Chapter 42: The Least I Could Do

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Alice's POV

I took a deep breath. Even with all the years I've been alive the concept of time still mystified me. I was still amazed how at times it crept by aching slow and at other times years past within a blink of an eye. The last couple of weeks I wished I could freeze time and just live in the moment with Jasper. I loved the way our bodies mingled and told our story beautifully each time we engaged intimately. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the car seat and I heard Jasper chuckle.

"Maybe I should made our honeymoon a bit longer," Jasper muttered as he got out of the car and opened the door for me. I slid out of the car and eased my hand into his.

"No Jas, our time together was perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about it," I comforted him and he issued me a little smile.

"It was good to get really lost in you again. It's been a long time since I've been able to really escape into the one place that makes me happy," Jasper said quietly. It was when he said things like that it made it very hard to keep my hands off him and made it impossible to deny my love for him. "Now we're back and I have a strong feeling we are about to be surrounded by drama." I could hear the dread in his voice and we hadn't even stepped across the threshold yet. He heaved a sigh and shook his head. "I should have made it longer." It was then that I noticed Bella's truck was here. Now I was really worried maybe something bad had happened? Maybe the Volturi was coming after us?

We finally entered the living to find Bella sobbing. Her face was red and she bawled like someone had died. Edward was doing his best to comfort her. She looked up at me and I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. I watched as Jasper slid away. It was too much emotion for him.

"Did you know about this?" She asked me and I was completely confused. I shook my head and hunched my shoulders. I had no idea what she was talking about. "He's getting married! How is this possible? It's too soon!" Bella spoke between staggered breaths.

"Sweetheart," I cooed but I was at a loss for how to console her. Leah and Edward connected on a level that transcends time. I'm sure that there no one on this earth that know Edward better than Leah, not just physically but they are so mentally in sync.

"I know it seems soon," I said softly and I opened my arms as she inched over to me and allowed me to hold her. Edward looked devastated as well. He never wanted to hurt Bella, he never wanted to make her cry, and now as I looked at him if he could cry he would've too.

"I don't know why I am crying to you. You wanted him with her too. So I guess everyone gets what they want except me. All I needed was a little time. Edward, why couldn't you have just given me time?" Bella stormed out of the house. I looked over to my brother and my heart really went out to him.

"I never thought I would be the one to make her feel that way," he said with emotion raw in his voice.

"I know Edward, don't worry she'll heal." I went and sat beside him and wrapped my arm around him. I know Jasper said we needed more time but I think we came back just in time to heal wounds.

Bella's POV

I can't believe I was so stupid. I don't know why I became hopeful when Edward called me today and said he wanted to see me. A good part of me thought that Leah and he had run their course and he was ready to come back to me. It just didn't make sense to me that he could just forget about how real and deep our love was ... just for a pretty face. I couldn't deny Leah was pretty but she and Edward were nothing alike or at least that's what everyone on the reservation said. I wiped my tears as I sped down the road. Memories kept running through my head. My mind was wrapped around hazel eyes and poetic words. My tears were clouding my vision I could barely see. I went to wipe my tears again and I forgot about the sharp turn. I was about the hit a large tree I was going to hit it hard and fast. I shut my eyes and accepted my fate but nothing happened. I was just jerked back into my seat. My truck was being pulled backward. My first thought was that Edward was saving me again but I had no idea why. Once back on the road, I put the truck in park and got out to approach him. It was then I saw her. Leah was wearing some jogging gear. She had obviously intentionally made herself scarce while Edward tried to once again let me down easy.

"Am I supposed to thank you?" I snapped with my hands on my hips. It was then that I noticed she had been crying too.

"Do what you want?" She shrugged and went to walk away.

"You ruined my life!" I yelled my not so little reminder that I hated her. "Maybe I'd be better off dead! Did you think about that or did you want me to watch as you steal every ounce of happiness away from me?" I attacked the one person I could think to blame. She looked back at me with deadly black eyes. Then snorted and then sighed her eyes returned to their amber like color.

"Less than a year ago I was in your shoes. I blamed Emily for all my unhappiness and I would've never wanted to cause anyone the hurt I endured ... not even my worst enemy. I was with Sam for years so to be without him and to know he chose my best friend over me ... it killed me." Leah became lost in her memories and I gasped.

"Oh my God you're still not over Sam! How could you marry Edward when you are still broken by another man," I asked and was disgusted. Leah looked up at me and frowned.

"You misunderstand, the betrayal still saddens me but I am way over Sam. I barely remember him in a romantic sense. The only reason I'm telling you this." I put my hand up and shook my head.

"What to tell me that it does get better? Bite me Leah. You're just a liar and an opportunist," I said dryly.

"Well this opportunist just saved your life and so now I owe you nothing. Good luck Bella," Leah said but she wasn't cold. She was just matter of fact about the situation. She started to walk away from me and felt myself about to break down again. I heard her huff out a sigh and after a second she was right back in my face.

"Look, I know you're hurting now but you have to distract yourself okay? Find other things to do and get outside your head because if you keep focusing on what could've been you will drive yourself crazy," Leah pleaded with me and I looked at her. She really was concerned but why we weren't friends.

"Why does my upset bother you?"

"I told you ... looking at you this way is like looking back at the old me. I ... I know you have a good spirit and I don't believe you deserve to hurt. I would really like for you to know I didn't mean to cause this pain but if you want to blame me that's fine. I have been in your shoes and I did everything the wrong way at first ... just be careful Bella." The concern in Leah's eyes and her warning shook my core. I didn't have any more fight in me. She'd won she had been the bigger person all around.

"You're probably shaken from the almost accident. Did you want me to drive you home or something?" Leah asked as she gestured over to my truck. I just nodded. She hopped in the driver seat and scooted into the passenger's side. We rode carefully down the road in silence. I could tell she was deep in thought and I was shocked she had been this kind after all the horrible things I'd said.

"Thanks," I whispered as I looked out the window.

"It's the least I can do," she muttered. As if on cue rain started to fall and I think it was symbolic to both of our moods.

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