Where Are They?

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Dan's POV

"If you want to see your precious Phil and Chris again. I'm afraid you have to wait..." The voice said and the line went dead. I started feeling panicy and I felt scared. PJ looked at me, "Dan eyes, turning yellow." He said. Yellow represented fear or the emotion of scared. I closed my eyes and changed my eye colour to it's original state.

"Your eyes are yellow too." I retorted and he closed his eyes, returning his eyes to his original state."We need to tell Mrs Lester and Mrs Kendall." I said in a shaky tone. I looked down at my hands and they were shaking, my breath hitched in my throat. 

Peej saw my actions and moved closer to me, engulfing me into a hug. I instantly hugged back and he rubbed my back, as a source of comfort. After round about 5 minutes, my breathing was steady and my hands stop shaking. "Your eyes are yellow again Dan. I know you're scared. I'm scared too but you really need to take control of your eyes. We're in public after all." Peej finished and i let a little laugh escape my mouth.

I closed my eyes and changed them from yellow to brown. The comfort Peej gave me woek a bit, but my mind was set on one thing. "Peej, we need to tell the police!" I exclaimed quietly. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket but before I could unlock it, PJ smacked it out of my hands and super sped to catch it.

"Sorry for that reaction, I know you don't want your phone broken, hence why I got it before it fell on the floor. I know you are worried sick of Phil, heck I'm worried sick about Chris, but we can't do that. We can't tell the police that someone has kidnapped our boyfriends. We just can't do that because we have no evidence, despite that phone call, and likely the police will take our word for it. We also don't know who is there with them or their whereabouts. We have no proof." He said.

He was right. He handed back my phone and I put it back in my pocket. "You're right Peej, we have no proof. I just really hope that Phil and Chris are okay. I don't know what I'll do it they got hurt." I said, feeling a tear fall down my face. PJ wiped the tear away and engulfed me into a hug again.

"We should go and tell Chris and Phil's mums." PJ said and he looked around. "What are you doing?" I question PJ. "I'm making sure there isn't a lot of people around. I don't really want to walk." I nodded and I stood next to him. Just like that, we were in front of Phil's house. "Peej, get Chris' mum over here, tell her it's urgent." Peej nodded and super sped to Chris'. Moments later I heard a car stop behind me. I turned around and saw Chris' mum and PJ get out the car. I made my way towards Phil's house and knocked on the door.

Phil's mum answered and let us all in. "I tried calling Phil's phone and someone answered..." Mrs Lester and Mrs Kendall's eyes widen, "however, it wasn't Phil." I finished. I heard quiet sobs from both of them. "The person who answered is unrecognizable." Peej continued, "They told us and I quote; 'If you want to see your precious Phil and Chris, I'm afraid you have to wait.', and the line cut off." He finished. 

"We need to tell the police." Mrs Lester said making her way to the kitchen and grabbed her phone. "Wait!" I said loudly. She looked back at me, "I said that to Peej but he said not to." I continued. "We can't tell the police due to no evidence. Besides the phone call, but the police won't believe us guys at all. We have no proof, we have no lead on whereabouts they are or whom they're with." PJ interjected.

Mrs Lester came back into the room, leaving her phone there and sat back down next to Mrs Kendall. "Okay." Mrs Kendall said and Mrs Lester nodded. "Myself and Dan will find them." PJ said confidently. Both of their faces looked staight at us. "It's dangerous boys, you shouldn't be doing this." Mrs Kendall blurted. "Who else is going to do it though is the thing? We can't tell the police, it'll be dangerous on your behalf. Let us do this, please?" I pleaded and they looked at each other, but nodded in the end.

'I hope we find you guys soon. I miss you Phil.." 

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