Chapter 36: Leah 3.0

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Alice's POV

"So he actually agreed to meet you?" I asked as I sat in the living room with Leah.

"Yeah, I think he was just curious about me and how I was doing. I didn't really tell him that I wanted to talk about Bella. I'm glad you're here to be a witness though this Bella will know that I've done my part to repay my debt to her." Leah crossed her arms and legs at the same time.

"Oh so that's why you wanted me here not for moral support but to be the messenger." It made sense but I was a little hurt by it. I thought Leah and I had gotten pretty close.

"Why can't it be for both? I really needed someone else to be here with me and Edward didn't want to be involved in anyway. You were naturally the next person I'd think of Alice." I tried to fight my urge to smile and Leah laughed at me. "Oh my God Alice you're so needy! You always need someone buttering you up and telling you how wonderful you are."

"You didn't say anything like that but I will admit it's I do enjoy being needed."

"So I never asked you what you think of this whole thing. Do you think that it's a smart idea for Jacob to give Bella another chance?" I gave the question some thought.

"I don't know. I'm uneasy about this whole thing. I mean, I feel bad Bella's alone and I want her to be happy. While we were away Jacob made Bella happy so if he is willing to do that again then it's great for her. I just don't know if it's the best thing for Jacob." Leah nodded and I could tell that she'd agreed with statement or at the very least agreed with it.

"I can't say I disagree but I have a debt and I need it wiped clean. What harm could asking the question do?" As if on cue Jacob knocked on the door and Leah answered.

"Hey Jake," she greeted him and moved to the side and he entered the house. He was captivated with looking at her. I couldn't blame him I found myself staring at her too. She was stunning but that wasn't why I stared it was because I was trying to figure her out. I figure if I stared long enough I'd be able to figure out her make up.

"Whoa Leah 3.0 is a major improvement!" Leah shoved him playfully and he almost toppled over.

"Sorry, I still don't fully know my own strength." The two sat down and Leah looked pretty uncomfortable so I decided start some small talk to kill the brief moment of silence.

"So how has everybody been since the battle?" Jacob chuckled, scratched his head, and looked from me to Leah.

"Everyone is fine and getting back into the normal routine of life. Is this why you contacted me Leah to play catch up? You look constipated." Jacob looked at Leah and she took a deep breath.

"Fine shit I guess I'll just jump right into it. You remember the conversation that we had the night before the war about Bella and Edward. I remember telling you how I viewed Bella as selfish and self-centered. I just wanted amend that conception, the woman saved my life and I'm sure I wasn't her favorite person. I just want to make sure that you're sure you done with Bella because she said that she would've picked you." Jacob sat back and looked at Leah and it was like they were having a conversation with out words.

"What's your motive Leah?"

"This isn't about me so I have no motive. I just wanted to let you know Bella said that she would've picked you and if you truly think she's the love of your life then this is your chance to see if you two can work as a couple." I had to give Leah credit, she was true to her word and stayed impartial in her delivery. I could tell Jacob was still trying to read his friend and Leah was picking pieces of lint off her yoga pants.

"I doubt that she wants me she's just hurt because Edward didn't wait for her. She has been trying to call me though. I don't want to be used … what do you think Leah?" Leah was looked baffled by his question.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think about Bella and me? Does she really love me?" Leah ran her hand through her hair and looked at me. I was wide eye and interested as to what she was going to say.

"My thoughts don't matter. I can tell you the questions you need to ask yourself. Will being with Bella make you happy? Do you feel she really loves you? Do you think you can make her happy? Only you can answer those questions Jake." Leah looked hesitantly into Jacob's eyes and immediately closed and shook her head. "Look inside yourself Jake you have the answers to the questions and you already know what you're going to do." Jacob nodded and looked like he was deep in thought.

"I actually had another question I wanted to bring up with you. Do you think that my family would be open to seeing this version on me … Leah 3.0 as you put it?" Jacob looked at his friend with remorseful eyes.

"Seth would … your mom is so deep in tradition that I don't know how she will react to you Lee. I will talk to her and see if I can't sway her." Jake ruffled Leah's hair and Leah grabbed him and pulled him into an intense bear hug.

"Leah, you're choking him!" I shouted.

"Oh sorry Jake," Leah murmured with her hands covering her mouth.

"I think that's my cue to leave. It was good seeing you Leah and I'll call you about your mom," Jacob got up and took his leave. After he left I asked the question that was surely on both of our minds.

"Do you think he's going to call her?"

"He wants to but he knows he shouldn't. Only time will tell," Leah shrugged and I started talking about other things. Leah and I were most definitely becoming closer and she acted like a sister to both Rose and me. I was hoping that Bella would find her happiness too and we could all be close. I didn't see it in the future but I desperately wanted to.

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