Chapter 22: My Only Choice

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Edward's POV

I had finally begun to see everything clearly. I didn't realize my sight had been so clouded. It wasn't until I was standing in the midst of the "training session" with my family, the wolves, and Bella, that I realized how far off track my life was from where I wanted it to be. I watched as Bella rubbed her head against Jacob's fur, his eyes closing appreciatively at her touch. Observing the two of them, I realized that it was gone. The jealousy seemed to have evaporated.

I ducked as Carlisle attempted, for the second time, to get the better of me. I wasn't even concentrating on the task at hand. I was listening for Leah. I hadn't seen her since- since my jealousy and possessiveness caused me to advance, seduce, and make love to her. I hadn't been able to talk to her, and it wasn't for lack of trying on my part. I hadn't given up, I was just trying to give her time. However, now that Alice had determined that we would be at war by the end of the week, I was afraid that our time had run out.

"Son, what has you so distracted?" Carlisle stopped practicing to focus his sight on the wolves. "Is she here?"

"No, and since she isn't I hope she realizes that she won't be fighting!" I growled with clenched teeth.

"You can't control that." He challenged me firmly. "I'm sure the others will relay the teachings to her." Carlisle patted my shoulder. "You must stop focusing on things you can't control, and worry about the here and now." I nodded, he was right. If I didn't take the time to train, then all of this other stuff would be unnecessary concerns because I would perish in a fire started by Victoria.

"You're right, I need to pay attention." I stood in a fighting stance and allowed Carlisle to continue to try and attack me. Every now and then my mind would drift to Leah; thinking about her actually made me angrier. It wasn't the actual thought of her, but the situation that I'd put myself into that made my rage increase.

"Easy!" Carlisle said shaking his hand as an attempt to work off the pain. I must've hit him and not realize it.

"Sorry," I murmured and he nodded letting me know it was okay.

After a few more rounds I switched to working with Emmett. Emmett gave me a serious work out, and the few knocks that he gave me left me with no choice but to focus on the task at hand. One time, while I was on the ground… collecting my thoughts, Emmett looked down at me and I took notice of the look that he had on his face. He had wanted to knock me on my butt. I know man, what happened. Leah told Rose! I can't believe you damn near raped her! I thought you were supposed to be sensitive, but you're just a …

"Enough! You don't know what you're talking about!" I leapt up and shoved him as hard as I could. He in turn tried to punch me and I blocked him. It soon became an actual pissing contest that Esme stepped in to break up.

"What is going on?" she yelled as she placed herself between Emmett and myself.

"Nothing, just teaching little Edo some manners," Emmett hissed. "I know what I know. Fix this situation it's bull shit! We've all put our live on the line for you, this is the least you can do."

"I've done nothing wrong." I murmured to myself and turned my back on my brother and on this whole ordeal. I looked out into the wolves who had found this whole encounter quite entertaining. Luckily none of them had figured out what or who we were fighting about. I quickly laid eyes on Jacob who was still standing close to Bella. I approached them and Bella seemed alarmed by my movement, shifting away from him.

"Can you make sure that Bella gets home? I have… some business to finish." I asked, but no sooner had I asked the question, then I know his answer. I knew that Jacob was still as in love with Bella as when she'd left. I moved past the wolves and on to my car. I drove like a mad man and parked in front of Leah's apartment. I normally would have taken a moment to assess my emotions and channel a more human emotion, but this time I wanted her to know the full extent of my anger.

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