Unforgettable Night

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Phil's POV

Tonight was the night. The night of the school dance. Ever since we got told about it, I've been prepping myself up to ask Dan. But instead he asked me, which I obviously said yes too. Right now I was sorting out my tie. "Chris I can't do this!" I shouted. Oh by the way Chris is here too, PJ asked him to the dance, so they were both coming to mine. Oh and a bit of information you should know as well, Chris knows about the vampire thing, PJ explained it to him and afterwards Chris came up to me and talked about it to me.

Chris walked into my bedroom and fixed my tie. "Phil, your a grown man, you should know how to do this already!" Chris said laughing a bit. "I'm still a child Chris." I said pouting. "At heart." Chris said laughing afterwards, which I joined in.  When Chris was finished with my tie, I looked at myself in the mirror. Yes, I am wearing a suit as it's 'The Night In Paris', the theme was extremely formal, so tuxedos and dresses. 

"This is just our first school dance, it feels more like prom." Chris said behind me, and I laughed. "It does a bit, school dances doensn't have to be formal, yet, that's the theme. It really does feel like prom." I retorted. I then heard a knock on the door. I walked to my bedroom door, "Who is it?" I shouted, making sure that the person at the door can hear. "Your dates!" I heard someone shout, it was Dan of course. "It's open!" I shouted back and the front door opened.

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and made my way to the front door, whilst Chris followed behind me. I saw that PJ and Dan were in tuxedos too. "Wow!" Dan and I said in unison. To be honest he looks hot, "You looked stunning!" Dan said, looking me up and down. "Your not too bad yourself!" I retorted, making him laugh. He intertwinned our hands together and kissed my hand. I smiled at him and pecked his cheek.

PJ and Chris were just staring at each other, mesmorized by their appearances. "Are you guys going to compliment each other?" I said, making Dan laugh and snapping them two out of their gaze. "You looked great!" PJ said. "Thank you, you're not to bad yourself." Chris retorted. They are cute together, they just need to stop staring at each other. 

"You guys ready to go?" Dan asked. "Yep, PJ? Chris?" I said. "Yeah." They both said in unison. They are awkward, but Dan and I know that they love each other dearly. "Hold on tight." I heard PJ say to Chris which I found so cute. "Hold on tight." Dan whispered and I held onto his arm. Dan opened the front door and we walked out, I quickly locked it and Dan and PJ super sped us to the school dance.

We arrived in an alleyway close to school, because ovbiously Dan and PJ doesn't want to be noticed. We walked out of the alleyway and made our way to the school. I really wanted to hold Dan's hand, but his reputation, which I respect. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Chris walking behind PJ. It was probably awkward, maybe he wanted to do the same thing as me. Wanting to hold is hand or show any affection, but we can't, reputation plus we were nearing the school.

As we stepped foot onto school grounds, people were giving us strange looks. Not from our attire of course as everyone else was wear formal clothes. But probably because the bad boys of the school doesn't have any dates. We were, but they don't need to know that. Next thing you know, Dan puts his arm around me and whispers in my ear, "I don't care what people think of us. It's just you and me tonight, no one else.". I looked at Dan and smiled. I saw PJ put his arm around Chris, who was blushing. I laughed at how awkward he was and he looked at me. "Chris, don't be awkward, appreciate it." I whisper to Chris, which made him smile at me. He looked back at PJ and he was smiling. 

"They would make a cute couple." I whispered to Dan. "Yeah, let's hope that one of them has the courage to ask." He whispered back. I looked at all the students that were outside. A few were still giving strange looks, but most of them had smiles which made me happy. "Let's go inside!" I heard PJ say and we walked to the front doors.

I opened one door and Chris the other. As we walked in, 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' by Panic! At The Disco played. I started singing along to the chorus. Most students joined in as well. I didn't realise that there are loads of Sinners (I think that's the name of their fans) in this school. I was surprised that this song came up though, as tonight is 'The Night in Paris' and this has nothing to do with Paris. As the chorus finished and the second verse started, Dan took me to the table with drinks on it. He grabbed one and handed it for me. "Thanks!" I said over the loud music. "You are welcome!" He retorted.

Suddenly, I saw Louise and Zoe come up to us. "Hey guys, nice to see you came!" Zoe beamed. "Well we weren't going to miss this opportunity. You guys did a great job." I said. "Plus the great music taste!" Dan added, making them laugh. "You guys look great!" Louise said. "You two look great two!" I said, making them smile. "Can I ask you something guys?" Zoe said. "Zoe, you just did." Dan said, which resulted with Zoe rolling her eyes. 

"Are you guys a thing?" She asked. I looked at Dan then back at them two, "It's just you guys walked in with PJ and Chris, and Dan had his arm around you." Louise said. I smiled and looked at Dan again who had a huge smile on his face. "You guys are aren't you?" Zoe questioned. "Yeah, we are!" Dan said, "But don't tell anyone yet, we prefer to do it ourself." Zoe and Louise squealed. "That's so cute!" Louise said. 

"Is PJ and Chris a thing?" Louise asked, "Becuase, if they are that's extremely cute!" I shrugged, "You should ask them, we don't even know and we're best friends with them." I said laughing. As 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' started fading away, a slow song started. "We'll see you later guys, our dates are probably waiting for us." Zoe said. "Bye!" Dan and I said in unison. I took a sip of my drink that was now room temperature. I looked back at Dan who was staring at me. "What you staring at?" I asked Dan, which snapped him out of his gaze. "Just staring at hoow beautiful you are." I felt my cheeks blush (that doesn't sound right, oh well). "DO you want to dance?" I asked Dan. He grabbed my drink from my hand and placed it on the table next to his. He dragged me to the dance floor and placed his hands on my hips and mine on his shoulders.

Dan placed his forehead onto mine and I smiled. Tonight was just about us. No one else, well besides Chris and PJ but they can look after themselves.

Next thing you know, Dan and I were abrutly interupted by something being poured onto me. I didn't know what the hell it was, I looked down at my feet and looked up and saw Dan was in a state of shock. I looked behind me and saw Jared and his friends. Jared had the camera and his friends had a bucket of something. I looked at Dan and his expression changed to anger. I saw his eyes turn red, he couldn't be that he's hungry becuase his eyes were a different shade. They are dark red when he's hungry, but his eyes now were bright red. 

Maybe his eyes change depending on his mood. Not the time Phil.. I thought. The music stopped and everyone was looking at me and Dan. "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!!!" Jared shouted and his friends laughed. I couldn't believe it. "What was that for? I told you not to prank Phil, I knew you would never listen to me anyway. I didn't think you would do this sort of thing!" Dan yelled. "Dan you were apart of it, don't act dumb." Toby said. "Y-you knew they were going to do this? Y-you were apart of this?" I asked quietly. He was just about to say something, but I ran out. I couldn't believe Dan knew about it and let it happen. I had to leave, I didn't want to run all the way home, I didn't want to go to the bathroom, its an obvious place. I had to go to a place where no one would go...

The library...

A/N Hey guys! Long chapter for you guys. I think you deserve it as my chapters are getting shorter by each chapter. I hope you like it. I found out today that someone from my school, besides BlazeOliviaFaith and HauntingHydrex, reads my fanfictions. Literally I was walking home and someone was talking to me and they pointed at a bin bag and I said, and I quote, 'I am legit trash' and the that someone said, I love you fanfictions and I was surprised. I didn't realise that people from my school read my stories. I want to say a thank you to that person and thank you to everyone else who likes/loves this book. Don't forget to vote/ comment and share with friends. And as always...

I'll see you later my pretty little pompoms x

Bye x

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