Chapter 21: Aftermath

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Alice's POV

I know it's been a long while since I'd been human but Leah had been gone a long time for going to use the restroom. Part of me knew Edward had gone after her, that's why I'd become contented in distracting Bella. I only hoped he wasn't arguing with her or breaking her heart, but the reality before us was that someone's heart was going to be shredded in bits. I gave Bella a small smile as I have listened to her conversation, I think she was telling me about one of the places she'd went to with her mother while she'd been away. Meanwhile I wished I could come up with some way to split my lovable brother in two. I just wanted to people that I consider close friends to be happy.

"Okay, I'm going to find Leah; she might be stuck in a toilet for all we know." Rose had seemed pretty uninterested in the conversation I was having with Bella. She probably just looking for an escape, she'd never cared too much for her in the first place and now that she'd bonded with Leah she had an even lower tolerance for her presence.

"And then there were two," Bella muttered. "It seems my presence is driving everyone away." She hung her head and picked at her finger. It was starting the lines were being drawn, I swallow hard even the physically I didn't have to. I was going to attempt to do some form of damage control.

"Oh Bella, don't be silly! Rose is just being Rose, don't pay her any mind I don't half the time," I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"Rose isn't who I was talking about. Leah hates me." Bella picked at me through her eyelashes and I was speechless, luckily she wasn't. "I would have thought that she'd lightened up a little now that she hangs out with you and Rose now." I nodded understanding her plight. I was going to try to be honest without telling too much of the tale of went down while she was away.

"I think it bothers her that you haven't made a decision between Edward and Jacob." I gave her this information hesitantly but I thought it necessary to dive into her psyche. I wanted answers I, just like the rest of us were confused by how long it was taking her to make up her mind.

"Why would she have any concern over my choice?" I couldn't help the alarm and disbelief on my face. My jaw dropped twice in my attempt to assemble myself and try to explain it to her.

"Bella, everyone is being affected by your decisions. There could be plenty of reasons Leah could be mad. She cares a lot about Jacob. She may feel you are playing with Jacob's heart."

"But I'm not! I don't want to hurt him or Edward for that matter! I feel it would be irresponsible to take this decision lightly." Bella grabbed one of the shots glasses off the bar and swallowed its contents whole. She soon after began choking and couching uncontrollably. I patted her back until the fit was over.

"Truth is Bella, your love triangle has affected so many people … and soon people with be putting their lives on the line to protect you and your bond with Edward. All we want is an end to the indecision. I'm not even asking you to choose my brother an eternity is a very long time to spend with someone you aren't completely in love with. All we want is an end to the indecision. Look deep down in your heart and confess … who do you love Bella? Can you see his face?" I took a deep breath and looked into her now saddened brown eyes. "But don't do it for Edward, Jacob, or Leah … do it for you. Aren't you tired of living in limbo?"

"Yes," she croaked out her response and tears ran down her cheeks.

"Honey, I'm sure we'll all love you regardless." I was giving her all of my empathy and sympathy.

"That's what I'm scared of … that I will lose somebody that's so close to me, I would feel like I'm losing a piece of myself.

Edward's POV

Our hands together, our fingers intertwined above Leah's head. I looked down at her face, her eyes were clenched shut. I was still inside of her, we were still connected, still one. I watched her waiting for her to open her eyes. I needed to know her reaction to what we had done.

"Leah, I care more than you can possibly understand." She warily opened her eyes, they were blazon with emotion.

"Really?" She breathed and began to squeeze my hands tighter.

"Of course … why would I say it if it weren't true?" I chuckled softly, and it moved us. It was almost enough to make me want her all over again. I kissed the side of her neck. The small kisses left an enjoyable buzz on my lips.

"Do you care about me as much as you care about Bella?" She whispered and I tensed at the thought of the question. I looked at her with nothing but confusion in my eyes. "You're not sure are you? How could you do this, with me, if you aren't sure Edward? This was really selfish and cruel!" She viciously pulled away from me, breaking our connection, we were no longer one.

"Leah, it's not like you think!" I fixed myself in my pants as Leah scrambled to her feet. She went for the door and I quickly placed my hand against the door blocking her exit. "Don't leave me Leah, not yet." She shook her head and then began to shake viciously all over.

"Please let me go Edward, you have nothing to offer me." Leah spoke with her head against the door and her hand at the door knob.

"Leah, please," I begged at a whisper. She continued to shake her head not even willingly share another breath of speech with me.

"Leah? You in there?" Rose was at the door. In that moment my mind began to remind me of where we were. This was not an intimate setting and to the innocent onlooker this scene could be depicted as one of two drunken strangers sharing a perverse interaction in a coat closet, but that's not what just happened at least not to me. I was not drunk, not with alcohol, maybe with the desire to connect with the one person who knew me best.

"Yeah, I was just coming out." This was my cue to let her go. I had no choice but to step back and allow her to exit. She closed the door quietly after her and I stayed back. I was mentally beating myself in the head.

Why couldn't I answer her? What was holding me back? I thought of Bella and became sick in the stomach. I felt guilty, not because of what I'd done, but I was acting like she was, but after what just happened here. I knew my decision, how could I not?

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