The Mainland

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You sat in the boat as Takashi sailed out, using his arm strength to row the boat. You skim the water with your hand and watch your reflection shimmer. "We're nearly there." Takashi points out and you look up, grabbing your kinfe you sharpened last night. "Remember what we said. We'll jump off and check for the zombies before heading towards the centre of town." Takashi goes over the plan you guys came up with last night.

"Got it." You look around to see if there are any zombies before you reach the land but there aren't any.

You both jump off the boat and tie it onto the shore so you can use it again. You wipe the sweat off with your black shirt... even though it stinks after you've warn it since the attack on Takagi's parents house, but they are comfortable and easy to move around in. You quickly put on your gloves and make sure your laces on your trainers are tied. "We ready to move?" You ask handling your knife and place your gun over your back.

"Yeah, as we agreed, let's just look around for anything useful first." Takashi takes out the handgun that you lent him seeing as you had a knife and the FAMAS, along with the backpack Matt came with. "We won't go too far from each other so stay in my sight and I'll stay in yours." You nod in agreement and travel more onto the land.

You swat away the flies that surround the dead bodies and you kick a few of them into the water, watching their body parts slowly fall apart as they're not connected properly, the flies fly after each individual part.

You step over more bodies and follow Takashi who wanders into a few bushes, the handgun firmly in his grasp. "We'll have to get going soon Takashi. We've not been out for a while so a lot could have changed, it might take us a long time... maybe even longer than a day." Takashi turns around a smiles.

"With us two on a team? We should be done soon enough." Takashi waits for you and you walk towards him, placing your knife in the other hand so you can hold Takashi's hand. "We're the best team and there's no one else I'd want more on my team." Takashi kisses your cheek and you blush a little bit.

"And I'm glad that you're on my team." You say back, pulling your pony tail behind you. You look forward at what you left behind about a week ago. Cars have blown up creating a pile up and makes it hard to get past them. Weeds and flowers have started to grow around the cars and buildings but only a bit. "Everything looks more like it did on zombie films." You exclaim stepping out of the bush.

Takashi uses his hand with the handgun in it to point over to the pile of cars not too far away. "We could use them to our advantage seeing as zombies can't climb." Takashi runs over, your hand still in his. He jogs over to where the cars but pulls me to the side as a zombie appears besides you.

You swing round and Takashi pulls you around and stab the zombie in the brain, it crumples to the floor. "This can't be the only zobie around here." You state standing back to back with Takashi, your hands now sweating. "We should get moving." Takashi lets go of your hand and sprints towards the cars. You follow him and clamber on the cars that sway with your weight. You pull your beanie off and shove it in a pocket, hoping that it stays safe.

"Wait." You reach the top and Takashi holds out his hand. You look down and notice a massive hoard of zombies. "How the hell did it get this bad?" He questions and the car starts to sway.

"H-How are we meant to get past them?" You question watching the zombies walk around aimlessly. "We can't shoot them all." The car starts to feel a bit more unstable so you grab onto Takashi's arm.

"We need to get off the now!" Takashi yells, drawing the zombies attention. "Jump!" You both jump back to where you came from and run. You just run, as far as you can. It's already gone wrong and we've only been here for a few minutes. You panic as you hear a crashing sound behind you. "Y/N, we've got to run and find another way across, it looks like we'll be doing this on foot and from what I remember that was the only way we could get to the centre of town." Takashi's voice breaks in dissappointment.

You look around and grab his arm, yanking him back. "This isn't your fault, we didn't plan on this and things go wrong, this was just something that went wrong. We'll find another way across, I promise." The only reason you can't pass anywhere else is because there's a massive ditch and inside it are a mass of zombies, there was a bridge down there but even that was full.

"There's no other way though." Takashi's eyes fill with tears and your heart brakes.

"Then we'll have to make a way won't we? We're the most wreckless aren't we?" You ask pulling him in closely.

His eyes say everything as the tears dissappear and he smiles. "You're the most wreckless." He corrects you making you smile. "Any ideas on how we can get past then?" Takashi springs the question you were waiting for.

"I always have a plan... even if they don't work." You laugh nervously and walk over to a wrecked car. "This plan means we're going to have to run really quickly, preferably in the direction we're heading." You point out, smashing the window. An alarm sounds but not loud enough for you so you use your knife to whack the wheel where the horns are.

"This was your plan!?" Takashi shouts over the car horn. "Only this is definately wreckless." He grabs your hand and starts to sprint through the zombies that are gathering up slowly.

You don't say a word, just dodge zombies, but the zombies just get thicker. Your hand loosens fro Takashi's and you both get seperated as a zombie stands in front of you. You can't kill it incase you attract any attention.

You start to panic as Takashi gets ahead so you decide to climb on top of a car next to you. This went wrong quickly. You think as you watch Takashi struggle to get through the zombies alive. We're dead. You think as you try to stop shaking in fear.

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