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He paces up and down, scratching his chin occasionally looking at the dead body. You stare at Rei who has red eyes and looks like she's been crying. She doesn't look at the body and instead has her back facing it.You put your earphones in but no music plays.

You and Liam feel awkward because you realise that they've been through a lot. They've had to kill their own friend (you think) but you may also have to kill Liam. Before you think too much about that you think of something else. Why did my heart beat so much when he caught me. You think staring at Takashi who walks over to Rei. They start having a conversation and look at the door by us. Liam starts shivering and you look at him. "Liam?" As he notices you staring at him he looks away and stops shivering.

"I'm cold, that's all." He exclaims looking up at the sky.

"Liam." You go to look at his face but he moves away.

"Why won't you believe me Y/N?" He looks down at his pale hands and you move away from him. He recently went on holiday and came back with a tan, how are his hamds so pale?

"B-because you're different."

"Well if I do change you said you would kill me, I'm not changing, just cold." You quickly stand up and hit your head on something soft. You hear a gasp and turn around to see Takashi. You feel your cheeks blush yet again and turn around quickly.

"Uh...sorry." You murmer walking away.

"We have a plan." Takashi explains. "We will use the water hose from in there to clear an entrance for us all to escape. This will either work really well or go horribly wrong." He looks over to the barrier and sniffs in dissapointment. He looks at Liam, then at you. He tilts his head to tell you to go talk to him. "Is your friend ok?" You stand there looking out at the destroyed city.

"Well... I don't know if he's been b...bitten or not." Takashi slowly looks at you before grabbing the rail either side of you.

"Are you trying to get us all killed? If he turns we're all dead, and I want to survive. Tch, should have let you fall and kill him." Your heart breaks as he says he should have let you fall.

"I want to survive too, and if it means I have to kill him the...then I will. But if you want to make sure it's a bite go over and check." Takashi seems suprised at your outburst which makes you happy that you can suprise him. He releases the rail and walks over to Liam.

A few moments later Takashi walks over to you. "He's returning to his normal colour. But that doesn't mean he won't turn." You nod and turn around to look at the city again. You remove your bobble from your hair and let it flow in the wind.

"Y/N." You turn and face Liam who's looking as good as he did before the apocalypse. "Your eyes are still as blue as ever." He smiles and caresses your cheek.

"Liam, please stop." You back away from him but he leans closer.

"How can I when you're so beautiful?"

"Look, I... I like someone else." He laughs and turns around.

"But they're probably dead." You feel your face turn red and turn away.

"Actually, he's closer than you may think, and he's still alive." Liam's footsteps indicate he walked away and you breath. I don't even know if I like Takashi.

"We're trying out the plan now!" Takashi shouts and you all gather around. You and Liam grab your baseball bats ready to whack some zombies over the head, Takashi holds the pipe and Rei turns it on. Takashi only just managed to keep hold of the pipe and you giggle, unable to help yourself. Takashi stares at you, steading the water to aim at the zombies almost through the barrier.

They get knocked backwards along with other zombies surrounding the stairs and the hose turns off. You run forward and start hitting zombie after zombie over the head and letting them crumple to the ground. "Where are we going?" You yell over your shoulder.

"We'll try and escape the school, best way is to drive. None of us will be able to drive so it would be best to get a teacher."

"Umm, about that. When me and Y/N came over here we saw blood on the inside of the staff room so I'm guessing that they're zombies." Liam whacks a zombie over the head and carries on running.

"What about the nurse, she's an adult. Hard to miss a zombie like her." Rei insists running behind you. "If we try there then we might bump into some survivers." You and Liam slow down and let Takashi lead you to the nurses room.

"It isn't too far away from here, if we're lucky then we'll be able to get better equipment that will kill these things easier." Takashi shouts sliding through two zombies and hitting them on the head, blood flying everywhere. "Just follow me and we should be there in no time." You run down a few stairs and go down to ground floor. You sneak to the edge of a wall and peak around the edge.

"AHH, HELP!" A student is standing by a wall, surrounded by zombies. "PLEASE, I DON'T WANT TO DIE THIS WAY!" You stop staring and look back at the 'team'.

"They're all distracted for now. How far is the nurses room?" You ask Takashi.

"Halfway down the corridor." He moves and touches your arm making it warm, so warm it could burn.

"Then we have a problem." The screams of the student stops and the groans begin to move closer and closer to you. "Pass us that can." By the stairs there is a can and Rei passes it to you. "If zombie movies are accurate then this should work." You sneak out into the open and throw the can to the other end of the corridor. They all ignore you and go towards the sound. "Come on, but be very quiet, they only respond to sound." You all sneak down the corridor and enter the nurses room only to be invited by a lot of blood.

"Shit." Takashi whispers behind you. "Someone else was here with her, they can't be far." He runs out of the room, slamming the door.

"Come on." Rei follows him and you follow them struggling through the zombies so you wouldn't lose where they were going.

You come to reception and see 6 people, including Rei and Takashi, battling zombies (well 5 were the nurse looked a bit shocked to do anythin. You go to run in and help but they have already defeated all of them. "We need to get into a veichle now." Takashi points towards the school bus and you all run towards it.

Highschool of the dead (Takashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now