Chapter 39: Good Things

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Alice's POV

Now that Edward and Leah were an official couple and she was this superhuman or hybrid being. Things were quite different around the house. Her new powers were even more proof as far as I was concerned that my brother had made the right choice. Leah's new skill set made it so she could read people's "spirit", that's how she described it anyway. I felt like she could tap into peoples' conscious and see what it was that they were about. In using her powers it seemed like she could tap into a little of what Jasper and I could do. She can now sense who a person is and what they are feeling and in most instances predict what they are going to do based on how they are feeling. She claims it's just deductive reasoning but I can't be so sure. However, all of this power made it interesting to be around Edward and Leah at the same time, mainly because they didn't talk much to each other. The exchanged looks and she stare into his eyes he'll smirk or makes so facial expression leaving everyone else oblivious to what they were discussing mentally.

"I just find it a little annoying that's all," I chatted with Rose as we came back from our hunt.

"That's only because you're nosy," she chuckled and nudged me. "Leah told me if they said what they were thinking out loud we'd only be grossed out." She shrugged and I gasped.

"So you must've thought it was annoying too you asked her about it!" I proclaimed and Rose glared at me with mild annoyance.

"I just ask her what they were doing when they dazed off like that. She told me they are just talking sometimes they forget we can't hear them and other times they are things we really don't want to know. It's kind of like the way you and Edward play chess. Maybe if you try hard enough you can talk to her the same way. I'm sure then you wouldn't whine about it," Rose teased. I hadn't given that any thought maybe it Leah looked into my eyes she could communicate with me too. I'd have to try it.

"I'm surprised I am the one that's okay with it! You are usually more understanding of things like this due the fact that you mental …"

"You mean mentally advanced," I completed her sentence because it seemed like she was at a loss for words.

"No, I mental is what I meant to say," Rose chuckled. We were walking pretty slow the night was kind of peaceful and Emmett and Jasper were preoccupied doing whatever it was that they were doing. "I'm just wondering how long Leah's going to want to stay here. I may not be the biggest Edward fan but I'm a creature of habit. I am worried that now that they are together they may want to venture off alone," Rose confessed and my eyes widened in shock.

"I don't think that would be the worst thing in the world. You and Emmett go off all the time but always come back," I reminded her and she nodded.

"I just feel like there's change in the air. Don't you feel it?" As if on command the wind blew and my sister's blonde hair flew back. I closed my eyes and tried to pinpoint our future. I saw us all gathered together. I saw me Jasper and I recommitting to each other. I tried to look past my excitement to who was in attendance. I saw Edward standing behind him. I sped even future into the future and I saw a blurred figure which I identified as Leah. I could hear her screams and crying she was in pain. I saw us waiting frozen and paralyzed. I couldn't make sense of what was happening. I didn't see Edward. Where was he?

"Alice?" I heard Rosalie trying to bring me back into the present but the visions were all encompassing. One last image ran through my mind. The blurred vision became clearer. Leah came into focus she was wearing a long spaghetti strapped white dress with a white flower in her hair. She walked down an aisle towards Edward I gasped.

"ALICE?" Rose shook me out of my vision.

"Dammit!" I snapped.

"What did you see?" I couldn't believe she had nerve to ask after she did her best to break my focus.

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