Chapter 3: Because No One Cares

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We ended up in a single bed suite at Holly Hills Inn. I figured that a suite would be perfect. It offered us both the space we needed and gave her a bed to sleep in. She'd secluded herself in the room and I was mindlessly flipping through the television channels in the living room area. Every now and then I'd hear her move or sniffle. I knew she was crying, and that there was nothing I could do to comfort her; at least that was what her thoughts told me anyway. She just needed to get past this moment and she'd be fine, that was the mantra that ran through her head. 'Half past healed,' I heard her whisper a couple of times.

"Yeah, me, too," I murmured in response and then snickered. Who knew we were such similar creatures, emotionally. Maybe Emmett was right when he said I was moody like a girl. However, Leah Clearwater, was no ordinary female. She was rough around the edges, blunt, yet very well educated. I didn't think her family even realized how well she actually had done in school. I didn't think they knew about the scholarships and college opportunities that she'd given up to be close to them, and to be close to Sam. Now the forever that she'd believed in so strongly had dissolved over one night and she was left with nothing but her tears.

Leah and I were the only ones that knew she could get it all back, maybe not the scholarships, but she could apply to colleges get a degree and move on. I witnessed her desire to be a teacher, I saw her surrounded by little ones as she stood in front of the classroom. In the dream, she seemed so happy and if that was what would make her happy then she should pursue it.

Another fantasy ran through her mind, it was of Sam and her. She was in his arms pregnant. He was rubbing her stomach and kissing her face all over. I heard her sobs after this thought. I guess it's all Emily's now. I shook my head; I disagreed with the principals surrounding imprinting. It didn't seem right for whatever voodoo that caused it to be able to ruin someone's happiness. I cut off the television because I wasn't paying it any attention. My thoughts were wrapped up in Leah's daydreams and memories. After a few minutes her door opened and she joined me in the living room. She was wearing an oversized tee-shirt as a nightgown; it was odd that this was the first moment in all the weeks that I'd stalked Leah that I'd agreed with everyone else. She most definitely had an exotic and beautiful physical appearance. She sat down on the couch beside me in a huff.

"I can't sleep." She didn't look at me, but I saw the wetness as it continued to roll down her cheek. "I know you were eavesdropping on my thoughts. I might as well use you as a sounding board. It's less creepy that way." She glanced in my direction and then sighed, pleading internally with her heart to calm so that she could sleep, or at the very least act normal.

"As you wish; what would you like to discuss?" I stared at her hoping for eye contact. It had been said by many that the eyes are the window to the soul. I've notice that with Leah she very rarely gave eye contact, or more accurately she was selective with who she gave it to.

"I don't want to discuss it, I just want to vent," she murmured. "I'm tired of pretending to be okay. I don't think that Emily ever really apologized for ruining my life. Can you believe that Emily asked me to be happy for her? I don't see how I could ever truly experience that emotion where they are concerned. My goal is to eventually be completely indifferent towards the situation. However, that's not going too well." She smirked a little. "I'm normally not much of a crier but lately I can't turn off the waterworks. I keep thinking about what could have been. I keep asking why the heavens would punish me this way."

"You were doing better before today. You were trying to get over Sam, and he reopened wounds that had barely started to heal. You're still a strong woman Leah, and I believe that you'll be better because of this whole situation." She frowned at me and scooted away from me.

"No, I'm going to be alone because of the situation. Do you know that no male in my tribe wants to approach me because they all think that there's something wrong with me? I'm barren and I turned when only males are supposed to have that ability. You can't imagine the cruel things I've been called. No one seems to care that I'm still mourning; they all see me as damaged goods. That's why I'm leaving because no one cares about me." She looked down at her hands that were shaking. I hesitantly placed my hand over hers. She looked up at me confused.

"I'm not going to phase. I'm not angry, I'm depressed. Besides, I'd have to put out a lot of energy to phase and I'm too drained for that." She sighed and pulled her hands from underneath mine. She slumped sideways on the couch using its arm as a pillow.

"Forget them," I whispered. "You're leaving anyway; don't concern yourself with their ignorance. Maybe you're the only female in your tribe that's advanced enough to phase. Maybe you'll be a part of history." She laughed at my little rant.

"Yeah, and they'll make a book about me." She threw herself into her laughter.

"And a movie, tee-shirts, posters, and the works." I added, I'd begun to laugh too.

"I'd better get a cut of all this and they better get a pretty actress to play me." She sighed as she sobered.

"She'd probably have to be a model." I said, giving it some serious thought. "You're tall and… um… fit." I didn't want to make the conversation odd by addressing her attractive appearance. After all, we were in a hotel room alone together; I didn't want her to think ill of my intentions. Even though I found Leah appealing I wasn't romantically attracted to her. I was still in love with Bella, and only God knows how Bella feels about me.

"Some men are tall and fit Edward," she chided and glanced at me again. She sat up again, grabbed the deco pillow from behind her back, placed it in my lap, and then laid across it. "Rub my back?" A memory of her dad drifted across her mind. He used to do this to comfort her. She was beginning to trust me and I knew I trusted her. There was nothing evil about Leah, so what if she was a little bitter; right now she deserved to be. I slowly caressed her back in small, directionless circles for a few silent moments.

"Are you feeling better?" She nodded and then yawned.

"Sort of, you did just call me a man." She teased.

"I did no such thing. I was trying to pay you a compliment." I explained and she giggled.

"You could've just said I was pretty." She yawned again. The word 'pretty' didn't quite seem to fit Leah's looks, but I wasn't sure what adjective truly fit her best.

"You are pretty, Leah Clearwater." We both snickered.

"And you're a pansy, Edward Cullen, but a comfortable pansy. I may use you as a bed tonight." She yawned once more.

"Be my guest, I have no plans for leaving."

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