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"I only found these." Rei spreads out everything out on a shelf you found. "It's not too much." Takashi picks up the pistol and examines it.

"Here." He tries to pass it to you but you step back.

"No, you have it." You nervously laugh. "I've never used one before, I'd probably hurt myself." Takashi shrugs and takes it. You sigh in relif knowing that you're not going to hurt yourself.

"I found these too." Rei held out her hand and gave Takashi around 5 more bullets for the gun. He took them and stared at the blood on them. He then stared at Rei who was trying to wipe the blood off her hands.

"Where's the other gun?" He asked.

"I would have given it to Y/N because she doesn't have a weapon and I do but it was too badly damaged to be used." You nod in appreciation, and you were sort of glad, even if a pistol would have made you feel a bit safer.

"We better get moving." You suggest climbing on your bike again. "I feel like we'll need to top up the gas on these so we won't get stranded while in a battle." For the first time you drive in front, looking for a gas station to top up.

Before long you stop by a station and look around the still deserted town. "Shit." You both turn around and look at Takashi. "It's a self service."

"And?" Rei places her hands on her hips, her face expresses that she isn't happy.

"I only have 30 yen left, I spent the rest on a juice I bought earlier." He looks sad as he looks at the floor.

There's a moment of silence as she stares at him, making you feel awkward. "You suck." Rei brakes the silence, her face not the usual bright, happy face.

"Well sorry for not being Hisashi." You step back so you don't have to choose sides. If you sided with Takashi, Rei will probably be angry with you and if you sided with Rei then you would never forgive youself. Probably just best if I watch.

"What the hell's your problem?" Rei fires back angrily. "When did I ever compare you with Hisashi?" You try to look everywhere but at them but you can't help but stare at them.

"You told me that I suck. That would mean there's someone awesome to compare me against."

"You really suck." Rei says sternly, gripping her weapon tighter than before.

Takashi puts his hand out and Rei flinches, obviously thinking thathe was going to hit her. "Give me some cash." He forcefully exclaims.

"Well, my purse is in my bag." Her face relaxes again so you think it's safe to step forward again.

"And you just said I suck?" He turns around to you and holds his hand out.

"I've only just got enough money to refil my bike. I spent the rest on food." You rub the back of your neck smiling faintly.

"Well at least one bike is okay." He puts his bat over his shoulder and walks to the little shop in the gas station. "Stay out here. If you get into trouble just scream." He enters the shop and everything seems to turns quiet.

You walk over to your bike and put 100 yen in. "Please place your hand on the seat before you start." The machine says. You follow the instructions amd succesfully refil it. You hit the seat as if it's a prize possesion, proud of its standards.

"Sounds like someone's having fun." You look at Rei who's leaning against, staring at the shop where it sounds like Takashi is smashing everything. "Unlike some of us." You put your hand on her shoulder but she just shrugs it off. "Leave me alone Y/N." You sigh and walk away.

Highschool of the dead (Takashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now