Chapter 26: Always

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Alice's POV

"Leah!" I exclaimed in a whisper. I didn't know what happened that caused me to suddenly be able to see her. In this case I really wished I couldn't have seen her. She was lying in the snow sobbing hysterically with Edward's head buried in her chest. I couldn't tell what had happened, but I knew she had been harmed. I could see the reddened snow beneath her.

"So much… so much… blood." I couldn't hide the sorrow in my voice. As soon as that first vision ended another vision of misery crept into my brain. It was a stranger in the darkness, circling Bella's house. It seemed like drama and danger were here, and were banging on our front door.

When I awakened from my trance the whole family was surrounding me in the living room. I felt Jasper's hands massaging my shoulders comforting and supporting me as I readjusted to the present. Edward was sitting right in front of me, frowning as he studied me. It was weird for him to have such an aggressive stare. It was almost as if he somehow blamed me for what I saw. I envisioned him saying 'this isn't what I want the future to hold, take it back' and I wished to God I could. "They are coming after Bella first. We have to stop them, hide her or they will kill her." I warned and Edward nodded, the all too familiar expression of guilt was etched all over his face.

"This is not the time to feel guilty. Now is the time for action. We need to move Bella for the night and come up with a plan to shield her from the battle." Edward fixed his face and grabbed his phone and dialed. "Jacob, we have a situation can meet at Bella's house … yes by 3AM."

Emmett, Carlisle, and Edward were already moving toward the door when we all heard Leah's phone go off. Leah had been upstairs sleeping. We listened as she answered her phone. "Dammit! Jacob wants to involve her. Rose, make sure she stays here." Rose didn't say anything she just looked toward the stairs. We knew that it was hard to deter Leah if there was somewhere she wanted to go.

Edward rushed out the door thinking that this was the smartest plan of action. If it were me I would've gone about it a bit differently. Yes, I would have called Jacob but only to keep an eye on Charlie. We had more than enough people to keep Bella safe here. Only a couple of us really needed to go get her. Then there was Leah, he should've explained everything to her before he left. Jasper headed out with Edward and the others while I stayed here to see if I could assist in honoring Edward's wishes regarding convincing Leah to stay here. After barely a minute, Leah bounded downstairs struggling into her jacket as she rushed.

"Hey Leah!" I exclaimed as I tried to divert her from leaving right away.

"Hey, Jacob needs me. Something's up at the Swan's house. I'm surprised you two aren't there."

"I know. Edward already left." I admitted. "He doesn't want you to go. Rose is supposed to stop you from going." Leah looked questioningly at Rose who held her hand out with her palm facing Leah.

"Stop," Rose uttered blandly and rolled her eyes at the stupidity of the situation.

"I have to go. It will cause more alarm if I'm not there after I told him I would be." She had a point; Jacob and the rest of the pack would wonder what was going on. And Bella was going to be really taken aback to see Leah here at such a late hour. I tried to think of something to stop her.

"We should all really be there." Rose contradicted me. "It makes no sense for us to be sitting ducks. I mean, I'm not sure exactly how this is going down, but I don't think we should all be split up." Rosalie looked out the window.

"Thanks for the help, Rose." Rose looked back at me with a sort of smug look.

"I'm not trying to derail anything, I'm just stating the facts. Danger is coming and we're separated. That makes no sense, but you know how Edward gets when he's all riled up. Its best not to argue."

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