Chapter 12: Skinny Jeans

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Edward's POV

"You tricked me!" I said as I approached Leah, hard at work the next morning, up high on a ladder, putting away stock, mainly paint and décor items that came off that day's truck.

"Excuse me?" She looked around in surprise, and then jumped down and landed gracefully in front of me.

"You could've just told me you wanted to spend the night with Alice," I teased and I followed her to the area where the rest of the stock she was putting away was located on aisle 7.

"Please, I didn't know she was going to come over and I most definitely prefer your company to hers. I just wanted you to spend time with your family, kill me if that's a crime!" She huffed as she grabbed three cans of paint so she could add them to her display in front. I grabbed her with one hand and held up the other with my fingers in the shape of a gun.

"Bang," I snickered as I touched the side of her head. She couldn't help but laugh at my antics.

"Edward, why are you pestering me at work? Don't you have better things to do with your day?" I knew she was only acting annoyed, she was smiling at me. I knew she liked the fact that I was here.

"Nope, this is all that's on my agenda for today." I leaned against her counter and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I have a boss you know, and she's not going like you just hanging around." Leah said as she bent over and grabbed some paint brushes to put behind her register.

"If you're boss comes out she'll be elated to see me. Almost as elated as that old guy is to see you in your skinny jeans!" I smirked because she cringed.

"Ew, Edo, don't be gross!" She pulled her shirt down which did nothing for covering her behind.

"I'm only being honest." I put an innocent look on my face. "Your fifty year old boss is perverse when it comes to her thoughts about me, and so is that old man when it comes to you!" I whispered. "He was thinking 'If I was ten years younger and I had one of those blue pills, I'd-'" Leah covered my mouth with her hand.

"Ewww! Shut up Edward!" She snickered.

"I bet you'll think twice about wearing those jeans again, huh?" I found myself helping stock her shelves, too.

"No, but I'll be sure never to ask you what you or anyone else is thinking." She started up the ladder again.

"Fine, so I'll ask the questions. What were you so busy talking to Alice about all night until this morning?" I didn't feel like I'd crossed any boundaries with my question; apparently Leah thought I had and she shot me a scowl to prove it.

"Just family stuff, no big deal. Alice isn't that bad, she kept trying to help me to see the bright side of things." She concentrated on the box that her supplies were in. She pulled out the last couple of brushes, set them down and began to break down the box.

"You could've talked to me about your family stuff." I murmured as I picked up and started to pick at the last couple of brushes.

"I know I could've but I didn't. What's the big deal Edward?" Leah frowned. "You don't have to be the only shoulder I lean on. It didn't really even feel like I was leaning on Alice either, we were just talking." She walked behind the counter to the register. "Long story short, don't smother me, Edward!" A few seconds later an older lady came to her register to check out. I truly believed that Leah's nose was better at predicting company than my ability to read minds.

"That will be 21 dollars Ms. June. How's your grandson?" She said as bagged the lady's decoration kit.

"He's good; he's been applying for jobs since he didn't get into college. He's planning to attend community college next summer." Leah nodded as she handed Ms. June the bag.

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