Girl's Day

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Hazel Pov

"Wake up" Jack murmurs against my neck, I turn to face him an softly kiss his warm lips "I regret ever mentioning a girls day, I'd rather lay in bed all day" I mutter bitterly "Buffy and Olivia are looking forward to it, you can't bail on them" He says amused as he rubs my upper thigh "fine" I said grumpily an raise an eyebrow when he pins me down.

"Once you get back we'll watch a movie and while your gone I'll go get us snacks, just try to have fun today ok?" He says kissing down my neck "I'll try but I'm gonna miss you" I said pouting "you won't be gone long" He says amused an softly kisses me, we move in sync until someone bangs on the door telling me to hurry up, I peck his lips before standing up and quickly getting changed into jeans, a t shirt and sneakers.

"Alright I'll be home soon" I murmur kissing his cheek "have fun" He smirks an I stick my tongue out at him as I leave the room. I walk down stairs an into the kitchen "Buffy, Olivia, hurry up or I'll leave without you" I said impatiently, Caleb kisses Buffy before she stood up, Olivia quickly finished eating an spent 5 minutes trying to find her god damn jacket before we finely left.

I drove to the mall an Olivia and I watch Buffy run to the nearest clothes shop "so can I call you sis? or will that be too weird" I ask smirking "you call Caleb your brother, so if you want to you can call me your sister" She says smiling crookedly "well ok then, sis, lets go find Buffy before she starts wrestling an old lady for the last pair of shoes" I said linking arms with her.

Olivia chuckles as we start to look for Buffy who we found tackling a middle aged women, it took both of us to pry her off and the store manager yelled at us to leave, it didn't stop Buffy from doing the same thing at another shop, I actually got to know some things about Olivia that brought us closer, we spent a few hours getting kicked out of store after store because of Buffy.

We finally got home, Olivia and I complained to Caleb about Buffy's behaviour, he laughed. I walk up stairs an into my room to find Jack asleep on the couch, I look at the t.v to see he was watching Frozen.... what the hell am I dating. I kneel down an kiss his cheek "wakie wakie" I said softly as I rub his shoulder "come here" He murmurs holding his arm out.

He pulls me on top of him an holds me tightly "I missed you so bloody much" He murmurs kissing my head "I missed you more" I said nuzzling my face against his chest, he sits up with me in his arms "I bought a bunch of different food because I didn't know what'd you like" He says softly kissing my neck before gently pushing me off an standing up.

He grabs 3 plastic bags that were on my bed while I change the movie, Jack and I cuddle as we eat and watch the movie...

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