How is this possible?

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You start to hear voices in the distant but your vision remains black. You can't exactly make out what the voices are saying, they sound weird. You even feel like your just floating, going nowhere, just lying there helplessly.

You start to feel a slight pain in your stomach and your hand feels warm. "(Y/N) is waking up!" I hear that one familiar voice that I know too well. "(Y/N)." My vision brightens until I'm blinded by light. "It's good to see you awake." Takashi's face beams over yours and you look at him suprised.

"I-I'm alive?" You go to sit up but Takashi holds you down.

"It would be best if you stayed there. Ms. Marikawa sorted out your injuries just in time." You look down at the cut that's on your stomach then relax again, looking back at Takashi.

"How the fuck did you get me here on your own?" You ask, smiling a bit so you don't worry Takashi too.

"Well, I'm strong so it wasn't too hard." Takashi flexes his muscles and you laugh, shaking your head.

"I wouldn't call them muscles." You joke. I'm so lucky to have someone like Takashi with me. You smile at your thought and Takashi leans down, kissing your nose. "Thank you." You say quietly.

"I've not done anything." Takashi lies on the sand next to you, putting his arm under your head. "I just did what was nessicary and it saved your life." You don't dare move even though you want to hug Takashi right now.

"So, you're awake." Matt swags over with his hands in his pockets. "You've been out for a day, even I was starting to worry about you." Takashi removes his arm from behind your head and sits up, looking Matt in the eyes.

"Just go away Matt." Takashi growls and Matt throws his hands up.

"I was just trying to be nice." Matt sluggishly walks away, looking over his shoulder with a smile on his face.

"What happened with you two?" You ask, propping yourself up with your elbows.

"We've just had a bit of an argument. He, um, blamed me for the fact that you got shot." Takashi confeses and you sigh, hanging you head backwards.

"That's Matt for you, trying to make you feel guilty about the things... you didn't do." You clutch your stomach as you put your knee up. "Don't listen to him." Takashi wraps his arm around your back to support you.

"Just rest, everything's fine." You look over at Takashi's face but notice he's scowling.

"I honestly don't think it is. I want to get up on my feet as soon as possible." You place you hand on Takashi's shoulder and put your weight on it so you can stand up.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Takashi asks but still helps you get up. "You need rest." He grabs your arm as you clutch you stomach but you laugh through gritted teeth.

"Like I give a shit." You step forward and clench your fists tightly so you don't cry in pain.

"(Y/N)I don't want you to be in so much pain. I don't like seeing you like this." Takashi tries to stop you but you carry on, your legs trembling.

"It feels like I haven't walked in ages." You smirk and place your finger below Takashi's jawline. "So, I think you deserve a kiss for saving me." You lean in closer and kiss, your body further away so you don't lean on it and hurt it even more.

"(Y/N) you should still be resting." Ms Marikawa comes bounding over with her medkit. "I've banaged you up and stopped the bleeding but that doesn't mean you still don't need medical care. And no making out until your better." She runs away again and you sigh.

"No making out, are you serious?" You joke leaning on Takashi. "Where are Takagi and Rei?" You ask noticing their absence.

"They've gone to find some medical supplies for your wound." Takashi informs you frowning. "You do realise we're not going to be able to make out for weeks?" He frowns making you feel guilty.

"And that will stop me?" You lean in again and Takashi can't help but kiss you back.

Sorry, it's a short chaoter as I've barely had any time to write. Sorry :(

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