple days ago," He nodded, "Well he texted me saying that he needs me desperately, so I need to go help him." He smiled. "Go ahead. You can come back if after if you like." I smiled. "I'll text you if I am." I said. I quickly pecked Phil's forehead and left his house. I looked around to make sure that no - one was around and super sped out of there. 

~Skip because I can't be asked to write him eating~

I texted Phil say that I was on my way to his house. I was pretty surprised  when I didn't get any blood on my shirt. I made my way to Phil's house and knocked on his door. He answered the door with a plate of food in his hand. He smiled and moved out the way for me. I entered his house and closed the door for him. "Food's on the side if you want any Dan." Phil said making his way to the sofa. I made my way to the food and took some. I made my way to the sofa and sat next to Phil. He was watching Adeventure Time when I got there. I swear we have the same interests...

"Oh, by the way Phil, I uploaded the video for you. I didn't add anything, it was already great." He smiled. "Thanks Dan." I smiled. When we finished eating, Phil took my plate and put it in the kitchen sink. "Do you want a drink?" I got off the sofa and went to the kitchen. "Sure. What drinks do you have?" Phil held 2 bottles, Ribena and Coca-Cola. "Ribena please." Phil nodded and made to drinks. He handed me one and I took a sip. 

"Phil, I've got to go, the hospital called, they need me." Phil's mum said walking down the steps. He nodded. "Okay, see you later mum." He said and she left. I walked towards Phil and placed my drink on the side. I grabbed his drink and put next to mine. "Hey, what are you doing Dan?" He asked. I just smiled. "What are you smili-" I placed my lips onto his before he could finish his sentence. It was not a short, but not a long kiss. He put his arms onto my shoulders and mine on his waist. I departed the kiss and placed my forehead onto his. We were literally out of breath. We looked into each others eyes and started laughing. 

A/N Wasn't that cute?! Yes, I have updated! I hope you are enjoying this. And I hope you had a great Christmas!! I had the best, how about you, have you? Tell me in the comments, don't be shy (click away) ~ If you get that reference I LOVE YOU!! Anyways don't forget to vote/comment and share with friends. And as always...

I'll see you later my pretty little pompoms x

Bye x

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