Chapter 38: Hers Alone

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Edward's POV

I never thought I'd be seeking out Jacob for romantic advice. However out of all of the people on the Res I thought I'd be the most comfortable conversing with him about this particular subject. I was surprised when he said he could meet me at La Push. Normally our kind wasn't allowed on their land but a few exceptions had been made in the past. I arrived and he sat there in the sand, staring at the waves. They were calm but beautiful to behold under the moonlight. He stood once he noticed my presence.

"Speak your mind Cullen. We can't be here for long. Other people won't tolerate your presence as well as I do," he reminded me and I nodded. It was fine with me I wanted to get to the matter of hand anyway.

"Why does Leah want to break up with me?" I started and Jacob chuckled.

"She must've come to her senses," he answered. I snorted I kind left myself wide open for that one.

"She keeps saying she owes it to Bella because she saved her life," I pushed on and Jacob eyes lit up. Obviously what I'd said had struck a nerve. I could have read his mind and snatched whatever information was up their however sometimes I found it was better to hear things from a person's mouth.

"Huh, well now I know why she was trying to push me on Bella." Jacob's mind began to wander back to one of the tribe's meetings and their warrior stories. Long story short the warrior was close to death and the other warrior put his life at risk to save him. Throughout the other warrior's life he looked out for him and made sure he was happy, protected, and his life stayed on track. The elders kept mentioning that the warrior should be willing to repay the debt and Jacob felt that Leah took it too much to heart. She had the tendency to do that.

"Does Bella know this story?" I asked Jacob and he thought for a minute. "She may … I can't remember if that story was every told while she was on the res. It would explain why she is so bold to get into Leah's face. I do know she knows how seriously Leah takes those things because I teased Leah in front of Bella … a couple of times actually."

"So Bella's manipulating her," I said bluntly.

"Probably, and to be honest if Bella asked her to leave you … Leah's gonna leave. It's just her nature. She believes in fate and staying true to the history of our tribe. It probably isn't wise for you to be here," Jacob reminded me.

"I know I could be killed but I need your help," I begged.

"No, I mean if you're not with her it will make it easier for her to leave. Look, I'm not a big fan of your relationship with Leah, I think the girl can do loads better, but I don't think she should leave you if she doesn't want to. If Bella is forcing Leah you should stop her."

"How?" I asked and Jacob snorted.

"That's not my problem! I'm done with the affairs of Isabella Swan. She chose you and tried to make me a consolation prize not once but twice. I'm over it … but if I were you I would try to convince Leah that her debt has been repaid. She did all she could to improve Bella's love life and trying to force you into Bella's arms is actually worst for her. Hell, I mean you are a leech for crying out loud Bella can do a loads better than you." I chuckled. He was right with all the self-loathing I did it should be easy to convince Leah that I wasn't good for Bella. I ran my hands through my hair this whole thing was tired. I glanced over to Jacob who found this whole situation comical. He had this stupid smirk on his face but then I saw her in his mind eye. Leah was behind me and she did not look very happy.

"Jake," she greeted her alpha dryly.

"Hey Leah." I took in his thoughts and some of them had grown perverse towards my Leah after her change. It didn't matter though I knew Leah viewed him like a younger brother. "I guess you want me to leave." Leah shrugged her shoulders she was indifferent. She looked up at the sky and then back to me.

"I'm surprised to find you here," she muttered quietly. Her thoughts confessed to me that she'd followed my scent and had expected to find my wrapped up in Bella's arms. Leah and I stared at each other sharing no words we were both spending too much time trying to figure each other out without asking any question. However, no matter how many supernatural abilities we may have sometimes communicating was needed.

We needed to just talk to each other and normally we were pretty good at that.

"I'm outta here," Jake blurted out and broke up both from the trance we both seemed to be under. Jake approached Leah and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Leah, I know you're stubborn but … make the right decision okay? Be happy." I was shocked as I watched Jake kiss Leah's forehead then break into a run, phase, and vanish into the night.

"I thought you'd …"

"I know what you thought," I cut her off and I found myself glaring at her. "How could you think that I'd leave you? Do you know how long it took me to realize you are the one I wanted? I don't see how you think just because you keep asking me if I'm sure about my choice that it will change!" I didn't realize how angry I was about all this until I started talking. I must've been bottling some of my frustration up inside.

"Leah this isn't you. You're strong, vocal, and confident as hell all of those characteristics are part of what made me fall in love with you. Why are you acting so insecure about this?" Leah huffed and plopped down in the sand. She drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She closed her eyes and sat in silence for a moment. She thought carefully before thinking I could tell she was trying to find a way to explain how she was feeling. I wanted patiently for her.

"You're right I am very sure of myself about most things, but love … that's hard. It's hard to … trust, especially since I've been let down in the past." She looked up at me and I stood there watching my love in the moonlight. She gazed upon with tears in her eyes.

"I don't why but I feel like I'm just a scared little girl waiting to get her heartbroken. As much as I would like to say the reason I've asked you a million times about Bella is to repay a debt, and in part it is, but it's mainly because I know I won't be able to recover if you decide that one day you don't love me anymore." Leah quickly wiped a couple of tears that had ran down her face.

"After I came out of Alice's room and realized you'd left my heart shattered at the thought that tonight was the night you'd left me. I don't want you to leave me Edward. I don't have in me to be selfless enough to let you go," she said quietly. I sat down beside her and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her roughly on the cheek.

"Good! Leah Clearwater I want you to remember no matter how hard you try you aren't getting rid of me. I plan to spend the rest of existence with you my very best friend and the woman I'm madly in love with." Leah smoothed her had across my cheek and planted and small sweet kiss on my lips.

"Thanks Edward," she whispered and I kissed the top of her head. She nuzzled closer to me as we watched as the glowing full moon shine over the waves. Leah's mind seemed to finally be accepting the fact I was hers and hers alone.

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