Getting KickTheStickz Together

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Dan's POV

"I love you, Phil Lester!" I said to me, pecking his lips in the process.

"I love you, Dan Howell!" He retorted, pecking mine in return.

Then my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was PJ calling. I answered it and put it on speaker. "Hey Peej!" I beamed. "Hey Dan, your very cheerful, I'm guessing it went well?" I looked at Phil, he was blushing slightly, "Yeah." I heard PJ laugh. "Have you asked Phil about the thing you promised me?" Phil looked confused, I mouthed him 'I tell you in a minute'. He nodded and I responded to PJ, "Not yet, I was about to, but you interupted me!" I said laughing at the end. "Sorry, I'll go, bye!" And the line went dead. 

"What was that about?" Phil asked. "About Peej, oh I promised him that since he helped me build up the courage to tell you I was a vampire, that I would ask you if you could get Chris to hang out with him, becuase he likes him a lot." Phil laughed. I was confused, "Why are you laughing?" His laugh died down a bit, "Chris likes PJ a lot too!" He said laughing a bit more and I joined in. 

"They need a ship name.." I said. I though for a moment, 'KickThePJ and Crabstickz..'. "KICKTHESTICKZ!" Phil blurted. "KickTheStickz has a ring to it." I said smiling. "I call Chris." Phil said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. He put his phone on speaker when he got Chris' caller ID up. "Hey Phil!" Chris said. "Hey!" Phil retorts, "What's up?" Chris asked. "Nothing much, hey can I ask you something?" Phil asked Chris over the phone. I tried my best not to make a noise whilst Phil was on the phone, because Chris may ask who was there and why they were there. "Shoot!" Chris said. Phil cleared his throat, "What if I got PJ to hang out with you at one point?" It was silent on the other line. Phil looked at me biting his lip, and I intertwinned our hands together.

"OMG PHIL YOU WOULD BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!" Chris shouted, making Phil jump and drop his phone on the floor. I tried my best to hold my laughter back. For reassurance, I place my free hand on my mouth. Phil quickly grabbed his phone, "I guess I'm the best then." He laughed. His laugh was adorable, like him. I rubbed his knuckles with my thumb and he looked at me, smiling. I heard Chris scream, "Right I'm going to go, bye Chris!" Phil said. Chris said goodbye and Phil ended the call. "I'm going to call PJ again!" Phil nodded and I dialled PJ's  number and put it on speaker. 

When PJ answered the call, I shouted, "You have a day with Chris!". The line went silent. "Don't you dare start screaming, I've already had a heart attack from Chris!" I said, making Phil laugh. "Thank you!" Pj said. "Your welcome buddy!" I said, "I'll see you later!" We said our goodbyes and I ended the call. I put my phone in my pocket. I looked at Phil who was smiling, which made my smile too. "Uhm, Phil?" I said. "Yeah?" I looked at our shirts that were on the other side of the room. Phil got the message and grabbed his and my shirt. I put mine on and he put his own. 

"You hungry?" Phil asked. I nodded. "Do you want human food, or are you going out?" I pecked his lips and super sped to his door. "What was that?" He asked. I smiled, "Super speed.". "That's awesome!" I laughed, "I'm going out. Do you want me to get anything whilst I'm out?" Phil shook his head, "No thanks!", he said. I opened the door and stopped in my tracks. I super sped to Phil, kissing him unexpectedly. He kissed back. I departed the kiss and made my way out of his house.

A/N HEY YOU GUYS! I have updated! How have you guys been! I want to know who's reading this story. Feel free to comment, I may comment back. How your having a good day! Don't forget to vote/ comment and share with friends. And as always...

I'll see you later my pretty little pompoms x

Bye x

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