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Hazel Pov

I sat on my bed thinking of my baby as I rub my belly, I'm due in 6 weeks so you can only imagine how swollen my feet are and how hard it is to walk around especially the bloody stairs, Jack is super helpful though which is good because I have not made it easy, my hormones have got me acting like I have just snorted a bunch of sherbet and had 10 shots of apple sour monkey, I've had a lot of people try telling me that my baby is a boy from how I'm acting and eating and the way I'm carrying, I've had enough of it... I never asked for anyone's thoughts or opinions.

"Hey gorgeous mother to be, I hope you are feeling up for today, if not I can see if your brother can help the new wolves with paperwork and everything" Jack says perkily as he lay beside me smiling sweetly "oh crap, I forgot we had new members today, I can handle it but I need help up" I say chuckling as I try to heave myself up but I was like a turtle on its back just kicking my legs in the air, Jack laughs standing up and taking my hands, he hauls me up onto my feet and kissed my forehead "you're so beautiful" He says lovingly as I smile goofily at him.

Jack helps me down the stairs an into my office, he goes to make me a cup of tea as I sat down at my desk, I make sure that I have everything I need for when the new members get here, if my memory is correct there should be about 5 or 6 of them. Jack walks back in carrying a mug an a plate of toast "here you go, I wasn't sure if you were hungry so I thought I'd grab something just in case" He say kissing my cheek as he places it in front of me "thank you, Jack, you're amazing, I love you" I reply smiling up at him, he pecks my lips "I love you too, I've got a few things to do, call me if you need me" He says giving me one more kiss before leaving.

I quickly ate an drank my tea and not long afterwards there was a knock on the door and one of my pack members Rose slowly opens it an pops her head in "hello, Alpha, the newbies are here" She says shyly "thank you, Rose, please send them in" I say in a stern tone. "Hello Alpha" The group of 6 say as they enter an the door shuts behind them as they stand in front of my desk "hello, please introduce yourselves" I say with a warm smile.

"My name is Catherine Baker, I'm 16 and only recently turned so I have no previous pack" a young girl says shyly as she hides behind her brown hair, she was only a small skinny girl with a very pale complexion and she seemed very anxious "my name is Mathew Numan, I'm 19 and was a part of the BlueMoon Pack but I moved to get a fresh start" a deep voice says coming from a very tall muscular man with long black hair and bright green eyes, he had a scar along his neck and was standing up straight, kind of like a military soldier would stand.

"Hi I'm Josie and this is my sister Molly, we're both 17 and we're both from the GreyStone pack, our parents moved us here due to a new job opportunity" She explains as her sister stands behind her with her head down, once everyone spoke then filled out all their paperwork, I called in Rose to help show them to their rooms before I went to go find Jack only for a pain in my stomach caused me to fall to my knees, I felt someone grab my arm, I look up an saw a girl named Ella "are you ok" She asks softly.

"Could you help me to the infirmary, please" I ask breathing heavily as she helps me up and grabs my arm pulling it over her shoulders as we make our way to the infirmary.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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