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Dan's POV

"Stay strong Dan. Stay strong for me and PJ, stay strong for Phil." I heard Chris say faintly. "I'll try.." I whispered, wincing at the pain at the same time. I felt Chris' presence leave my side. I need to stay strong for them. I especially need to stay strong for Phil. I don't want to leave him with him, he's a fucktard... I thought. The pain was getting unbearable. I flt my eyes droop and my limbs go numb, but that was not going to stop me from staying awake. Once I heard Chris say faintly; 'What happened to the cinnamon roll we call our friend?" I instantly knew that Phil had done something.

I felt my life slowly draining. I heard multiple footsteps coming towards me. My eyes close for a brief second and all I could hear is Phil saying may name a couple times, and I felt some thing wet, which I assume are tears, falling onto my cheek. But one thing that Phil said stood out the most; "Please don't leave me, I need you.." Phil whispered, his voice on the verge of breaking. I tried opening my eyes, but they felt extremely heavy. He placed a light kiss against my lips and all I wanted to do was kiss back, but I had no energy to do so. 

I felt Phil's lips move away from mine and all I wanted to do was pull him back and kiss him twice as hard to tell him; I'm here, I'm not going to leave you, I'm going to fight this. But I couldn't and I hate that I couldn't. I heard a sob and my heart broke. Knowing that your loved one is breaking inside and you can't do anything about it, extremely hurt. I felt my body being moved on the floor upon someones lap, which I assumed was Phil's as I was engulfed into a tight hug. 

"I love you so much Dan, please don't leave me.." Phil whispered, planting a kiss on my temple, then my cheek, then my lips. Inside I was shouting that I love him so much and that I'm not leaving, but as you know, I couldn't. I had to do something, something to give him a sign that I am okay, to make him stop worrying. I felt my hand being intertwinned and Phil's head upon my shoulder. His tears drenching my shirt. I need to do something, anything. I tried my best to signal Phil that I'm still here, so I used all the energy that I have left and squeezed his hand. It may have been light, but I knew that he felt it, due to the fact his crying stopped and he luifted his head off of my shoulder.

"Dan.." I heard Phil say. I felt all my energy coming back to me, like it just magically restored itself. I grunted a response, it was the only way I could communicate at the moment. He gasped and called my name again. "Phil.." I said, and my eyes shot open. It's like a miracle just happened, I could talk again and I can open my eyes, yet I still can't move. "Dan you're awake!" I heard PJ say. I averted my eyes to PJ and saw him and Chris moving towards me. 

"How come you aren't reacting to the venom Jared inserted into your system?" Chris asked with a confused expression plastered in his face. I opened my mouth to say something, but I screamed loudly. Pain surged throughout my body so I guess Jared's corruptted venom was taking it's full effect now. I clenched my fists and screamed louder. I didn't care how loud I was, the only thing that was on my mind was the excruciating pain I was going through. I heard voices around me, so I knew that Phil, PJ and Chris were talking about what to do, but I was occupied with something else to listen. 

Next thing I know, PJ is holding onto my head, exposing my neck, whilst Chris restrains me. I heard the faint words; "Phil.... fangs.... same.... Jared.... suck.... neck....feel... stinging... gone.... spit... insert... in... venom... think... why... doing... happen..." I felt fangs being inserted into my neck and I screamed. I felt all the energy being sucked out of my and I couldn't cope. "I know you don't like hearing Dan in this state but trust me, keep going." I heard PJ say faintly. 

I scream louder than I did before, until I felt the fangs pulling out. For a moment, I thought whatever they were doing was done, but the pain came back. Fangs penetrated my neck once again and pain surged throughout my body. I started shrieking and screaming, but then it started to die down, due to the fact the pain was easing. The fangs pulled away from my neck and my eyes closed, as during that painful process my eyes tend to open and close a lot. I felt extremely numb. I felt PJ's hands let go of my head and Chris letting go of my arms.

Since I was placed on the floor before the process started, Phil placed me on his lap once more and cradled me, like he was holding on for dear life, whilst crying. I felt another presence next to me and a lot more crying. Phil moved slightly and all I coule hear was his sobs. I felt Phil's hand moving my fringe into it's rightful place. He trace his hand down my cheek, and he planted a kiss on my lips. Before he pulled away, I felt all my energy come back to me, so I quickly placed my hand behind his neck, pulling him close whilst I kiss back.

Phil pulled away and my eyes opened. He gasped and kissed me again. I kissed him back and I tasted his tears. He smiled into the kiss and so did I, I'm just grateful that Phil is alright and he is worried free. We departed the kiss for air and I tried sitting up. Chris saw me struggling, so he helped me sit up and next thing you know I was engulfed into a group hug. "You're alive!" I heard Chris shout. I laughed and they all let go. "I am." I told Chris, staring at Phil who was staring right back at me. "I'm guessing Phil's venom worked." PJ said, making me snap out of my gaze and look at him, then back at Phil. 

"You used you venom to save me?!" I said surprisingly and Phil nodded. "You should of seen what Phil did to Jared, it was unbelievable!" Chris announced, making Phil laugh. "What did you do?" I asked Phil. "Well I remember that you told me that a vampires weak spot was their head. So I put Jared in a headlock, thanks to PJ and Chris, and in one swift motion, ripped it right off and threw it against the wall. His remains are still there behind you." Phil explained and I turned my head slightly to see. 

Jared's body was still there, headless, and a crumble of his face on the floor near the wall. I looked back at Phil, showing him that my mouth was open. "Who are you and what have you done with my Phil?" I said jokingly and they all laughed. Phil kissed my on the lips and stood up. He held his hand out for me and I gladly took it. He helped me up and I engulfed him into a hug. "I love you so much too and I'm never going to leave you." I whisper in his ear. I move my head away from his ear and look at him, he had rosy cheeks and a huge grin on his face. I pecked his cheek and kissed his lips longingly.

I heard a cough coming from behind us and I just hid my head in the crook of his neck. "Guys let's go to our place. Dan needs to rest and I think he will want company and so would I so. Let's get going." I heard PJ say and I laughed. "Shall we super speed out of here?" Chris asked. "Well, it depends on if Dan and Phil are fit enough to do so, Dan's energy is restoring and Phil has lost some energy due to saving Dan." PJ explained. "It's fine PJ. My energy is fine, I could just carry Dan." Phil said to PJ, looking at me. "Are you sure?" I ask Phil and he nods. "Okay." I retort. Phil carries me bridal style and we all super sped out of the building towards mine and PJ's palce.

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