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They've been in there for a while." Chris said whilst I was rummaging in Phil's cupboards for food. "They have been." I retorted, exiting the kitchen, "Shall we check up on them?" I asked and Chris nodded.

We made our way towards Phil's room and heard nothing. I gave Chris a confused look and he knocked the door. Silence. Chris knocked on the door again. "Come back in an hour!" I heard an articulate voice say. I giggled and saw Chris giggle too. "Fine, will be at mine if you need us!" Chris said and looked at me, giving me the 'is that alright' look, which I nodded to, and he smiled.

We went downstairs, grabbed our things and left to go to Chris'.

Chris' POV

We left Phil's placed and made our way to mine. It was quite dark out, so I was cautious of my surroundings. I never really trusted anything at night. I always felt like something was going to jump up and scare me, but I have PJ with me. He could go into vampire mood. 

I linked arms with PJ. He looked down at our arms then at me and smiled. I felt his hand intertwine with mine. He probably knew that I felt tense, as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. I looked up at him and smile. I've come to realise how comfortable we are with each other now. When we first met we were so awkward we rarely talked, but now were comfortable in each others present and we talk a lot. 

"You okay?" PJ asked me and I nodded slightly. With my free hand, I hold onto PJ's arm. Don't ask why, I just feel safe when I'm held onto someone.

Moments later we arrive at my house. I grab the keys out of my pocket and unlocked my front door. "Hello?" I shout, wondering if my mum or dad were home. "In the kitchen!" I hear my mother shout. I slip my shoes off and make my way tothe kitchen, PJ following behind. 

"How was the dance?" She asked and I smiled, looking back at PJ, who was smiling at me. "It was fun, but it got a bit boring, so we left." I retorted, leaving the part out about the prank and going to Phil's. She smiled and looked behind me. "PJ, would you like anything to eat or drink?" He shook his head. "No thank you, I'm fine." He retorted.

"We're gonna go upstairs and watch some movies." I said, making my way up the stairs. "No funny business up there!" My mum shouted, making me blush and making PJ laugh. I turned back at him and whacked his arm playfully, which made him laugh more.

We reached my room and I opened the door, letting PJ in first. I closed the door afterwards and saw PJ looking around my room. "Your room looks nice." I smiled. "Thanks." He sat down on my bed. "Hey, do you want something more comfortable than that tux?" He nodded and I went to my wardrobe, grabbing a random shirt and jogging bottoms. I chucked them at him and I left the room for him to get changed. 

"You can come back in." PJ said and I enter. The shirt looked so much better on him than me. "You look great in that shirt. It never looked good on me." PJ blushed. "Thanks." He retorted. "You can keep it if you like. I rarely wear it anyway and it fits you well." He smiled and sat on my bed.

I grabbed my laptop that was slightly open on my desk and turned it on. The Netflix logo popped up and I place my laptop on Peej's legs. "You can choose the movie if you'd like." He smiled and I snuggled into PJ's shoulder. "Hey Chris.." I looked up at him, so he knew he had my full attention. 

"Okay...Wow... uhm.. will you... this is hard than I thought.." Phil stuttered. I shushed him and looked into his green eyes. "Are you asking my to be your boyfriend?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled and I nodded, "Yes!". His lips twitched into a smile. He moved my laptop off his lap for a moment and pecked my lips. 

"I love you Chris Kendall."

"I love you too, PJ Liguori."

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