Have To Tell...

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Dan's POV

I've loved hanging out with Phil everyday, but my hunger says otherwise. I thought it was under control, but now it's hard to handle. My hunger has become more frequent. I hate having to leave at random moments and I think Phil is as well. Like, I don't want to leave just to feed, heck I don't like it one bit. But that's who I am.

This secret of being a vampire is eating me inside. I don't like lying to Phil about me leave, let alone the secret of me being a vampire. I need to tell him, but I don't know how he will react. And what if he tells everyone. I trust Phil, of course, but I don't know. I'm probably over-reacting.

Right now, I'm at home with PJ watching TV, more like thinking than watching. "Dan?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by PJ. "Yeah.." I said looking at him. "Are you okay? Your not paying attention to the TV, you're in your own little world." I sighed, "There's just a lot on my mind Peej." I said.

PJ turned the TV off and moved a bit closer to me, "Would you like to talk about it?" I nodded slightly. "Right, well you know that I've been hanging out with Phil for a while now.." PJ nodded, "..well we've been dating for more than a week.." PJ shook my shoulder, "Congrats dude!" I smiled at him, "Thanks, but there's more to it. One day I was hanging out with him at lunch a couple days ago at school and my hunger didn't kick in and I have no clue why. I thought I had it under control. But days past and my hunger has become more frequent. Everytime I hang out with Phil, I always have to leave, to feed. I have to keep lying to him, and I hate it. As my hunger has become frequent, constant lies come up, and I think Phil thinks I don't want to hang out with him or he knows that my lies aren't convincing. I hate lying to him. Lying to him about my hunger..." I let a breath, "Lying to him about me being a vampire..." I looked down, avoiding PJ reaction. 

I felt a pair of arms around me. At first I was shocked, but I hugged back. PJ departed the hug and looked at me. "Wow, all of that came out of your mouth." I laughed, "The Dan Howell has in fact, fallen in love." I smiled. "Tell him. Tell him how much you love him, tell him about you being a vampire, but remind him not to tell anyone or else there will be consequences. And I will kept my mouth shut. This is our little secret." 

I smiled and hugged PJ. "Thank you." I got up and grabbed my jacket that was hooked onto the door handle. "I'll ask Phil if Chris would like to hang out with you." I said smirking at PJ, which made him blush. I laughed. "I'm not kidding, you deserve it." I said and super sped out of there.

Several minutes later I arrived at Phil's place. I knocked on the door and his mum answered it. "Hi Mrs Lester, is Phil here?" She smiled. "Yes, he is. He's in his room. Come in." I smiled and entered. "I was just about to leave to go to work. Don't do anything bad while I'm gone." She said to me with the biggest grin on her face. "I know you guys are a couple, it's cute!" I blushed. "Th-thanks" I stutter. Subtle Dan. I smiled at her and I made my way upstairs. When I got to Phil's door, it was wide open. I looked inside to see Phil editing his video, headphones in, with his back facing me. 

I quietly made my way to Phil and scared him. He jumped and looked at me, taking his headphones of in the process. He put a hand on his chest, "For crying out loud Dan. You scared me." I laughed, "Well that was the plan!" I kissed his lips and he kissed back. I departed the kiss and looked down at my lap, letting out a shaky breathe.

"Dan, are you okay?" Phil asked. I looked up at him and smiled, "I'm fine, I just need to tell you something, which may change what you think of me.." Phil held onto my hand. "Whatever it is, it won't change anything, I promise you." He said rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I let out a shaky breath.

"Before I say, please don't ask questions until I finish, please. And I hope you don't leave me because of this." Phil nods. "Right, you know everytime I said that PJ either wanted me or he needed help, it was a lie. It's because I need to hunt.." Phil had a confused look on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it quickly, waiting for me to continue. "I need to hunt because..." I inhaled and exhaled, "... because I'm a vampire." I announced, looking down. 

I felt a Phil's free hand on my cheek. I looked up to see Phil with his signature smile on. "I don't care what you are, vampire, human or whatever, you're you. I love you for who you are. Being a vampire doesn't change anything." He said, placing his forehead onto mine. I felt my eyes starting to water. Phil wiped the tear with his thumb. "I love you too..." I said, placing my free hand on his cheek.

"I love you so much, Phil." I said while tears were still falling down my face. Phil once again wiped them away with his thumb.  "I love you more, Dan." Phil retorted back. And we kissed. It was the most perfect kiss we ever had, for tis moment of course, all of our kissed were perfect, but this one right now was perfect like our lips were meant to be together. Phil departed the kiss hugged me, obviously that I hugged him back. 

When we were finsihed with the hug and held onto bothof his hands, "Please don't tell anyone, because the entire vampire community will be in jeopardy. Plus, you may get hurt and I don't want that happening. " He smiled, "I promise I won't tell." I smiled and kissed his hand. 

"What were you editing by the way?" I asked. "Just a video that doesn't need to be up until tomorrow. I've got more important things than an video." I blushed.

A/N WOW 1145 words. I hope you like this chapter, it took me a while to do this as I've been doing homework and shit like that as I've got school tomorrow. Don't forget to vote/ comment and share with friends. And as always...

I'll see you later my pretty little pompoms x

Bye x

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