Telling Him

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Hazel Pov

I got home from visiting Emily, I walk inside an was suddenly engulfed in Jack's arms "where the hell have you been?" He asks frowning as he pulls back "visiting Emily, I didn't want to bother you so I just left" I said softly as I stare at my feet "look I know we haven't been talking much but you have to tell me before you go anywhere, ok?" He says an pulls me back into his arms, he kisses my head as I bury my face in his chest.

"Ok" I murmur before we go up stairs an into his room, he sits on the edge of the bed and pulls me down onto his lap "I think we should tell your Dad tonight" He murmurs holding me close "or we could wait abit longer" I said nervously "hey it's ok, I'll be with you" He says kissing my temple "fine, lets go see my brother first" I said sighing as we walk to the office an Jack knocks before we walk in.

"Hey bro, your gonna be an Uncle" I said smirking an happened to notice how pissed off he looked, Buffy looked like she was gonna cry, obviously they've been arguing "congratulations" He murmurs "have you seen Dad?" I ask curiously "no, he's probably in his room" He says rolling his eyes, I grab Jack's hand and we left "jesus, I feel sorry for Buffy" Jack says shaking his head.

"I wonder what they've been arguing about this time" I said sighing as we walk up stairs and I hesitantly knock on my Dad's door, it opens an he smiles "Hazel, Jack, what can I do for you two?" Dad asks cheerfully "I'm pregnant" I blurt out an his face drops as Jack squeezes my hand reassuringly "Hazel, do you think your ready to be a mother?" Dad asks with an unsure tone.

"Honestly I don't know, are you disappointed... or angry?" I ask frowning "no, your Mother was your age when she was pregnant with you so I can't really say much" He says with a small smile before he looks at Jack "I've been in your position, Jack, don't do what I did" Dad says sternly, Jack nods and we talk for abit about Caleb who Dad is worried about.

Jack & I walk into our room an he chuckles when I kick off my shoes and jump onto the bed "Jack, we have to have a name for our baby" I said sitting cross legged, he sits in front of me "we don't have to worry about names yet, Hazel" He says smiling an softly kisses me "fine" I said pouting an I lay down, he lays beside me an pulls me into his arms.

"I love you" I murmur snuggling closer "I love you too" He says kissing my head before we go to bed..


Buffy Pov

I walk into the Alpha's Office "Caleb, come to bed" I murmur sleepily as I wrap my arms around his neck "I'm busy" He says annoyed, I felt my blood boil "your always fucking busy" I grumble an turn to leave, he grabs my wrist tightly an he stands up as I whimper "don't speak to me like that" He snarls just as someone knocks on the door, he lets go of my wrist as Hazel & Jack walk in.

"Hey bro, your gonna be an Uncle" Hazel says smirking as Caleb sits back down on his chair looking angry "congratulations" He murmurs "have you seen Dad?" She asks curiously "no, he's probably in his room" He says and Hazel & Jack left, once the door was shut Caleb looks at me.

"I'm sorry" He says frowning as I rub my wrist "I don't like what you've become, your not the Caleb I fell in love with" I said sniffling "well what do you want me to do?" He asks with pleading eyes as he stands up an walks towards me "its too late" I said croakily as I felt my heart ache "what are you saying, Buffy?" He says with a knowing fear.

"Alpha or me, what means more to you?" I ask as tears stream down my cheeks "you, you mean everything to me" He says cupping my face in his warm hands an softly kissing me, I pull back "then tell your Dad & sister that you don't want to be Alpha, please! its changing you into someone I can't even recognise" I said with teary eyes "ok I will, come on let's go to bed" He murmurs taking my hand in his.

We walk to our room an he collapsed on the bed kicking his shoes off an taking off his shirt, I kick my shoes off an crawl onto the bed, I rest my head on his chest listening to his heart beat as I fall to sleep...

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