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a/n Long chapter, you are welcome.


Following our sense takes a lot of energy. I don't know who long it took us, but our senses took us to this abandoned warehouse. Ironic. As myself and Dan walked closer, I saw a black lamborghini parked on the side of the building. I looked at the number plate and realised that it was Jared's, most of out year can drive, I drive, I only use my car if I'm going somewhere. I prefer super speeding everywhere. I nudged Dan and pointed at the car, "It's Jared's car." I whispered. I averted my eyes from the car to Dan and his eyes turned bright red and his fangs were exposed. "Dan calm down. I know you're angry but you need to put your fangs away and change your eye colour. I'm angry as well, but you need to control it. We need to get in first before we get immersed into a fight." I continue, whilst Dan did what I said.

Quickly, we made our way towards the building, trying to find a way to get in. There was a door but when we got there and tried opening it, it was locked. What a surprise (note the sarcasm). There were several windows, yet they were too high. I was on the ground, giving Dan a boost to reach the window, yet it didn't work. I moved from under Dan and got up. I would of thought Dan would of fallen on the floor by now, but when I looked at Dan, my eyes widened.

Dan was stuck onto the wall. "Dan, what are you doing?" I questioned. I walked to the side of him to see his face. "I guess, I have the ability to climb." He said looking above him. Baring in mind that the wall he was stuck on was completely flat, and the window was far above him. "Peej, see if you have it." He told me. I placed my hand onto the wall and began climb. I caught up to Dan who was at the window. "I guess I have the ability to climb too." I whispered to him and he smiled. He carefully opened the window and we climbed inside. 

We dropped down from the window and looked around, we were at the end of a hallway. There were multiple doors leading into different rooms, yet the only door that I was focussed on was the one that was the door that was opened ajar, the only one that was lit, the door that was the furthest away from us. I looked at Dan and he was gazing at the furthest door. Inaudibly, we made our way towards the door. I looked at the other doors that we passed. They were all tatty and broken. 

As we made our way to the door, I peeked through it. One of Jared's friend called Alex was standing there. I looked at Dan, "Alex is guarding one of the doors. We need to get rid of him." I told him and he nodded. Out the corner of my eye I saw a bottle randomly on the floor. I grabbed the bottle and threw it to the other side of the hallway. ([II] <--- The door looks like that.) I pushed my back against the wall that was next to the door so I was unseen, and Dan did the same, but on the other side. I placed my index finger on my lips, indicating Dan to stay quiet an wait. 

"I'm not getting paid to do this." I heard Alex mumble under his breath. As he walked passed us, I wrapped my arm around his neck and torso to restain him and Dan knocked him out. "Open one of the doors." I told Dan and he did. He opened the nearest door and I dragged Alex into it. In this room there was a chair in the middle, while robes dangling from it. I placed Alex on the chair and I tied him up so he wouldn't escape. We left the room, closing the door and made our way towards the door.

We entered and heard an oh so familiar voice. "Who would you want Jared?". Tony, god I despised him. "I'll take Dan's precious boyfriend." I heard Jared say. I looked at Dan and his hands were clenched into fists. He took a step forward and I held him back. He looked back at me, his eyes bright red, and I shook my head."I'll take PJ's precious boyfriend then." Tony replied and my hands clenched into a fist. I unclenched my hands and breathed. I need to stay into control. "I restrained him Jared, he's all yours to turn." I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

"Wait, TURN!" I heard Phil shout. I looked at Dan his expression turned from anger to something else, which I didn't know. "Oh, is Phil scared. Yes, turn. Whilst yours and Chris boyfriend are here, they'll be more focused on us. If we turn you now, then they won't have anytime to save you." I heard Jared say, making Dan look back at me. "We need to do something." Dan whispered. "I know, but what can we do?" I whispered back. Dan was just about to say something but was interupted, "You ready Tony?" Jared continued. We need to do something, but what? THINK PJ THINK! I thought, but no plan came to mind.  

"Yeah." I heard from Tony. I looked at Dan and saw that his fangs were fully exposed and his eyes were bright red. A mixture of screams echoed throughout the building. I heard a gasp from beside me then I felt a gust of wind. I saw Dan rush in a pull Jared off of Phil. I super sped in, pulling Tony off of Chris. "You can't save your boyfriends anymore, you're too late." I heard Jared say and next thing you know, Dan has pushed him against the wall, strangling him, but that soon changed when Jared switched places with Dan. Just like that I got pushed against the wall by Tony.

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