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Why is it always Liam saving me? Where's Takashi when I need him the most? You attack one more zombie and sigh, realising how tired you are. "We were about to go to Ms. Marikawa's friends house." Liam informs you.

"Is she dead or something?" You randomly ask. He shrugs and you look at the team again. Everyone seems happy to see each other again, then there was you and Liam, the outsiders.

"What's wrong you guys?" Saeko sneakily walked up to you and you sighed, again.

"Nothing." You quickly say.

"Come join us then, we're going to..."

"Liam told me." You smile and stretch. "It would be nice to get some rest." You walk towards the team who are talking about going to the house.

"If me and Ms. Marikawa go on the motorbike to her friends house then we can check that it's safe. If it is..." Takashi continues. "...then we'll use both of the motorbikes to transport us." Everyone including you nods and lets Takashi and Ms. Marikawa drive away.

"You should check your bike out." Rei nods at your bike lying on the side of the bridge. You walks towards it and pick it up, examining the damage from when it hit the side of the bridge.

"Shit." Touching the scratches on the side, a screw falls out and hits the ground. "I'm not much of a mechanic." You put the bike on its side to look where it fell from.

"I can help you if you want." You turn around and face Hirano, his face dangerously close to yours.

"You can do it if you want." You back away and let Hirano sort your bike out. You already have oil on your hands and you rub them on your already filthy clothes. "Ok guys." You walked towards the rest of the group and grabbed their attention. "If my bike will be fine, I'll be able to take one of you with me, the rest of you will have to walk unless me and Takashi come back and forth. If we have enough gas then we'll be able to transport you all back on the bikes. If you guys could start walking as fast as possible to the place then we won't have to use as much gas." They all nod in agreement.

"I think that if Hirano goes first, seeing as he doesn't like walking." Takagi pouts and folds her arms. "He could also be good for looking around the house to find anything useful." Hirano stands the bike up and turned around smiling.

"Good as new." He joins the convorsation and you tell him that you'll be taking him first. "Great! But who's Takashi going to take?" You think about it for a while before Rei speaks up.

"I think Takagi should go." Takagi looks offended.

"But I have all the brains, you'll need me to survive the wa-" Liam interupts her.

"Look, you don't fight, you'd be more use at the house than here with us." She looks andry for a bit but the nods in agreement. "And Y/N won't be able to travel much with the gas she has, she'll probably only be able to make two trips there and back, Takashi would probably only be able to make the one trips here and back so we'll need Rei to go with Y/N on the second travel." Rei looks happy and we're all happy.

"Will you two be okay by yourself?" You ask Saeko.

"Of course." She smiled and looked at her wooden sword. "He seems like a good fighter, I should be able to out up with him." You laugh.

"It is okay to call you Saeko right?" She nods.

"Yes, I let all my friends call Me Saeko." She tunred away and looked at the bridge to her right. "My only worry will be making sure we get the right house." She saw your worried look and laughed. "We'll be fine, if you stand by the house we'll find you." You looked at the sky where the sun was setting.

Highschool of the dead (Takashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now