Lost and Found

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Stuck in the middle of a zombie hoard on top of a car isn't what you hoped happened when you started off the alarm and it still hasn't stooped. Takashi dissapeared so you're scared out of your mind right now. You don't know if Takashi is dead, if you'll die, if you find each other again or if either of you will turn into a zombie. You can't even move incase you attract any unwanted attention, all you can do is stand there with a knife in your hand that you can't use because you'll get eaten alive. Takashi, you better make it out alive. You think while clenching your fist.

There's no way you can contact anyone, you have the backpack with a few supplies while Takashi has nothing but his gun.

You spin around and look for any sign of help but the zombies surround your car. You try to calm down and concerntarte but with no Takashi you feel helpless, like you can't do anything. Looking down, you notice some sort of metal object which could possibly be a tin can that got ran over by a car then somehow landed on top of the car.

You slowly bend down and watch the zombies struggle past you, the stench getting worse and worse. The squashed tin nears your hand as you struggle to reach it without making a noise. Your foot starts to slip as you reach even further to reach the tin so you slowly move that foot forward, turning your body around so you're facing the opposite direction.

With your breath shaking in fear you reach forward and grab the tin, picking it up slowly so you don't make a noise while the car horn is still blaring in the distance. The tin starts to slide out your hand as you stand up, your palm sweaty with fear. I've got to get to Takashi quickly before I actually loose him. You start to panic again as you straighten up, the tin can now sitting in your palm.

The zombies below you stop as they can't get any further and you realise that you're going to need a good throw to get them away. In physical activities your throw hasn't been the best and when you can throw far you don't have much accuracy so it's either not throw far but have good accuracy or throw as far as you can but have the worst accuracy ever.

After a bit of consideration you decide to aim for a zombie near the edge of the hoard so the tin would crash on the floor close to it. You throw and miss as it is a pretty large throw but it still makes a noise that you can hear from where you are.

Zombies around the car instantly swarm around the tin and you know it's the only time you'll be able to get away. "I'm faster than they are, they can't get me." You mutter to yourself as you walk to the edge of the car. "I've just got to run away and then when I get away I'll concerntrate on finding Takashi." Your legs start shaking and your grip tightens on your knife as you breathe in and out slowly.

You jump off the car and start to run, the zombies thinning out. You don't look back, you just keep on running, running until the zombies disappear. Without thinking you dodge a few zombies that are stranded behind with Takashi playing through your mind. Your eyes start to water as the thought of being lost creeps up on you. "He can't be that far." You choke as your vision starts to blur.

Wiping away the tears you try to toughen up even though it's hard. This is the first time you've been away from Takashi since you started going out and even since the start of the breakout you've more or less always stuck by his side.

The zombies subside and you slash one walker who's by itself. Now I've got to find Takashi. You think while gulping. You look behind quickly and stare at the zombies you attracted. "Holy shit. I atrracted that many?" You question yourself.

You turn around and start jogging, no one in sight. "Y/N!" You hear someone shout and you stop suddenly, looking for where the voice can from. "Y/N! Up here!" You look up and turn around before noticing Takashi in a building by the window. "We're going to have to get out of here but I didn't want to shoot! It's good to see you alive!" You sigh in relief as Takashi stands there beaming. "I need some help! I'm, uh, stuck in the building!" You smile a bit as Takashi smiles pathetically and leans out the window.

"There door's wide open though!" You strain your neck to look up.

"I know, I locked myself in this room and I can't get out!" Takashi glances at the hoard of zombies before quickly looking back at you. "Please come and help!" He starts to beg and you grunt.

"Just jump out of the window." You suggest and Takashi leans right out of the window. "If it's the only way to get out then you might as well. You're only jumping about one and a half meters, if you really want I'll catch you." You beam up and Takashi rolls his eyes before clambering out of the window.

"Stand back." He lowers himself down and jumps down next to you. "Is that good enough for you?" He asks offering his hand jokingly. "Or shall I impress you even more?"

"Maybe getting us away from here would be a good plan, got any ideas?" You turn around to the zombies again and you both sigh in sync.

Takashi puts his arm around your shoulder. "We'll head towards the centre of town but on foot it will take a while so I'd say we should rest somewhere safe, possibly somewhere high or quiet as long as it has good defenses." He kisses the side of your head and you smile.

Maybe, just maybe, me and Takashi will be able to get what we need and get back unscathed. You smile as you both walk away, his hand in your hand with both of you smiling as you hope you don't get separated again.

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