Chapter 13: Get Me My Chips!

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Leah decided she wanted to go home for lunch. While she was in the kitchen fixing herself a grilled ham and cheese sandwich I tried to figure out a way to start this weird conversation. She was humming along to a song that playing out of the little yellow radio that she kept above her sink. She flipped her sandwich a couple of times and then placed it on a paper plate. After she was finished cooking she came and sat down beside me on the couch in the living room. She took a bite of her sandwich and then glanced at me.

"I wish you'd spit it out already," she muttered, now focusing on her sandwich. "I know you want to say something … we've only got an hour before I have to go back." I still hadn't found the words. I decided to be blunt.

"So Ryan is your type?" Nothing against Ryan but he seemed a little too sloppy to fit Leah's taste, and the guy really didn't have that much going on upstairs. He had dark brown eyes and sloppy, dirty, blonde hair.

"I don't really have a type, Edward, it's how the person treats me and vibe I feel with the person," she said with her mouth full of food. "Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't, and you do have a type. It doesn't mean you can't fall for someone that doesn't fit that mold but you do have preferences, everybody does." I glanced past Leah, she'd left her sprite on counter; I got up to get it for her.

"Whatever, Edward, you're always right." She sighed and then began to work on the next half of her sandwich. "Can you bring me some potato chips, too?" I nodded and grabbed the chips off the top of her fridge. I placed the chips on her glass coffee table.

"I'm not trying to be right, Leah, I'm just trying to figure you out," I pleaded honestly.

"What is it that you're trying to figure out?" She frowned as she reached her hand in the chip bag. "Just be blunt, Edo, damn we've been spending all this time together, if there is something you want to know just spit it out!"

"Are you ready to start dating? Are you over Sam?" I did as she asked the two questions that were stupidly echoing in my head. She exhaled and took her hand out of the chip bag. She wiped her hands on her dark blue denim.

"Yes, I'm over Sam. It took a minute to realize that I was, but I am. I wouldn't mind dating but there's nobody I'm really looking at." She took that moment to look me in the eyes. God, her eyes were beautiful. "Satisfied?" she practically whispered.

"Yeah very, thanks for your honesty." I noticed that Leah's heartbeat had accelerated.

"No problem, uh Edward, now I have a question or two." She turned so she was facing me and gave me her undivided attention.

"Okay what do you want to know, Clearwater?" She smirked and picked at her fingers.

"Well how did you know that Bella was the one? I mean as far as looks are concerned she's pretty ordinary. I'm not saying she's not attractive, I just don't get the draw." She looked at me as if I was going to divulge some big secret.

"It's not her looks. It's her selflessness, her strength, her kindness, and believe it or not, her scent." Leah nodded, appreciating her scent.

"I get it, the girl has struggled, Jacob told me her story, but if you listen closely or talk to other females you'd realize all of us, or anyone for that matter, has a story. Life isn't easy. I think it's because you don't know what she's thinking. It makes her mysterious."

"You've given this a lot of thought haven't you?" I snickered and her expression went from curiosity to frustration.

"No! Honestly, I have no choice but to think about you in this situation! I just- I don't understand why someone as great as you is stuck on someone who doesn't even truly realize what she has!" She fumed, "I'm just perplexed and annoyed."

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