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I'm writing on my phone so the spellings might be a bit off as I struggle to type on my phone XD oh and I don't think Rei's dad has a name (if he does oh well) so I'm going to give him a name... that name is Rin (I need it to be easy to remember) XD.

You stand there utterly confused. "Wait, so you're Rei's father?" You ask as he stands up.

"Yes, is my daughter okay, is she still alive?" He grabs Takashi by the shoulders and starts shaking him.

"Yes, she's fine. You'll be able to see her again, but can you please let me go?" Takashi steps back and Rei's dad starts whooping around the place.

"So, um, Rei's dad h-" You go to ask something but he calms down and corrects you.

"Just call me Rin." You nod and carry on with your sentence.

"How have you been surviving this long in this place?" Rin sighs and sits down again, a smile plastered on his face.

"This place has a whole load of food and water along with bullets for me to shoot those rascals." Rin picks up the gun he dropped on the floor. "I couldn't get through to anyone over the radios around here." You and Takashi look at each other.

"Where are the radios? We only came here for them." Takashi bends down and Rin looks up at him, his eyes sparkling.

"They're in the storeroom at the back, but last time I checked it was locked." Rin looks down at the floor.

"Takashi." You grab Takashi's arm and drag him away from Rin. "If the room's locked then we're going to have to make noise to get in, that means we're going to attract zombies. If anything, Rin's going to make the job harder so we're going to have to keep him occupied while we do all the... noisy stuff." Takashi looks over your shoulder at Rin.

"What can we ask him to do?" Takashi looks back into your eyes and you already have a plan.

"He said there was lots of food and water, if we keep him occupied looking for that then when we run out we can grab him." Takashi nods and clears his throat.

"Uh, Rin. Could you show us where the storeroom is and then go and find some food and water? We'll grab you on our way out. Just stay near to the storeroom." Rin stands up and walks out the room, meaning you have to follow.

"It's not too far from here, it's just locked." Rin speeds up so you and Takashi end up running. "Here it is." You all stop at a door and Rin instantly runs away.

"Takashi." You whisper and he looks at you. You point towards the broken window where zombies patrol the street.

"Shit." He mutters, pulling the handle down to check that it's locked. "We're going to have to break down this door, you go in while I fight these motherfuckers off. Deal?" You nod and hold his hand for support. "Ready?" He asks.

"Ready." You kick the door down and hurry in, taking your backpack off and grabbing radios quickly. You don't care about how many you grab, just as long as you have enough. "Let's go." You run out of the room and grab Takashi's arm while flinging the backpack on your back.

"That was quick." Takashi runs over to Rin who seems confused with all the running away.

"Yeah, I picked random ones so they might not work but right now, we have to get out of here." You open the front door for Rin and Takashi before running out yourself. "Rin, what did you get?" You run next to him and see what he has.

"I, ate it. Sorry." You stare at Rin before looking at Takashi.

"(Y/N), we're going to have to get back tonight, we can't stop moving." You nod and hack at a zombies head. "The way Rin is here, I think he wants to see his daughter." Rin's face enlightens again before sinking.

"I- I don't think it's safe for me to see her." Rin slows down so you place your hand on his back amd push him.

"Why not?" Takashi asks.

"I was bitten... yesterday which is why I was in that room, hoping to die." Rin confesses and you and Takashi run infront of him, guns pointed at his head.

"Where's the bite?" You ask looking for a womb.

"Here." Rin unbuttons his shirt a bit and reveals a bite on his side. "I know I should have told you guys earlier."

"You think so! You've just put me and my girlfriend in danger and if we would've taken you back to everyone else then they could've been in danger." Takashi starts to get angry and walks forward, his gun on Rin's head.

"If you kill me, at least give this the Rei." He rumages in his pocket before pulling out his gun. "Get away from me and you won't get hurt."

"Put the gun down." You order, shooting a zombie behind him. "Takashi! Move away." You order and Takashi does so slowly. "We won't harm you. We only want you to see Rei." You try to reassure but Rin's hands are shaking too furiously.

"Put your guns down." Rin orders but Takashi objects.

"We're protecting us all by shooting zombies." Takashi shoots a few zombies causing Rin to accidently shoot. "(Y/N)!" Takashi yells as you look down at the blood from your stomach. "What the fuck have you done you dick?" Takashi runs over to you, his eyes tearing up.

"I'm sorry." Rin whispers before shooting himself.

"You can make it through this (Y/N). We've come so far, I can't bear to loose you now." Takashi's tear drops onto you cheek.

"Let's get moving then." You stand up and lean on Takashi, but after one step you fall down again. "I'm sorry. I love you, Takashi." Your vision starts to waver before you plunge into darkness.

Dun dun dun.... could this be the end? Could the next chapter be in Takashi's POV?

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