Boyfriend and girlfriend

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Hey guys, it's me again. I have decided after thinking for a while to add an extra chapter in that isn't in the anime. It might be good it might be bad but I just hope you enjoy it and I might class this as another season of HOTD, I don't know, comment on what you think I should do.

You and Takashi decided to go out with each other after a few days of talking about it. He asked you otu and you didn't even hesitate to say yes. Everyone seems to have settled down. Hirano is still chasing after Takagi but she's got so used to it she accepts it, even if every now and then Takagi flips on him. Saeko and Rei didn't like the idea of you and Takashi going out in the first place but they're now used to it and accept it. After Liam's death you still has a few nightmares but Takashi is always there for you.

You've not had any problems with zombies since you moved to the island, just the problem of food and having to get off the island to get wood for a fire so it's safe. "Hey Y/N, want a bit?" Takshi walks over to you with a plate of cooked seaweed, well the last of it.

"I'm going to be sick of seeing seaweed after this." You laugh and taste it. You watch Hirano walk past with his gun, checking it as he goes to shoot zombies as he goes scouting. You've all decided that killing a zombie no matter how far away when you see one would be the best idea as there will be one less zombie and you might defeat them all, which you all agreed won't happen with the ammo you have but you might as well try. "Don't you think that maybe going onto the mainland and looking for other survivors or food would be a good idea?" You ask Takshi as he lies down next to you, his arm extended.

"Food yes, more survivors is a maybe. The more survivors the less food we'll have." You lie down next to Takashi and place you head on his arm.

"I guess, but if we pick the correct survivors then we could end up getting more food and between me and you I think the other girls are getting lonely." You wink at Takshi and he laughs.

"As long as your happy I'm happy." He turns his head and kisses your forehead before looking up at the sky. "But I'll agree with you on the food, we're all becoming weak and skinnier. Look at Hirano for example, he's lost loads of weight, even if he is still on the big side." You roll on your side and put your arm over his stomach.

"Why don't we go onto the mainland then, there should be some sort of food there that will satisfy us, mabye even some animals that we can hunt." You suggest sitting up straight. "And then if we see any more survivors that are worthy enough to come here we'll... recruit them?" Takashi sits up and laughs, stretching his arms.

"What are we now? A gang?" You push him on the floor jokingly and sit on top of him. His grin remains on his face and you smile a bit. Takshi strains his neck and kisses you on the lips. He grabs your neck and pulls you down before rolling over and getting on top of you. "We'll recruit as ong as we'll stay the same. I don't want some boy to come and then they hit on you." Takashi breaks up the kiss and you look up at him.

"You're the ony person I want." You quickly peck his lips and he gets off you, helping you up after he brushes himself down quickly.

"What are you two love-birds up to?" You look to your right and notice Rei's standing there with her hand on her hips.

"We're just talking about going back to the mainland to get some supplies." You state, brushing off the sand that's on you.

"Ok. I just came over to tell you guys that while Saeko is attempting to build the hut, me, Hirano and Takagi are going to the mainland to get more wood for a fire for tonight, the hut and spare parts for arrows and a bow when we find some string. You two can go on gun duty. We've left two guns by the hut Saeko's making." Rei informs you on everything that's happening and all you two can do is agree. "We'll be back by... dusk hopefully." You all look up to the sun and see where it is. "We've got a while as I'd guess it's only 2:00pm but we never know how far we'll have to go." Rei turns around and waves goodbye and she quickly runs towards the boat.

"Since when were we going to make arrows and a bow?" You ask Takashi as you both trudge up to the building site.

"They must have only just decided on that. It's a good idea though. All we'd need is some sharp rock, a stick and something to tie the rock on for the arrows and then a stick with string for a bow." Takashi explains and you nod as you slide your hand into his.

"It would be easier if we found a bow and arrows." You joke and Takashi laughs in agreement.

You snuggle into his arm and you feel the warmth go throught your body. It's weird to think that you and Takshi never knew each other before the outbreak but now you're both dating each other. "Are you cold babe?" Takshi ask worriedly but you shake your head.

"No, I'm just thinking of how lucky I am to be with you." Takashi ruffles your hair and you smack his hand away jokingly. "Too cheesy?"

"You're never too cheesy, you're just right." Takshi says as you both reach the guns. "Ok. So would you like the AMT AutoMag III (handgun) or the SCAR-H (assault rifle)?" You pick up the AMT AutoMag III as it's the easier one to shoot and Takashi is better with the SCAR-H.

You found a few new guns on zombies you'd shot down and in a place that had a few guns on the floor which was lucky. Unfortunately, only a few of them were in shooting condition and one of the guns had no bullets with it, even though you have kept it. "Are you sure you want the handgun?" Takshi picks up the SCAR-H.

"I'm sure, I can shoot better with this one than the one you have." You throw up the AutoMag III and catch it again so you can test the weight of it.

"If you're sure. How's the hut going Saeko!?" Takashi turns around and you both walk towards the hut Saeko's building.

"Great, with the stuff we have anyway." You examine the hut and nod.

"It's really good. At least we'll stay sheltered, before you'll know it we'll have stick houses." You joke and Saeko laughs.

"I think we'll end up with one hut each so we have some privacy, and if we have a guest one or something incase we find suvivors." Saeko wraps vines around another stick so it stays on the hut.

You turn around to Takshi and raise an eyebrow. "See, someone else thinks we'll find survivors." Takshi shakes his head while smiling and he shrugs.

"Well we're on gun duty as you can tell so we'll get going and leave you to it." Takshi and you turn around and walk to the edge of the water.

I'm going to leave this here, if you want more comment even though I'll probably add another chapter.

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