Runaway - Part 2

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As Hirano told Takashi how to use his gun, you quickly glanced at the land behind you, everywhere on fire. "What ya doing?" Liam pops out of the hole and you only just manage to hole onto the sides to stay on.

"A bit of warning next time." You groan, looking at the girls who are changed.

"Holy shit, they're fit." Liam suggests and you ignore him. The only person you will ever like is Takashi, and if he goes away, there will be nothing else.

"Tch, yeah right." You jumped off the car and landed in front of Takashi. "Are we ready to go?" You asked. The girls nodded as the talked about their clothes.

"Us boys will go first." Takashi insists and you don't dare say other, instead you nod and grip your gun, hoping they will be okay. Takashi is so manly. He knows how to treat girls like you and puts his life before yours, just so you will be safe. "It's safe." You run up to join them as Ms. Marikawa drives the car uphill.

"Why are there no zombie?" You question looking at the deserted town with hardly any damage to it. "This town looks okay, there are just no people or zombies." The car door opens and you look at everyone but you and Takashi in the car.

"Me and Rei will be on top, is there any room inside?" You look in to see all the seats taken.

"I guess I could hand onto the side." You suggest to make things a lot easier.

"If you want to." Takashi climbs on top with Rei and lies down on his back, looking at the sky. If I fall off... You think hanging onto the side. As the car starts you lirch backwards but stay on, clinging on for life. If you feel off at the speed you were going, one thing would be zombies would attack you, secondly, you would put to team in danger.

With your hair flying behind you, you breathe in the fresh air, for once there was no rotten flesh, no zombies and no people to put us back, everything was okay for now. But the fact that there were no zombies still gets you worried. If the world is in mayhem, zombies everywhere then how are the no zombies here?

You go past some shops and with a quick glance you saw that they still had a lot of stuff in there. Nothing has even been taken from the shops, nothing seems right. Nothing ever seems right any more.

Soon enough you come out of your thoughts as one by one, zombies start to come. Not many but a few. Someone knocks on the window and you look to see Takagi opening it. "Noticed anything?" She asks.

"Where about are we in the town before I answer that question?" You ask Ms. Marikawa.

"We're getting near the centre." She responds paniced as she turns a corner to dodge zombies.

"Then I would say the closer we're getting to the centre, the more zombie." They all look at you confused but as they look out they understand what you mean. The crowd of zombies are getting thicker and thicker making it dangerous for you to be on the side.

You heave yourself on top so you could stay safe and clung onto the front of the roof. "You guys might wanna hang on!" You shout so they can hear you. "I've got a feeling something bad is going to happen!" They obeyed but kept their eyes infront, you did the same.

As you drove through an immense crowd of zombies, Takashi grabbed Rei while you were taking most of the beating. "Stop, there's a fence!" Takashi shouts, one eye open. The car swerves and the tyres lock, letting you finally see what is going on after looking the other way due to zombies flying into your face.

Using the bobble you had from in school, you put your hair up quickly and stand on the car after it stopped moving. It would be impossible to kill all of the zombies, even with all the ammunition.

Hirano, Rei and Takashi started firing and gunshots rang through the air. You joined in, killing the zombies on the front rown and trying to not shoot Saeko who was running around hitting zombies on their heads with ease. "Shit!" You look at Takashi who has dropped all of his bullets on the floor. They roll away into the crowd and he tries to crawl after him.

He starts to draw the zombies attention so you know you have to do something. You start shooting the zombies around him, but it is no use, he's attracting too much attention.

He realises and crawls out again, only so he could use Rei's gun while she was lying on her back (for some reason (you didn't see what happened)) and tries to shoot them.

While he gets used to aiming, you shot the zombies advancing towards him so he had a chance. You knew you had to attract their attention another way. You only had one choice.

You jumped off the car and ran through the zombies dodging a few on the way. Moving to the outskirts of the zombies you pointed your gun up and started shooting. You luckily attracted a lot of attention and they became interested in you. But that was only the ones at the right hand side.

As they surrounded you, you only had one way out. Up. You quickly dropped the gun which was attached on the belt and grabbed the wall above to make a great escape.

You scrambled up and still had the zombies attention, but few by few they lost interest and started to move back to the group. You shot again and their attention was iust in Hirano and Takashi. There was nothing you could do.

To get back you couldn't just go through the crowd again, you needed to go around them but there was only a hill that was accessible. You ran up it dodging zombie by zombies. You pulled your knife off the gun and started killing zombies instead of dodging them.

You knew what Takagi's house looked like (you planned before to go there) but you didn't know how to get there. You didn't even know the town well. It would just be guess work from here, if you survive.

Luckily for you, her house is massive compared to the other houses which makes it a lot easier for you to see where you have to go. "Shit." To your right, zombies swarmed towards you. Looking around you see no way to get out of it so run, using your knife to slash any zombies who got too close for comfort.

I was a bit late updating this one sorry, school homework is annoying XD enjoy this chapter.

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