Getting Back Together

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While Takashi sleeps, his head falls to the side and you have to scoot closer to him to catch his body so it doesn't slam against the floor. Your heart aches being so close to him, knowing how heartbroken he is and how much you must've scared him. "I'm sorry Takashi." You mutter, stroking his wet hair. "I'm such a shit friend to you aren't I? There's a zombie apocalypse and I'm scaring everyone by being weird." You go on and sigh, placing your head on the wall behind you. "Now I don't think anyone wants me here, yet after what happened with Rei, I don't know if me leaving would be a loss." As you think about your words you realise how depressed you have become. "I need to get a life." You sigh once more and stand up, slowly placing Takashi's body on the floor so you don't disturb him.

"(Y/N) wait." His hand falls into yours as you go to stand up and you pause, closing your eyes. "I... I wouldn't want you to leave me. I've lost Rei, and that was something. I don't want to lose someone like you." Your eyes fill as you hear his words yet you don't turn around to face him. "(Y/N)? If you're mad at me for dumping you, you have to understand why I did it. I did it so that Freya couldn't get in the way... yet I didn't realise how lonely I would be without you." His grip tightens as you continue to face the opposite direction, a tear escaping for your eye. "Please, can we be back together?" His voice finally breaks and I feel something splash against my hand.

"Don't cry, please." You finally manage to say. "I... I can't do with anymore messing around. I don't want to feel used anymore." You free your hand of his grip and walk out the small house, shutting the door behind you.

As you walk away you hear Takashi sobbing and I smash. You lean back on the door, covering your eyes as you slide down. Why did it have to happen like that? Why... I'm fed up of this shit. You think, tears slowly dripping down your face.

Takashi's POV

I can't believe how much I messed her around. God. I'm such a fucking idiot. My hand hits the floor as my tears can't bear to stay in my eyes and decide to make my life harder. I'd crawled over to the door after (Y/N) but she shut the door before I could grab her and pull her back. But would she even listen to me anymore? "I'm sorry." I whisper into my knees that have curled up to my face. "I'm so sorry." I say slightly louder and before I know it my head is against the door, deciding on how I should make things better.

I remember that after a few weeks of us going out she stated clearly she'd been messed around with before and she doesn't want that to happen, yet here I am after messing it up so badly, even though I promised I wouldn't do that... ever. She's been the first girl to stick up for me in every battle, even if she knew I was wrong and she's always been there for me when I needed her the most and I've repaid her by doing this. What sort of person does that? Oh yeah, an idiot like me. My heart breaks slightly and I gasp for breath after all my tears have fallen.

I try to lean back on the door with force to open it but an object blocks the door and I realise that she's on the other side of the door. "(Y/N), listen to me." I quickly kneel and face the door, practically begging now. "You have to understand why I broke up with you." I face the floor, unable to cry after I cried all my tears previously. "I did it for your safety but I didn't realise you were the one reason I was safe." My voice cracks but I don't give up trying. "I didn't intend to mess you around like this... I promise."

Suddenly the door opens and (Y/N) stands in front of me, her eyes red and puffy. "Didn't you think about how I would have felt? Didn't you realise that you'd hurt me more than you could protect me? And the way you said to Peter I could go out with him as if I was an object hurt me so badly!" Tears drip down her face and I only want to kiss her to calm her down but there's no way she'd let me. "You only think about yourself. The whole to protect you was a shit ton of bullshit!" I look down at her words as they sink through my skin.

It had started to get colder and snow slowly fell to the ground. "It's not like that." I whisper loud enough for her to hear but she goes to shut the door in my face. Before she can do so I put my hand in the way, causing my hand to get squashed between the wall and the door. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I end up yelling standing up and looking (Y/N) in the eyes, her face becoming pale as she gulps nervously. "I'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT ABOUT YOU AND HOW TO HELP YOU! I'VE ALWAYS BEEN WORRIED ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I WAS TO TURN AND YOU FOLLOWED WHICH IS WHY I'M STILL HERE!" I finally snap, telling her my thoughts. "DON'T EVER THINK I'VE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT YOU! WHEN YOU GOT SHOT I WAS SO FUCKING SCARED!" I look at (Y/N) as she gasps and opens the door fully for me to enter.

I walk in before slamming the door shut. "Takashi." She mutters nervously as she sinks into the corner. "We... we must have both misunderstood each other." She finally says pushing her hair back which is still slightly damp.

"Sorry." Is all I can muster myself to say as I pace up and down our wooden cabin nervously. "I didn't mean to say all of that." I clear my throat, the tension slowly dying between us.

"I'm glad you said it though, it made me realise that we both didn't know each other as well as we thought we did and we should grow closer." She smiles weakly, shivering slightly and I kneel down in front of her. "Can... can we get back together now?" She finally says and my eyes widen as I wasn't expecting her to want to be my girlfriend again. "I think we needed the break."

My mouth opens but no words manage to come out of it. "Sure." I quickly say and she smiles warmly. "Yeah, I'll be your boyfriend again." I say before hugging her.

I know these chapters are small but I'm so busy and unable to upload that I might as well upload more frequently with smaller chapters than not upload for years and just putting the whole book in one chapter

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