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Dan's POV

I woke up the next morning by someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see PJ shaking me. "Dan.. wake the hell up!" He said and I groaned. "What time is it?" I asked and PJ glanced to my alarm clock on my bedside table. "10:00 am." I groaned again and moved around. 

"Why?" I asked, closing my eyes. I heard a light chuckle for PJ. "I was thinking we should go out for breakfast. We could invite Phil and Chris." My eyes shot open and I moved around to face PJ. "Fine. Get out so I can get ready." PJ super sped out of my room, closing the door behind him. 

I got out of bed and super sped to the bathroom, having a quick shower and all that. I changed into something that wasn't black. I wore black jeans as they were the only pair, but I wore a plaid red and black top. I grabbed my white vans (ironic) and went downstairs. My hair was curly, but I couldn't be asked to staighten it. Plus, Phil seems to like it so why not.

I called Phil, to ask if he wanted to but there was no answer. Strange. He always answers my calls, well not always. If he doesn't answer he texts afterwards to tell me if he can't talk. But I didn't get a text.

I was halfway down the stairs when I was calling him. I realise that I could use my super powers. I forget that I have them, it's probably because since I hang out with Phil a lot, I feel human, not a vampire. I super sped down the stairs into the livingroom, in front of Peej. 

He looked up from his phone and saw me standing there, looking specifically at my hair. "Don't comment on my hair, I know you're staring at it. Can you try and contact Chris. Phil isn't answering my calls. He normally texts if he can't talk over the phone but nothing." I said.

PJ placed his phone to his ear, waiting for a response. But nothing. "Let's go to Phil's and Chris'. Let's see if they're there." I said, grabbing my jacket and house keys. 

~Few Moments Later~

We are currently walking down the packed pavement of our street. "Shall we go to Phil's as his house is closest." I said and Peej nodded. We arrived at Phil's and  knocked on the door. Moments later the front door open, showing Phil's mum in tears. I felt my heart drop, "Mrs Lester, are you okay?" I asked and she sobbed. I opened my arms and she obliged. I hugged her and tried to comfort her. "Phil..." I felt my heart break into little pieces. "What's wrong with Phil?" I asked, trying my best to not let the tears that were forming in my eyes to fall.

"Nothing's wrong with Phil exactly. I asked him to get some milk as we ran out and he hasn't returned. I asked him to get it at 7 and it's been 3 hours." She said. I rub her back, "I'll try and find him. He may have gotten lost. Phil and directions don't really mix." I said and Mrs Lester laughed. She departed the hug and she went back in her house. "Tell me if you find him." I nodded and waved, so did PJ. 

I walked away from Phil's house and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I dialled Phil's number and placed the phone to my ear. Nothing. I shook my head and placed it back in my pocket.


Dan shook his head and placed his phone in his pocket. "No answer?" I asked and he shook his head. "Let's go to Chris' and see if he's there." Dan nodded and I led the way. I tried calling Chris on the way but there was no answer. 

I knock on the front door when we arrived, and the door opened. Mrs Kendall was crying. I engulfed her into a hug and she sobbed into my shoulder. "Are you okay?" She shook her head. "Chris hasn't returned. He normally goes on walks to clear his head or for fresh air, however that was at 8 this morning. It was 2 hours ago. He's normally back by half past but he wasn't and I'm worrying." I rub her back for comfort.

She departed the hug, "Tell me if you hear from him." I nodded. "I will, I'll see you later." I said and waved. Dan and I walked away from Chris' house and took a walk. Dan pulled his phone out of his pocket once more and dialled Phil, putting it on speaker.

It rang several time, and someone picked up. "Phil..." Dan said in a panicky tone. Silence. "If you want to see your precious Phil and Chris again. I'm afraid you have to wait..." The phone line went dead.

I looked at Dan, his eyes turned yellow. Yellow representing fear/ scared. "Eyes Dan, turning yellow." I said to Dan and his turned back to normal. "Your eyes are yellow too." He said to me and I turned them back to normal.

"We need to tell Mrs Lester and Mrs Kendall." Dan said in a shaky tone.

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