The breakout

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This is the first time I've writen an x reader before so I might get some things wrong, I'm sorry. Please tell me what you think of the book. (Y/N - Your Name)

You're sitting down in your maths class learning about algebra. You struggle a lot in maths and always daydream, looking out of the window you sit next to. "Y/N!" Your teacher yells. "Pay attention." You stare at the teach and roll your eyes before looking out again. You notice that there is a strange man standing outside the gate who looks similar to your neighbour.

Before you even realise it, you're out of your seat and running down the corridor. As if on auto pilot you run out to metal steps and find Takashi staring at the gate. "Aren't you meant to be in class?" You stand next to him and follow his gaze. All you see is blood as the teachers get bitten one by one.

"Shit." You can tell that he is thinking of Rei as he runs back towards class. You follow, not too far behind to tell your friend, Liam about what has just happened.

As you run in and grab his arm, he stands up and stares you in the eye. You try to explain to him what you have seen but your words are all jumbled up. "We have to get out of here, now." You grabbed his hand and led him out of the class. Takashi had ran the opposite way to you guys with Rei and her boyfriend.

"Can you please tell me what's happening?" Liam started to try and stop you running but you end up dragging him.

"One word, zombies." Liam tries to not laugh. He's into all the zombie movies but he thought that could never happen. "Don't believe me? Look outside." You let go of his wrist and he walked towards the window.

"Holy shit." Liam quickly got away from the window and this time grabbed your hand but led you the opposite direction. "We need weapons. Guns, bats, anything to whack them over the head." You run down the stairs with him to the storeroom where the doors are open and things are all over the floor. "Here Y/N." He passes you a baseball bat and takes one himself.

There are groans behind you and turn around to be face to face with a zombie. "Duck!" Without hesitation you duck and the zombie falls in front of you.

"Eek." It's head lay right next to your foot so you shove it away and stand up. Your ponytail swishes in the slight wind coming from outside, upstairs. "Hey, Liam, up there." You run up the stairs and come out near the staffroom and dodge two people from the class. Names are a waste if time, same as school.

You carry on running, Liam by your side and you both head towards the roof. In the distance, on the top of the stairs you notice a barrier of tables. Liam noticed too and you both look at each other. "There must be survivers there." That gives you hope that you should survive, butnyou still have to run around the zombies trying to get past the barrier aswell. "You can do parkour can't you?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, remember I went to that training course thing." Your dad made you go to some parkour training around 2 years ago because he wanted to make sure that you would stay safe if you were in trouble.

"Well we'll have to climb the wall to get over, you go over first and I'll hold them off." You smile at him for being brave but he was your only friend and you couldn't lose him.

"Lets go together." He nods and starts whacking zombies over the head and you do the same. Everywhere you look there are zombies coming towards you, trying to turn you into one of them so you can't think or feel. You start to run at speed towards the wall and leap onto it, only just making it to the roof of the small building. "Y/N help." Liam misses his stepping and falls back to the ground. He runs up the wall again and you grab his arm to pull him up. "Thanks." As he stands up you notice a rip in his trousers.

"Liam?" He looks down at his leg and sighs. "D... did you get b... bitten?" As he nods you take a step back. Your eyes widen as you realise what you have to do. "I won't do it." Your eyes start to water but no matter how hard you try tears rool down your cheeks. "You can't just leave me. You've been my one and only friend, why do you have to go now?" He smiles and steps towards you.

"Being honest I dont know if it is a bite, I hurt it when I fell." You quickly bend down and examine his foot to see if there are teeth marks. "Anything?" You smile.

"Nothing I can see but I promise if you do turn, I will kill you." The words automatically left your mouth and you stood up. You looked over the roof to see a dead body, Rei (who is by the body) and Takashi standing there. "Are you guys okay?" You go to jump down but slip. You close your eyes, ready for impact but when you open them you find yourself is Takashi's arms. You feel your cheecks burn and you know you're blushing.

"Be more careful." He exclaims as you jump out of his arms, your heart thumping against your chest.

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