Home? - Part 1

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You and Takashi carry on making your way through the streets, hoping that you'll start to get closer to the centre of town. "This place has changed quite a bit since we were last here." Takashi points out, his gun pointing every which way. "I can barely tell where we are."

"Can you even tell where we are at the moment?" You ask Takashi while busting through a door. "Only I can't really tell where we are." The house seems to be wrecked so you grip your handgun even tighter.

The eerie sound of nothing makes you shiver. "I'll go first." Takashi grabs your shoulder and goes ahead of you. "Watch my back." You quickly turn around and look at the door, hoping nothing will attack you. Basically you're doing a lot of hoping.

Creeping up the stairs with your back against Takashi's you both freeze when you hear a tin rolling. You notice Takashi's breathing fastening so you gulp and step in front of Takashi. "I'll take this." You whisper to him as you slowly step up to the room the can came from. Your footsteps are silent but your breathing is shaking so you stop to take a breath.

"Why don't we do it at the same time." Takashi whispers as he sneaks up next to you. He stands on one side of the door while you stand on the other. "Three, two, one-"

"Go." You finish and you both walk into the door, your guns pointed at potential danger.

When you notice nothing's here you sigh and start to relax, laughing when you think about how funny you guys must have looked. "We'll loot this place then we'll head out." Takashi says while clutching his stomach. "We'll do upstairs then downstairs." You nod in agreement and start searching the floor, hoping for something good.

"That was a waste of time." You sigh as you bite into the bar of chocolate you found. "We just found this stupid bar of chocolate that tastes disgusting." You hand the bar over to Takashi after you eat half of it and he quickly devours it.

"We'll just stay on task from now on then." Takashi throws the wrapper on the floor and wipes his mouth. "But... we will need a place to stay after a bit seeing as it is slowly turning into night and soon we'll need some decent food." You place your hand in Takashi's and notice he's shaking.

"Are you okay?" You ask as he looks down at the floor. "Takashi?"

"I-I'm fine." His hands starts to sweat and he gulps. You instsantly know something is wrong.

Stopping and grabbing both of Takashi's hands you look him in the eyes. "Your hands are still shaking, what's wrong?" Takashi looks up at you and he shakes his head. "What happened to telling each other everything?" You ask him and he sighs.

"We'll talk about it when we get away from them." He nods towards a few zombies that are heading your way and you both raise your guns. Shooting them, you and Takashi start running closer to your goal, hoping you'll make it there by night.

I'm going to leave it here, and I'm sorry that I haven't updated this for a while :)

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