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Hazel Pov

I walk into Art late wearing sweatpants, a long sleeved shirt and sneakers, a girl who I accidentally whacked in the face with my locker door was with me, her name is Buffy Cayenne, she forgave me for the whole locker incident and we started talking, she's pretty cool though, long blonde hair, bright green eyes and weird like me, we both think llamas are awesome and have the same favourite colour BLUE!!!.

"Miss Cayenne and Miss Cunningham, your late" The teacher says annoyed as we sit down "I'm sorry I was hit in the face with a locker door" Buffy says glaring at me, I smile innocently "I said I was sorry" I said cheekily "sorry isn't good enough" She says huffing with crossed eyes "well that's all ya getting so deal with it" I said smirking, she whacks my arm just as the principal walks in.

"Hazel, your sister has been suspended but refuses to leave without you so come along before she throws anymore chairs at the office ladies" He says sternly "yeah she does that" I said amused as I stand up "see ya" Buffy says "I'll text ya later" I said before leaving with the principal, I calmed down Emily just in time for Olivia to walk in not very happy and took us back to the pack house.

"What did you do?" Father yells at Emily making her flinch an hide behind me "don't yell at her" I said through gritted teeth "don't talk to me, you were nothing but a mistake" He snarls disgusted, I felt my heart twist as I keep a straight face "I already know that and if you dare speak to my sister like that I'll call my social worker and get you locked up for child abuse, and yes that's a fucking threat" I said coldly before leaving him speechless as Emily follows me.

"Isn't child abuse physical stuff?" Emily whispers confused "it can be in many ways, Em, this is psychological abuse" I said sternly as we walk into my room "oh ok" She says softly sitting on the small couch and she watches t.v as I lay on my bed texting Buffy and Caleb who found it funny that I threatened Dad because apparently Caleb gets treated like shit too.

"You ok down there, Em?" I ask concerned "yeah fine" She murmured just as Caleb & Jack walk in "why are you two back early" I ask sitting up "we got bored at school" Caleb shrugs as they sit on the bigger couch "yeah well you missed your Mum have a fit" I said rolling my eyes "I'd have rather have see Dad have a fit then Mum go off her head" Caleb says smirking.

"She threatened t-to call the s-social worker" Emily says stuttering slightly "oh wow Hazel, I didn't think you were that hard core" Caleb says chuckling "he yelled at my sister" I said annoyed as I jump down from my bed landing lightly on my feet "you're very protective of her" Jack says curiously "she's my little sister, of course I'm gonna be protective of her, plus I made a promise I ain't breaking anytime soon" I said in a hard tone.

"What promise?" He asks wow this dude don't tell me anything but expects me to tell him everything "I don't think that's any of your business, Jack" Caleb says before I could, Caleb was looking at Jack with a look I couldn't quite identify but he wasn't happy that's for sure, I wonder why. "Sorry, curiosity killed the cat" Jack says bitterly.

"But satisfaction brought it back" I said lost in thought, they both look at me as I stare at the ground "Hazel" Emily asks worriedly, I blink "I need some air" I said clearing my throat and left the room, I walk down stairs and outside, I walk through the woods as thoughts torment my mind, I stop smelling something "rouges" I said smirking just as one walks out into eye sight.

I knelt down "hello Sebastian" I said smirking, he shifts into human form and I stand straight "damn boy, cover up" I said amused as he just stands there naked "I heard you lived close by and hate to break it to ya love but you've seen me naked plenty of times" He says smirking "why are you here" I ask rolling my eyes "because my Dad wanted me to come check on you an Emily" He says shrugging.

"We're fine now go before anyone else smells your scent" I said with narrowed eyes, he shift back and runs off, I walk back to the pack house and went to my room, they weren't in my room when I got back so instead of going to dinner I sat on my bed writing in my journal as my stomach growled....

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