Your Nothing

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Hazel Pov

I walk into the kitchen rubbing my eyes tiredly, I sat beside Caleb because Jack is sitting in between two girls Harriet & Taylor, I ate a piece of toast before my phone starts beeping off, I walk outside and answer it

"Hey Em" I answer cheerfully

'Hey, how's living in hell going?' She asks amused

"Not that bad actually, how have you been?" I ask curiously as I sit on the front porch

'Great except I miss having you around, I made a few friends an I found my mate but I'm too scared to even talk to him, I tried once and made a complete fool of myself' She says sounding embarrassed

"Just try again, you never know maybe he thinks its cute, anyway I gotta go get ready for school, I'll talk to you later" I said softly

'Ok, love ya sis' She says perkily

"Love you too" I murmur an hung up.

I go back inside an to my room, I have a quick shower and changed into jeans, a pierce the veil t-shirt and black converses. I brush my hair & teeth before grabbing my bag and leaving, I got to school late an walk to second period Art late, Buffy was sitting with Caleb, a few other girls & Jack, the girls were glaring at me, I knew one of them was Taylor from the pack house and the other two were human, Annie & Jayla.

I sit alone even though Buffy waved me over, I plug in my earphones and play 'Kiss me kiss me' by 5SOS. I open my book an draw random stuff until the bell rings, I stand up an left towards my locker, I shove my bag inside only grabbing my phone "hey are you ok?" Buffy asks suddenly beside me, I shut my locker door "yeah fine, tell Caleb I won't be back until tomorrow" I said an walked away before she could reply.

I leave school an walk down the street, Josie who's an old friend was waiting at the park "come on, Emily is already there waiting" Josie says softly an we leave in her car, an hour later we reach the cemetery where my parents were buried, we walk to their grave stones an Emily ran into my arms crying, Sebastian was standing close by with a sad expression.

Our Mum's birthday is today an I made a promise to Emily that we'd visit her grave, same with Dad. We stayed for abit longer, tears were shed and hugs were given before Sebastian takes Emily back to our Aunts and Josie drove us to her place because I don't want to go back to the pack house yet.

We drown our sorrows in sweet alcohol before we both passed out....


The Next Day: 9:45am

I walk inside the pack house an Dad was suddenly choking me against the wall "you don't disappear whenever you want, where have you been" He growls angrily "its not like you give a shit, let me go" I spit an shove him off "of course I don't, you mean nothing to me but thanks to your stupid Mother I have no choice but to deal with you" He snarls viciously.

"Don't insult my Mother" I said through gritted teeth "she was nothing but a whore and your just like her" He says an roughly shoves me to the ground before walking away, I felt my anger take over as I leave the pack house, I shift and ran through the woods, his words circling through my head as I lash out and let my wolf take control...

I groan sitting up on my bed covered in dirt and dried blood, I hop down an have a shower, I change into jeans & a baggy shirt, I clean my sheets and any stains on the carpet. I grab my phone an look up the news to see an animal attack took the life of 34 year old Daniella Loggins who was camping in the woods alone, apparently she was torn apart and her left leg is still missing, oops.

I walk down stairs an into the living room only to see Jack kissing Taylor, Buffy saw me as I turn around and leave the room. I go back up stairs an lock my door, I sit on the couch and watch t.v as I text Emily..

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